Monday, September 25, 2017

It Agrees with Him

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that John McCain is ruining America further with Obamcare rationed death as he supposedly dies from brain cancer, and is now speaking about it, I will mention that I contacted the Mayo Clinic to ask them to explain John McCain's cancer, compared to other well known examples such as Jimmy Carter or Bill Janklow of South Dakota.

Deadly silence from the Mayo.

Two of my neighbors had brain cancer, a cousin had it after rectal cancer, and my beloved Uncle died of brain cancer.

In my neighbors, one had treatments which made him very hyper and he lasted a few years. The other neighbor lasted about 18 months. My cousin went fast once it got into his brain, and my beloved Uncle was a point that he took me fishing in July, I could tell something was wrong, but I thought he was getting old. Then his directional memory was off in people noticed it, and by August they diagnosed it as brain cancer, and he was unsteady on his feet. He died the last of September, so from diagnosis to death, he checked out in 30 days.
I remember the oncologist who treated him with interferon and other chemo  was floored,  as when they gave him the shot, the cancer reacted like it had been fed.
My Uncle's last treatment dropped him like a rock.

Cancer treatments have advanced since people stopped taking them, as my dad's cousin was told she would live 18 months with colon cancer and 18 months with the treatment. It is a point that my rich as military industrial complex aunt who was diagnosed with lung cancer, and had a tumor on her neck was given 18 months, and her treatment shrunk things and that old scrooge was plugging along well enough.  Was a point I figured right that she would outlast her brother, my wicked godfather and she did.

I just wonder why Jimmy Carter gets the cure, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg got the cure. No one survives pancreatic cancer, and Ruth is ensconced like a gargoyle at the Supreme Court.

John McCain says he has a 3 to 15 percent chance, but he is not talking about how damned much  trouble he is going to cause people in how many centuries he is going to live on that 3 to 15 percent.

From the pictures of McCain wading streams with men in Arizona, and parading around the US Senate, he seems kind of spry for 81, cancer gnawing on his brain as a main course  and enough radiation to make a Japanese shit blood. I just remember the people I knew with brain cancer and it did not seem to improve their condition. They all slowed up, crippled up know like Teddy Kennedy went beached whale about the time Obama's fake birth certificate dried. Brain cancer never agreed with people I knew, but it sure agrees with Jimmy Carter and John McCain.

John McCain sure don't act like a man worried about atoning for rationing death to people around the world, but appears like he is intent on trading a few more piles of bodies in a Faust pact for a few more centuries here.

John McCain just seems to the kind of man that being a POW agreed with him, in the  same way brain cancer agrees with him. In Vietnam it was because he was not really a POW, but was a collaborator.  Don't quite know what is up with the cancer. I just know Teddy Kennedy was more believable in the roll.
