Friday, September 8, 2017

don Kampf

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is the Lame Cherry collection, a library book translated by Ralph Manheim, which is the King James prose of capturing the essence of Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf compared to a New English Version which guts the visceral meaning of the Bible.

As there is not an online translation of this, I will point out for example in the, The Staläc Edition, the translation is:

to make room for the worship of Mammon.

The Ralph Manheim translation renders Adolf Hitler's words as:

burned to the idol mammon

As one can understand, one is the codex of a lifeless text and the other are the Goethe prose of an entire soul of a nation repressed from without and within. Consider for a moment how you feel from decades of abuses and being disappointed in Donald Trump's MAGA become Betray America Again.

The reason Adolf Hitler has been suppressed, is not for racism or anti semitism, but because of the intellectual discourse he recorded from prison exposing what Henry Ford termed internationalism, but what the modern version is defined as globalism, in how Mr. Hitler railed against those who were destroying the Thomas Jefferson mandate of every Citizen owning their own property, railed against the Andrew Jackson mandate against centralized economic power to exploit a nation, and railed against the implementation of Obama Marxism in rationing death to Americans.

If one judiciously examines the words in this quote from Adolf Hitler, it transforms to the modern era, in which robotics are destined to replaced the human worker, and how the global slave wage which has impoverished Americans is but a devaluation of personal wealth to enslave the American.

The Lame Cherry is not socialist nor national socialist as Adolf Hitler led. There is a point though that when the financiers exploit the people who are the nation for their singular control of society that it must be refuted no matter who is the messenger in Adolf Hitler or who is behind the till stealing your money.

We are reaching the divestment of your money and property from your control to the "joint stock companies" or Wall Street as Adolf Hitler castigated. The important feature in this is in 1930 AD in the year of our Lord, the final solution of the globalists had not yet been implemented in the next phases from the 1960's onward of mass forced migrant invasion for "commerce welfare in redistribution of wealth inside a nation from the Citizen to the foreigner on welfare" to the coming Elon Musk and Bill Gates futurama of the robotic world replacing life, liberty and enjoying your works.
The answer is not "living wages for no work" as  the Silicon nation rapists advocate, who will funnel that money into their e commerce, which is not any different that Marxism which Adolf Hitler fought against. The answer is the manifest destiny of the rugged individual keeping the rewards of their labors, whether it is writing a blog in creation or going to Mars to become a rugged individual mining billions of dollars of precious metals.

 There were many signs of decay which ought to have been given serious
thought. As far as economics were concerned, it may be said that the amazing
increase of population in Germany before the war brought the question of
providing daily bread into a more and more prominent position in all spheres
of political and economic thought and action.

Unfortunately, those responsible could not make up their minds to arrive
at the only correct solution and preferred to reach their objective by cheaper

Repudiation of the idea of acquiring fresh territory and the Substitution
for it of the mad desire for the commercial conquest of the world was bound to
lead eventually to unlimited and injurious industrialisation.

The first and most fatal result brought about in this way was the
weakening of the agricultural classes, whose decline was proportionate to the
increase in the Proletariat of the urban areas, until finally the equilibrium was
completely upset.

The big barrier dividing rieh and poor now became apparent. Luxury and
poverty lived so close to each other that the consequences were bound to be
deplorable. Want and frequent unemployment began to play havoc with the
people and left discontent and embitterment behind them. The result of this was
to divide the population into political classes.

Discontent increased in spite of commercial prosperity. Matters finally
reached that stage which brought about the general conviction that ‘things
cannot go on as they are,’ although no one seemed able to visualise what was


really going to happen.

These were typical and visible signs of the depths which the prevailing
discontent had reached. Far worse than these, however, were other
consequences which became apparent as a result of the industrialisation of the

In proportion to the extent that commerce assumed definite control of the
State, money became more and more of a god whom all had to serve and
before whom all had to bow.

Heavenly deities became more and more old-fashioned and were laid
away in the corners to make room for the worship of Mammon.

Thus began a period of utter degeneration which became especially
pernicious because it set in at a time when the nation was more than ever in
need of an exalted ideal, for a critical hour was threatening.

Germany should have been prepared to protect with the sword her
efförts to win her own daily bread in a peaceful way.

Unfortunately, the predominance of money received Support and sanction
in the very quarter which ought to have been opposed to it.

His Majesty, the Kaiser, made a mistake when he raised representatives
of the new financial world to the ranks of the nobility.

Admittedly, it may be offered as an excuse that even Bismarck failed to
realise the threatening danger in this respect. In practice, however, all ideal
virtues became secondary considerations to those of money, for it was clear
that having once taken this road, the real old aristocracy would very soon rank
second to the ennobled financiers.

Financial operations succeed more easily than war operations. Hence it
was no longer any great attraction for a true hero or even a statesman to be
brought into touch with some Jewish banker.

Real merit was not interested in receiving cheap decorations and
therefore declined them with thanks. But from the standpoint of good breeding
such a development was deeply regrettable.

The aristocracy began to lose more and more those racial qualities that
were a condition of its very existence, with the result that, in many cases, the


term ‘plebeian’ would have been more appropriate.

A serious state of economic disraption was being brought about by the
slow elimination of the personal control of vested interests and the gradual
transference of the whole economic structure into the hands of joint-stock
Companies. In this way labour became degraded into an object of speculation
in the hands of unscrupulous exploiters. The de-personalisation of property
ownership increased on a vast scale. Financial exchange circles began to
triumph and made slow but sure progress in assuming control of the whole of
national life.

Before the war, the internationalisation of the German economic
structure had already begun by the roundabout way of share issues. It is true
that a section of the German industrialists made determined attempts to avert
the danger, but in the end they gave way before the united attacks of money-
grabbing capitalism, which was assisted in this fight by its faithful henchman,
the Marxist movement.

The persistent war against German ‘heavy industries’ was the visible
Start of the internationalisation of German economic life as envisaged by the

America has been abandoned by Donald Trump in Trumptopia. Americans though should not plunge into Adolf Hitler National Socialism. Barack Obama Communism, nor Gary Cohn Wall Street nation rapism backed by the Pentagon contesting of the world for rare earth metals to repress the Moscow and Peking columns from arising in a world these globalists created the contention in.

What Americans voted for in 2016 was the Founding of America, George Washington profit by trade where the Citizen controlled their lives and were not robbed in immense taxes, without regime intrusion, and an America at peace with the world, rightfully trading for wealth, to create a prosperity not for 1% but for 100% of America.

Adolf Hitler's lesson is correct in his decrying world government and the repression of mankind. That lesson should not be censored, but it must be tempered with Americanism in Biblical Virtue. The last situation America needed was a Trump struggle of his laying down and being pinned by the very definitions of globalism in Gary Cohn, Herbert McMaster, Jared Kushner, Ivanka Kushner and John Kelly.

America needs a Washington Pax, an American Peace, but instead it has the don Kampf as the leadership was not up to the task of not American Values alone, but the value of Americans.

