Monday, September 11, 2017

Irma the Beautiful

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Poor, poor, poor Florida, after all of the curfews, threats of arrest and stupid wetbacks drowning in Texas, and everyone bragging about the great humanity and charity of Americans, there is poor, poor, poor Florida, with looting up what wazoo, the police state not allowing people to get back into their homes to keep them from being looted, alligator roaming the streets because of horrid Jeb Bush wildlife policies in protecting gators.........and who is the biggest criminal around, people who obeyed the Governor and media in fleeing for their lives as they left their pets..........and now half of Florida will be in prison for felonies for saving themselves and not the critters.

20 million Floridians in prison. That sounds like a real Kushner  development bonanza to me.

So what is the lesson of Irma? These goddamn foreigners and Jeb Bush homeless vagrant trash are criminals that taxpayers fund, and when the shit hits the fan they come out of the woodwork and steal everything in mobs.
Gee is it not great that Donald Trump is importing more of these goddamn Godless foreigners into America so the 150 million of them can be raping and robbing Americans as the Chinese invade these Trumptopia States of America.

Do not believe for second how caring and wonderful Americans are. The same deadbeats who steal from this blog in not donating, are the same trash who keep tan skin pets around to feel superior, spend a fortune on themselves, but claim poverty and then dump Fido into a cage as they flee for their lives because a regime lies to them that they are all going to die as HAARP steers a rain shower on top of them.

That is the lesson of Irma and when America gets invaded, Florida is going to be your state, with those goddamn foreigners prowling around and you being arrested for obeying the goddamn regime's orders, but don't worry about the pets, as the foreigners will be eating them as they do that shit in those parts of the Obama world

The Citizen can not win in this. Either they get arrested for not leaving or they get arrested for leaving. They are as caged as those pets, and who wins but the police state protecting the gators and primates stealing American belongings.

America the beautiful. Irma the beautiful. Irma though gives the real reflection of the beauty of America.
