Saturday, October 29, 2016

Huma's Hard Drive Deep Throating Hillary's Campaign

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Ask yourself the obvious in this of why Huma Abedin was storing tens of thousands of emails on her husband Anthony Wiener's hard drive laptop?

Come on you can get this as it is the crux of all of this.

Do not be diverted in John Podesta and Hillary Clinton now clambering for the FBI to release the emails, because the FBI can not released evidence in an active prosecution..........Hillary Clinton knows this, and it is why she is harping about this.

Now it should be obvious why Mr and former Mrs Wiener had those emails on Obama and Clinton right?

We know they are overflowing with Clinton and Obama crimes........the stuff not deleted by Bleach Bit......this is the real chit. The stuff that Russia was supposed to have. Thing is Anthony Wiener and his Muslim wife had this who do you think they passed it along to and why were they keeping it?

It starts with Black and ends with Mail.

This was the leverage file. The file that would get Anthony a job as ambassador to Pussy Island and Huma a job as the next Val-erie Jarrett. This is not just the smoking gun, the stroking gun, but the joy stick jizz of all jisms. This is the stuff that gets people to resign from Congress, gets Special Prosecutors to let the Clinton's off for crimes........this is the big bang of the 10 cc shotwad of all scandals. This is Richard Nixon's 15 minutes of silence.....this is Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's 15,000 emails of crime and they were being blackmailed over this stuff.

There is absolutely no reason for Huma Abedin to have Hillary chat on her husband's computer, hiding it all, except so when the FBI raided Huma would not have her computer destroyed. Get that point in this, in all the evidence was destroyed according to James Comey this is the original copy.

.......oh and if it was not that scenario, then we have here Anthony Wiener doing a hot link to Huma's computer and downloading pirate copies of all of these emails for his purposes of protection and profit.

There is absolutely no other reason for Anthony Wiener to have those emails, as he knew they were classified and not for civilian eyes.


Huma Swore Under Oath She Gave Up 'All Devices'...

Vowed she was not retaining copies of emails...

Somewhere in this is the Truth........did Hillary keep the emails to blackmail Obama and instructed Huma to make the copy? Did Huma do it on her own for her own leverage? Did Anthony Wiener conspire or did he just pirate his own copy to assure his safety?

Or..........did Anthony Wiener, after being abused by Hillary Clinton, take perv photos of himself to get the FBI involved, and then handed over the missing emails and all of Hillary and Obama's crimes, as part of the deal he has worked out with the Feds?

No one has said if this was the Perv Cam computer.......which means that it was all open to every hacker and foreign enemy to view.......or if this was a computer that Anthony Wiener had in some safe spot, as a bank vault, and he produced it to buy his freedom.

We do know that lovey Muslim Huma has left the building, which means the blue flame tongue of Hillary Clinton was scorching earth since Friday, and the focus of Hamrod wrath was on Muslim these emails were not supposed to exist in this copy.
You did catch it that this was Huma@YAHOO right? That means that Huma was making a backdoor copy of every damn criminal email Hillary Clinton and Obama generated and sending it to a public server. It is certain that the State Department had not hired Huma at Yahoo to be their official you figure out what an asset of Saudi Arabia in Huma and an asset of Tel Aviv were doing with damning emails which were are so toxic that Bleach Bit was employed to wipe all of this evidence away.

Think on that one in the real behind the scenes reality of this. It looks like Hillary Clinton and Obama were both being blackmailed or would be soon enough blackmailed.  Thank God New York FBI was on this as they are interested in enforcing the law.
