As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
These are the latest reversals by David John Oates on the Rense program. What is of interest is that the HW Bush reversals on Iraq War are popping up. The President reference Simoom, which is Arabic in Desert Storm that first appeared in both Bush administration reversals, and it has now appeared again with Reince Priebus.
President Donald Trump at Florida
Big hanger - and they love you
tremendous trade deals - Florida love you
much better healthcare - scum people (Paul Ryan not repealing Obamacare)
reduce violent crime - we take care of you
take a look - take a look
thank you very much - wake up America
Melania Trump at Florida
President of the United States - Donald states it
dear to my heart women and children - I'm afraid
President Trump press conference
Talk about Russia fake news - Soon give white the law issue
Press gets classified information - I found you surf it, Israel
Mike Pompeo at CIA Comey at FBI - Let me get wants
Flynn doing his job - It was so funny
When it comes to thorough preparation, General HR McMaster who is the replacement for Mike Flynn and NSA. McMaster is someone who dots every I and crosses every T, and prepares in massive force. He wrote Dereliction of Duty on the Vietnam War.
These Trump appointments are in preparation for American projection to end this Obama ISIS terrorism
Operation Simoom - Wikipedia
Operation Simoom (Polish: Operacja Samum) was a top secret Polish intelligence operation conducted in Iraq in 1990. In 1990 the CIA asked European ...
Simoom - Wikipedia
Simoom (Arabic: سموم samūm; from the root س م م s-m-m, سم "to poison") is a strong, dry, dust-laden local wind that blows in the Sahara, Israel ...
Mad Dog Mattis
increase NATO spending - send them all famine
Reince Priebus
fake news stuff - Simmoom (Code Word for Operation Desert Storm)
we are being subverted - but they killed us now
George HW Bush
Iraq War build up - Simoom, Somoom in the sand
President Donald Trump
We got to build Simoom
There is a major operation taking place which will be designed to wipe out terrorism, or at least it will be pro American terrorists not murdering Americans.
Nuff Said