Thursday, September 7, 2017

Date Night Irma

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I keep waiting for Irma to either plough a 5000 foot deep trench between Mexico and Texas or wipe out all life in Florida and plough Mobile Bay to Chattanooga Tennessee for the simple reason I read nothing but curses in headlines and blaring radio predictions of how bad things are going to be.

See the Lame Cherry is a Christian, and know that words have power as God says so. So when I note all of these non Christians speaking evil things, I know bad things will happen.
Look at the wonderful destruction on Texas between HAARP and Sean Homo Hannity. Nothing like a little science and alot of curse to wash away Texas. Problem is all them Soros terrorists were hoping to wash all the White folk out of  Texas, but them Texans are too spry. There is hope now in Irma inducing the proper genocide of Whites.

See even Trump's non Christians are predicting devastation. No praying to Jesus like Peter to save them from the storm. Just telling the devil to pour on the coals as Floridacide is what all of these important people are hoping for.

Jesus can unplug storms, as He does it all the time. Jesus even had mercy in landing Harvey in a wildlife refuge and not downtown Houston, but Harvey was just a rain shower compared to what they cooked up with Irma. Irma has a nice solid wall around her eye and knows how to dance with partners.

You know things are satan's house divided in even image Obama could not save his abode where he was wrestling half naked with Dicky Branson in the not so Virgin Islands in the mansion was wiped out.

Branson home obliterated...

Personally I would that these demon possessed and speaking conduits of satan would just get this right and do what God did with Noah, but they just can't get it right. They start nuclear fires in North Korea and they go out. They unleash a Russian blood bath and it gets all sopped up before it starts. They keep inflating hurricanes and fewer people die than Chicago.
If these apostates do not get it done with Irma, it will just have to be Wormwood or some nuclear scorched earth in a McMaster war on America, as this is a storm of their lustful wantings.

The thing is there is this photo of the jet stream over the United States for Friday.

See no one is explaining why Irma is making a 90 degree right turn toward Florida, especially since the jet stream  is predicting it should skirt over Cuba, land in the Gulf, degrade there, and then be pushed south of Tallahassee, across south Georgia, and then be killed as it is swept into the cold Atlantic.

Well enough of this as this is about no prayers from Maronette Melania to save Florida, none from the resident Jews wailing at the wall for Mar Largo, and certainly no Christians around to  ask Jesus  for Mercy, just all these cursings amplifying Irma to the suicidal storm they apparently all pray for.

Alas if they would have just had Irma dig that trench on the Mexican border. Would have saved Mr. Trump the wall and Mar Largo. Pity, what that not, he?


That Junta Kelly is a real bastard in using Irma to take out the boss' digs...........but wow I bet the Trump Brand will get like a trillion dollar loan to replace the gold plated faucets in the FEMA bail out.

Hurricane Irma takes aim at Trump's Mar-a-Lago, social media ...

The president's famed Mar-a-Lago estate - the so-called "winter White House" in Palm Beach, Fla., where Trump has spent many a weekend since his ...

Nuff Said

