Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Forgive me America for I knew not what I did

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a fact that multi millionaires have shit for brains, as proven by the Pittsburgh Steelers, and I will say this, that Rush Limbaugh was right in stating the NFL was clueless about this fake protest stuff.

“I was kind of pissed at how people reacted to it,” said Foster. “In a sense, that we didn’t ask for that. We were thrown into this by some comments outside of the business and the sport of football. To see the backlash that I’m getting from back home, from people in my hometown on something I had no idea was going to go over like this or to have to warn my kids about certain stuff that hey, if somebody says something at school you have to let me and your mom know. We didn’t ask for that, we didn’t ask for this whole situation.”

America is a shit for brains society among the rich elite. They are pampered and posh and real life never touches them. For some reason disgracing America, never enters into their brains as something people will not like.

It is my hope that as the cartel is the one pulling down sport's teams so that society will become violent so the police state will crack down, is that all of these professional athletes and billionaires lose everything, so they can fulfill their prison vocations they were born for.

The Lame Cherry is going to tell you something about football, real football.  In 1966, in the NFL, a professional football player, played 12 weeks. There was not any Super Bowl. There was not any Keds sneaker contracts. They earned what garbage collectors and teachers earned for those few months, and when football was done, they went out and got jobs as used car dealers and other things to pay the bills. That is the Golden Age of the NFL.

So I really want all of these anti Americans assholes to go broke, and have to work another job to make ends meet. The thing is all of your great stars would not be playing football, because they have no love of the game and could not give a damn about any fan.

Having no idea that a bunch of Nigs calling White People a scourge and pissing on the National Anthem, that this is not going to be a problem?

What the hell are these athletes doing behind closed doors in hating on America, that they think the above is kosher.

I refuse to ever watch, spend a penny or support any professional athletes in America. What the Lame Cherry demands is that this backlash against professional sports goes to college sports in NO COLLEGE CAN BRING IN ANY STUDENT FROM ANOTHER STATE. Let us even things out in your state does not give free educations to big city retards, while your kids do not get into college.

It is time to break up all sports in America and make them fend for themselves. It is time for Kansas to have to play Kansas players and not Black mercenaries from New York and Chicago.

I have had it with these jocks from grade school to ESPN lecturing at me.

