Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Ugly Parade

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am moved in my Constitutional Rights to plead for an end to ugly being shoved in all of our faces. For pure torture reasons, the cartel has been engaged in putting ugly before the public make us puke and wince in pain.


This all started to peak with Michelle Obama. I mean if one was in Africa and Muchelle was carrying your rhino back to the camp or there was a prowling lion about at night and everyone agreed to throw Muchelle out to feed the cat as her ass would suffice a lion for a month long safari, all of us could agree that we could put up with this kind of ugly.

The problem is though, that most of us do not have lions prowling around our homes to feed nor do we need a rhino carried back to camp. So that leaves us things like this being shoved in our faces.

I do not know what a Chyna is, but this is ugly. It is the definition of really ugly.

Then there is that  Kardashian creature who has that buffalo ass always blocking vision. I mean wide loads have beepers and flashing lights to warn people from the danger. Can we not have such warnings placed fat assed women.

The problem is some women are ghastly ugly coming and going, like Michelle Obama. Here is an example.

I mean all of us have this vision of marrying Prince Charming and Snow White, but we figure out that love is love when it all comes down to bald heads, beer guts, and saggy tits and fat asses. See we all suffer like this in marriage, or the people who have gorgeous spouses pretend we have uggos just to not make our friends not cry out of sympathy for them, but our friends have the sense not to allow their spouses parade around and make others puke and wince.

Here this is what an ugly parade looks like.

See this is not only puke and wince ugly, but this contraceptive ugly, as you will never have sex again after these faces a burned into your memories. Shame some people go blind and the above is the last thing they will be haunted with till the day they die.

So in this, our Constitutional Rights are fully protected in Cruel and Unusual Punishment, and can anyone deny that Joy Behar is unusually ugly and cruelly vomit inducing. Those parts are in the Unabridged Constitutions by Madison and Franklin and most of you have only read the abridged versions.

Here is the cover of the Unabridged Constitution.

Now for things not ugly.

I have the right not to see your ugly asses, your ugly ass faces and whatever else of your uggo self.   This is what a moo moo and paper bags were created for.

Nuff Said
