Sunday, September 10, 2017

Dilemmas, dilemmas

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I like watching the golden age of television from time to time, as one sees guns hanging on the walls and couples have single beds, sleeping side by side. In this though is a dilemma in my ears perked up at a commercial about a free T shirt, as I have heard this before in a pitch, and at that I started listening to St. Jude's Research Hospital, which Eric Trump used to raise money for until they threw him off or something, and I realized that the same 57th Avenue marketing firm was writing the same script for SPCA, as both give away free T shirts which you buy for your donation 19 dollars per month.

See Shirley Booth who starred in the golden age as Hazel the maid in a comedy about a normal American taking care of rich Americans, had the same problem in selling charity tickets, so she gave away free brownies to make rich people donate. No brownies in this, but it got me  thinking in the same pictures, same pitch, same price and same free thing you buy, that who would you donate to as you are not donating here?

On the one hand you got a sick kid. They always look like Clint Howard on Star Trek in no hair, an alien sized head and pale as a ghost and saying things like beating up cancer, as their parents talk about losing the kid in a real heart jerker by design.

On the other hand you got the three legged dog. It is always dogs as no one gives a shit about 3 legged cats or 3 legged iguanas, just dogs for the SPCA as that is what triggers reaching for that speed dial donation of 19 dollars after people hear they get a free T shirt. That free T shirt really gets people going apparently. Perhaps I should start giving free things away here like air to breathe or starshine, as people will donate if you are giving them free things they are buying.

Granted in this, the dogs always have these log chains on and are in some hut outside, and those sick kids look far too comfortable. I think St. Judes would do better to throw those sick kids out in some dump in a cardboard box and let them get some eye infection like the dogs, as it would make it easier if people saw some sick kid chained up with a log chain out in the landfill with flies, as those African kids always got flies buzzing around them, but maybe flies cost extra as they only ask for pennies a day, and saving sick kids or three legged dogs never have flies.

It is just tough to know who to donate 240 dollars a year to, well 238 dollars as JC Penney learned people would buy a 19.99 price and not 20 dollars long ago.

See the 3 legged dog has some vampire looking actor on the show telling you things. I don't remember what he said, but an actor is a nice draw....probably donated his time and you donate the money.

St. Judes used to be Danny Thomas, the great humanitarian and entertainer who everyone loved asking for money. Then hot Marlowe Thomas his daughter took over, but she is gone now. She married that lunatic Phil Donahue. Got a wet lily over him, he got rid of his wife, and Phil has been pounding the wood to Marlowe ever since.
See, you would pound wood in Marlowe too if you could.

Marlowe is gone now though, Don't know why she gave up on St. Jude's, but no actors appear for the sick kids, so Hollywood pretty well says dogs win out over sick kids. Unless of course it is that Jenny, the Playboy playmate with the autistic kid, then she goes in whole hog, but that is her sick  kid, otherwise it is Pam Andersen talking about chickens in pens laying eggs, when she is not trying to ravage that sexy Wikileaks guy.

It is really tough after Obama looted America in Obamacare fines and huge taxes on everyone, as no one has any money, and Donald Trump does not care about making America great again, only giving Ivanka cheers for  doing nothing, like Eric used to raise money for St. Judes.

This is not my decision as this is about you though in donating in what would you do? I frankly think that they should put 3 legged dogs and sick kids into the same commercial and then split the spoil, and they they could make the sick kids take home the 3 legged dogs to solve that problem and maybe they could spay and neuter the Hollywood celebs, as not all of them are like Marlowe in keeping her legs crossed when Phil gets hard, as she is a barren woman.

That is me solving things, but not being able to make a decision, but then you probably already have in you are not donating to sick kids nor to 3 legged dogs, no more than the Lord's work in the Lame Cherry.

I read once that these charities all had stock portfolios in the millions as a hedge against hard times, but they spend a fortune suckering people into parting with their cash every day.  I wonder what it would take to get you to donate to  the kid or the dog. Maybe they need to increase the premiums like PBS, but those suck too.
I know that Madonna blow jobs went zero for Hillary votes, so that was not something you would be interested in either. I just know that Madison Avenue has to come up with more than free t shirts, as they know not to do 29 dollars and to keep it at 19 dollars.
Maybe that is the answer in people should write to all of these charities and say, "I will donate 19 dollars a month if you give me this........."

I just wouldn't ask for Hazel's brownies as chocolate is not good for dogs in it kills them and it gives pimples to kids.

Oh that's it, you already got kids you hate, got a dog who hates you, and you already are donating to millionaire Sean Hannity or Rachel Maddow, in why you aren't donating here.

I didn't know Hannity gave away t shirts, but Maddow I hear does a mean lap dance.

I'd like to Phil your Donahue

The dilemma  is in this was it Phil Donahue who said, "Hey Marlowe let's get that 3 legged dog ad agency to raise money for them sick kids and not dogs, so you can stay home and I can put the wood to you," or was it the SPCA that said, "Hey let's get that sick kid ad agency and swindle them sick kids out of money for our portfolios as they are getting too much of the pie".

It would just be easier if Michelle Obama was there to hashtag # as that free our slave girls sure shut down that Muslim rape cock, but that is a different kind of donation.

Nuff Said
