Sunday, September 10, 2017

It was Counted for Good

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in mater anti matter.

In writing this, it is created to explain a post which appeared here earlier this week in   A Prayer in Time, which Captain Kirk wrote a note of appreciation for today. As this is all personal with others and myself, I post this to show how the ping pong ball of life touches so many and in the end comes full circle to the original person so moved.

The Viking is a wonderful person, like numbers of you are good children of God, as is Captain Kirk. He has burdens that he never shares as that is something a Viking would never do, as you never impose on someone else. We are though all in this together and each of us have a ministering part.

Lame Cherry: A Prayer in Time

Your children are scattered and in doubt by teachers you never called and by a life in which religion keeps Your children from you. We pray especially for ...

The Viking's brother had been suffering for a number of years from a debilitating condition and a nurse noticed that his condition was worsening, so she had phoned the Viking. For those who missed this part, this nurse knew her patient so intimately that she immediately picked up on something that no one else could, because she knew the Viking's brother.
The phone call was of concern and that the end of this life was coming, and that is what the Viking was writing to me about. This in turn move me to post the prayer in the blog, because it was something that never occurred to me, being of a perspective most instances of, people made their choices, and that is their responsibility.
That can sound bravado, until it is someone I know, and then I wonder about those same things in what do you do for people you care about, who you are wondering about in their relationship with Christ.

I do not make a point of explaining the numbers of things God moves me to do, as some of it is not in the Bible. But out of compassion when moved by the Holy Ghost, I have gone through the process of bringing people out of hell.
One person was our neighbor who shot himself. His family had been giving him a hard time, after he had cared for his parents his entire life, so they could go live their lives. He was kicked off the home place, and my dad had just talked to him a few hours before, and the neighbor went home and put a 22 bullet in his head.
He is now with Christ, but it is not a thing to be made known, because idiots would make it a license and take the short cut and expect others to save them from their actions. His place in Heaven will never be exalted, but I was moved by compassion and the Holy Ghost showed me the way to help. This though was not that extortion of the Catholics in that purgatory fraud. It is though a revelation of someone that everyone had written off, that I was used as a conduit when no one else would.

That is the fulfillment of the Law in caring for others. For the Kushner type Jews they adhere to the laws, and then expect your home or your place to fulfill their DACA intentions, when the Law of Love is being the Good Samaritan bringing the beat up person to a doctor to be healed.

We now have before us the Viking's brother, the nurse, the Viking and then me, and the prayer from the Holy Ghost for our belief in Christ to bridge the gap in which they doubt themselves, as in the person Jesus helped in crying to Jesus, "I BELIEVE, HELP THOU MY UNBELIEF".

The prayer returned and helped those there, and not after many days, the bread upon the waters that the nurse cast, had a prayer return to her, to help her be comforted when the Viking's brother passed over. The circle was complete in Christian Love as no one in this chain had to do a thing and could have said, "That is their problem", but each joined in the company of Saints having the Light of Christ work through them.

This is a gift which keeps on giving as the Viking's wife, was given a dream from behind the shadow screen and was shown that her brother in law was healed, happy and all were there together in Heaven. This was a miracle only she could receive as the closeness of emotions often requires weeks or months for a dream to appear for people to receive to be comforted when necessary. Each of us has our role and purpose in the Light of Christ and each ministers in ways we do not comprehend, but God knows our place in this service of love and He works through us.

This is where Captain Kirk enters in his note, as I was wondering about how to or if I should write of these things as this is personal for the Viking and his family, and I do not want to intrude. It comes to the reality though that I begin to see more in this Ministry, that even if there were questions about the Viking's brother, the Viking's brother had a ministry on earth by his being here, all well timed, to the moment of his passing to Heaven where he was drawn out of his body, and met that wonderful Light of Christ and went home to Heaven, in a great part due to the Love of his brother, the Viking.
Think about the goodness of the Viking's brother, in he was a good man as is the Viking's family, so a nurse cared for them in Christian Love. His brother had no idea what he was being utilized his entire life for, and that was a message to speak to others who have anxiety or wonder about those they love. Yet in the goodness which the Viking's brother expressed in this life, the Love of Christ through others showered back upon him, and in that end, he began his new Life in Christ in leaving this world.

If Captain Kirk had not reached out to me, I would not be typing this. The Viking would not know of the ministry of his brother in ways none of us considered, and the message from this life, would have been hidden under a basket, but instead shines here perpetual in those who have read this, will one day have a situation where someone who is in need of comfort in someone they love, will have the Holy Ghost remind them, and they will being sowing the Love again to help another person.

I am getting used to sharing some things about myself, the intimate things, but there is a rare time that I still do not get some condescending note of a jealous soul when I share a fault for teaching, that I do not hear, "Well I am a better Christian than you". satan is not going to be allowed by it's minions to stop the good being accomplished as I choose to serve here, and know that I will be served in Heaven by those serving themselves of me here.

On a personal note, I had a friend I met at the academy a teenager, and he had been on my mind for a number of years, and I looked for him online, but could never locate him, so I concluded he had probably died.
Last year I was moved to look again and I found him, or his obituary, as he had died a few months prior. I wrote the officiating Pastor who wrote me back, and he informed me that I should contact his parents and express my sympathies. So I did.
It seems the father and son had the same name, and that is why I could not find my friend of long ago, as the school would not permit him to go by the father's name, so he was going by his middle name. He had a life where he had made mistakes as his parents told me, and he had contracted a lengthy illness, but his long time girlfriend had married him in the hospital before he had died.
The parents were pleased with my letter and invited me to stop in for a soda if I ever made it through that way, which I most certainly will do, as I will always remember this kid's laugh for how deep and joyful it was.

This is why I posted this, for what my deceased friend did, no matter the perceived failures, he touched me as a real friend, and years later I found him, and expressed his goodness to his family, which helped comfort them and give meaning to his life, as they did not understand he was ministering Christ's goodness all along.

The Viking needs to know the ministry of his brother, and that of himself has had purpose. It is not these cathedral church nonsense, but it is the most necessary of pastoring one person who needs that message at that specific time. Helping one person in distress or helping to save one person, which no one else can reach, is the most intense and hardest part of all.
You never know if your smile to someone is going to make a difference in their lives to keep them going another day. It is always the simple things that no one ever suspects that God is utilizing.

To see good that requires doing, even if it is stopping and talking to an old neighbor that day to cheer them up, and not doing it, is a sin. The Viking's brother like most people did not have all the answer, but Christ always does, and in that this ministry took a few people to make the difference, and in that completion, the Viking's brother is still ministering in this world in the way he could as he was faithful to goodness in all the trials and that is why people cared about him, and it started the entire process still touching the world for good.

Those we love from family, friends to our pets are awaiting with Christ for us in Heaven, for Christ loved us first in this circle of ministry.

With that it is time to bow out, so as not to get in the way of Christ's message, for It was Counted for Good.
