Tuesday, August 29, 2017

North Korea tests Multiple Re Entry Vehicle Tuesday Morning

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a bizarre story line from American defense intelligence, last Friday, initial reports which were quite detailed from the Pacific Command, stated that North Korea launched three missiles and all were failures, as if that is what the United States expected to be the report.

Hours later Pacific Command corrected in two missiles successfully launched and one "blew up almost immediately" after launch.

Logic dictates that the Americans thought they had the correct electronic sabotage to counter the North Korean missiles, but it appears as someone is crashing United States naval ships in Asia, that someone is spoofing American radar into making it see what the hacker intends.
Inquiry points to the 3rd missile was neutralized by American electronic warfare. The other two were not locked onto, and were successful.
30% neutralization rate is unacceptable in warcraft.

The latest missile which again intelligence is reporting passed over Japan, landed in the East Sea, was by the Northern Island of Hokkaido, is again anther intelligence disaster and defense disaster for the Americans, and the Japanese who depend upon the United States. The Sea of McMaster is utterly incompetent.

The latest launch proves the following:

1. North Korea can launch a missile without the United States being alerted.
2. North Korean systems are functioning flawlessly.
3. North Korea via Chinese spoofing, has countered the American ability to neutralize a missile.

Inquiry points to something different in this latest test, as again the media reports another North Korean failure in a "missile break up". Inquiry points to a most successful test of an ICBM, with second stage separation, in a controlled early separation, so the 'break up" was actually the rocket functioning flawlessly with indications what radar was picking up was not three pieces of a rocket, but perhaps the rocket and two dummy warheads.
That would indicate the North Koreans have perfected MIRV or multiple warheads, which now doubles or is 10 times the odds of not just downing one missile, but 10 missiles launched are 20 to 100 warheads, and as the United States has only 90% proficiency in testing, and actually in the latest drill apparently only achieved 30%, that is unacceptable for defense, and more to the point a warhead in upper earth atmosphere is immensely more difficult to deal with.

First reports in East Sea.

Second reports in northeast sea over Japan.

As HAARP is untested, except in bizarre Harvey weather patterns, the question arises the success of skipping warheads on re entry to land off the Atlantic coast in a hodgepodge of uncontrolled free  falls, are a possibility, but again a live fire exercise has never been attempted under actual conditions.

It is nothing to be concerned about as McBlaster has fired Sebastian Gorka, and all will now be even more fake intelligence and unacceptable American counter measures.

The assessment in this is North Korea could launch 1000 flare missiles for every real ICBM as protective cover and this would overload the defensive systems. North Korea though is not in process to first strike as it is illogical. They are a prudent race, as the PLA Chicoms front line testing situation, and would employ such measures only as counter strike.
Again, North Korea would adhere to the Soviet system of prepositioning devices in target areas for assured destruction of targets.

That is another assessment though, as this is an analysis of North Korean missile tests, based on fact and not fiction, utilizing information in published posts.

North Korea uses multiple-rocket launcher to test missiles - The Boston Globe

North Korea used a multiple-rocket launcher in its latest test of short-range missiles capable of striking US military bases deep in South Korea, officials in…
The Boston Globe

North Korea fires missile as Japan warns citizens to take precautions

Nuff Said

