Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Peacock Patterns

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The tale of John Paisley is one which is unique in the CIA. He was quite the technological and linguistics expert on Russians, and an agent among agents, who was operating a sex house in DC back in the day, where one of the Nixon people liked showing up and beating on the girls in BDSM.

regular at these parties was Carl Bernstein. "In a December 1979 telephone interview, Bernstein denied having attended any such parties. A few days later he called back to say, 'I may have attended the parties, but I never met anyone named John Paisley'. Half a dozen Paisley intimates place Bernstein and Paisley at the same sex parties beginning as early as 1971."

The sex stuff is interesting as are the proclivities.

David S. Sullivan began telling friends that Paisley and Henry Kissinger were working as Soviet agents. Sullivan told CIA security chief Robert W. Gambino that there were ten moles in the CIA. On 25th August, 1978, Sullivan informed Gambino that "John Arthur Paisley, the former Deputy Director of Strategic Research, was working for the KGB." Sullivan does not appear to have any evidence that Paisley was a spy: "I guess, in the end, I never trusted him... I never liked him. There was something that wasn't right. He seemed like some kind of burned-out old fart who had a beard and looked like a queer. I am convinced he was the mole."

Paisley though while writing a report, happened to commit suicide on his boat, by being right handed and shooting himself behind his left ear, as he had weights tied to him and ended up in the water.

Gerald Sword, the first man to board Paisley’s boat. He looked through the papers and later told the CIA what he found. As Dick Russell points out, he found a CIA memo that stated: “Coast Guard personnel found some papers dealing with the Cuban crisis.” It is not known what was meant by the term “Cuban crisis” but it is possible that Paisley was writing a report about the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Former CIA agent, Victor Marchetti, told Harrison Edward Livingstone and Steve Parks of the Baltimore Sun that Paisley knew a great deal about the assassination of John F. Kennedy and was murdered during the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigation because he was "about to blow the whistle".

One does not ever become involved in a world where one has morals over sex things or coups to ever write about what you know which causes problems for the other amoral types who have no problem for the activities they are involved in.

Did you ever think that Julian Assange has a fail safe trigger on information, that if he goes tits up, the real leaks will occur, as everything which has been produced in this has been the light reading.

Gerald Sword, the first man to board Paisley’s boat. He looked through the papers and later told the CIA what he found. As Dick Russell points out, he found a CIA memo that stated: “Coast Guard personnel found some papers dealing with the Cuban crisis.” It is not known what was meant by the term “Cuban crisis” but it is possible that Paisley was writing a report about the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Former CIA agent, Victor Marchetti, told Harrison Edward Livingstone and Steve Parks of the Baltimore Sun that Paisley knew a great deal about the assassination of John F. Kennedy and was murdered during the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigation because he was "about to blow the whistle".

 It is fortunate to have friends who are Vulcans. It also is a matter to never violate the rules in outing people and following the rules to only discuss things which appear in the Mockingbird as those situations can be discussed.
