Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Ivanka Trump: The Different Kind of Orthodox Jew

to scheme, smear and profit


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There was the strange article in Vanity Fair which Ivanka and Jared Kushher sat down for. Strange, because the article describes the Kushners as "otherworldly" and "almost alien", in they both are sort of transgender mutants of the same description.
This would not seem a compliment, but apparently Ivanka views this as a compliment in her gaysexual world of self promotion.

Just then, the elevator opens: Jared is home. He’s wearing jeans, sneakers, and a blue sweater with a white collared shirt underneath. Like Ivanka, he is fair-skinned and willowy, with strikingly wide-set dark eyes. Indeed, they both have a kind of otherworldly, almost alien attractiveness, as if they’ve come from the future.

It was at this point in the Vanity Fair article that Ivanka Kushner delved into her deep religious conversion to Jewish Orthodoxy along with her Jared Kushner husband, and the Kushner family as roll models. The Lame Cherry in reading the retread of this in the Jewish press, started noticing some oddities in Ivanka's words and Ivanka's deeds, and thus begins the expose' of Jared and Ivanka Trump's different kind of Orthodox Jewry.

On the day of their wedding, which was held at the Trump golf properties in New Jersey, the bride had mailed out her wedding invitations............and oddly she included in her invitations, a flier advertising all of the other Trump golf courses.
As this has never been made public, it appears that the entire Ivanka and Jared wedding was some kind of tax write off, as they mixed business with the wedding by including advertising in a free mailing.

This is beyond bad taste in Christianity, and something no Christian would ever engage in, but this is the type of Orthodoxy of the Kushner's were one must make a dollar off even a wedding, as  it being a sacred union before God is secondary to the filthy lucre.

Trump has loomed large in Kushner's life since day one of his marriage. The New York Post reported that invitations to Kushner's wedding, held at a Trump golf club in New Jersey, included a flier advertising Trump's other golf properties

This is where Ivanka really gets rolling in her version of Jewry. She is extremely devout as a Jew in especially observing the Sabbath day of rest.

 “We observe the Sabbath,” Trump said. “From Friday to Saturday we don’t do anything but hang out with one another. We don’t make phone calls.”

.........or do Jared and Ivanka Kushner really observe the Sabbath as the headlines indicate in their activities.

 The headlines prove the Kushner's schedule meetings with mammon as God can take the back seat, as what is more important, being an Orthodox Jew or meeting with Germans who drove the Jews out of Europe or meeting with Philistine terrorists lobbing bombs at Jews in the Israeli state.

Ivanka Trump sits in for President Trump at G-20 meeting ...

Ivanka Trump, President Trump's daughter and White House adviser, took Mr. Trump's seat during a meeting of G-20 leaders in Hamburg, Germany, on Saturday ...

Jared Kushner's meeting with Mahmoud Abbas went so badly that ...

Jared Kushner's meeting with Mahmoud Abbas went so badly that Trump is reportedly considering pulling ... Saturday that the meeting between Kushner and ...

 Ah the real Vanity Fair quote the Jewish story leaves out is this gem, says Ivanka, sipping her lychee martini.

This is another one of those skirting the issue, in the Orthodox Jew does drink wine on High Days, but a devout Jew does not go out and have martinis. In this the President is more Orthodox than his martini drinking daughter as the President lectured his children not to drink alcohol, due to his brother's demise by this drug.
God and the President though can not stop the Kushner's from boozing.

Orthodox Ivanka out with the Trump meat eaters, and appearing to have meat products on her plate too, which one can deduce that none of this food was Rabbi checked for being kosher.

We don’t eat meat… or, well, we keep kosher.”

Yes the kosher, not meat, baby calf veal marsala, fed nothing but mother's milk, until the day it is slaughtered. The devout Jew does not feel comfortable eating an animal that is fed only it's mother's milk to make the meat tasteless, and then slaughtering it as a baby, due to it's closeness to the God forbidden dietary law of never boiling the offspring in their own mother's milk.

But it's ok as Ivanka and Jared eat kosher eggs...........


Kosher Eggs - Kosher - Chabad

Only eggs from kosher fowl are kosher. These include chicken, Cornish hens, ducks, geese, and turkey. The prohibition of eating blood applies even to the smallest ...

 For some reason the Jewish writer bragging on Ivanka Trump Kushner as being a really strict Jew, thought the following was just wonderful. Apparently Ivanka is not Ivanka, but her  real name is Yael. Yael in the Bible is a woman who assassinated political leaders by betraying them and driving a spike into their brains while they slept.
It was quite thorough as Yael drove it clean through the skull and pinned the sleeping man to the ground with the spike.

Is just another interesting fact in what appeals to Ivanka Trump in who she appreciates as a woman. We now know though that we were all anti Semitic in calling her Ivanka, and the correct term is Yael, or I would think Spiker Kushner would be appropriate as pet name for Ivanka.

“I just feel like it’s such an intimate thing for us,” said Trump, who is reported to have taken the moniker “Yael,” a popular Jewish women’s name. Yael was an Old Testament woman who, according to the story from Judges 5:24-27, killed enemy general Sisera by driving a tent peg though his head, enabling the Israelites to gain victory in a war.

In review of this wonder of Kushnerdox religion, it sort of seems that self promotion and money are the basis of it, along with picking what kind of laws the Kushner's want to obey........like American laws in the same criminal attitude, and that Ivanka picked the name of a woman who assassinates men in their sleep.

Personally, in Christian circles, we call people like this sinners, and if anyone shows up with having changed their name to Adolf Hitler Smith or Lizzy Borden Jones, we tend to not marry them or associate with them, as Christians tend to not take names for themselves of killers, as it sort of is against the Gospel we are supposed to be promoting.
But this is about Kushnerdox and not about the Christians locked out of the White House.

“We’re pretty observant, more than some, less than others,” Trump explained. “It’s been such a great life decision for me. I am very modern, but I’m also a very traditional person, and I think that’s an interesting juxtaposition in how I was raised as well. I really find that with Judaism, it creates an amazing blueprint for family connectivity.”

Yes "pretty observant" is an answer to the IRS or Robert Mueller that will get you a million dollar fine and 20 years in prison on taxes and tax fraud. It is though the world of Ivanka Yael, which is amusing as her Yael name actually is JAIL. Amusing if you are not the one skirting tax codes and money laundering.

It is all a wifely duty though, as Ivanka sums up her Vanity interview, explaining she is self centered, selfish and self absorbed and compliments Jared being the perfect cuck in appearing someplace on Ivanka's list of good wife Jewish Orthodox priorities somewhere after taking the garbage out......or getting donuts and having the daughter be exposed to danger on the streets handing them out as Jared watches.

If I was married to somebody who, even if beneath the surface, didn’t like the fact that I work so hard or didn’t support my ambitions for myself or felt self-conscious about my last name . . . I think it would be very hard to build a solid foundation on that.”

Jael, Ivanka Kushner is not Orthodox Jewish no more than her husband Cuck Jared is. These two are frauds and brazen sinners. It reminds me of David John Oates reversal on Jared saying "I am High Evil". Literally, it would be easier to list the Commandments the Kushner's are keeping, because it does not require a great deal of effort to fill up a blank page.

This from the Kushner's who took God's victory for Donald Trump through Christians and stole it for themselves to ruining others by gossip tweets, and there seems to be nothing these two do not covet.

Exclusive Interview: How Jared Kushner Won Trump The ... - Forbes

Nov 22, 2016 · The secret weapon of the Trump campaign: his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who created a stealth data machine that leveraged social media and ran like a ...

Breaking: Jared Kushner Is Leaking To MSNBC - Infowars

Trump senior advisor texting information to Joe Scarborough. ... Breaking: Jared Kushner Is Leaking To ... law Jared Kushner is giving talking points to Joe ...

With Ivanka In the West Wing, the Kushner Power Center Grows ...

Her acceptance of a formal role in her father's White House suggests Trump is looking for more familiarity in the West Wing, ... run next week at ... West Wing, the ...

As this is what the "Orthodox Jews" in the White House are smashing Torah Laws what do you think Gary Cohn is engaged in..............if you need a hint, just look at the headlines in how Americans have been forgotten again.

Nuff Said
