Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Jared Kushner's Private Emails

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that clever Jared Kushner in order to throw Robert Mueller off his scent by trying to phish his Hillary Clinton attorney, Abbe Lowell, in exposing him as a liar, an incompetent and a lying incompetent, the Lame Cherry shares the visual content to the Kushner emails.

"I think one was forwarded from a White House official, we had discussed a shared interest of sorts," the prankster said. "It was unsolicited. Then there are a handful more, but not from officials."
"I need to see I think all emails between you and WH (just for me and us)," Lowell wrote. "We need to send any officials emails to your WH account. Not stuff like you asked about. None of those are going anywhere."
"But we can bury it?" the prankster responded. "I'm so embarrassed. It's fairly specialist stuff, half naked women on a trampoline, standing on legoscenes, the tag for the movie was #standingOnTheLittlePeople :("
Lowell replied: "Don't delete. Don't send to anyone. Let's chat in a bit."

From: kushner.jared@mail.com
To: Deep_State_ Lawyer@LawyersRus.il

Subject: Bouncy Boys

Hi Abbe,

Forwarding the emails from my illegal private email account, with pictures, here is the one I got from the White House official, my Ivanka, which I mentioned.

Yours forwardingly,

 >>From: daddysdarlin@toweringtrump.org
>>To: kushner.jared@mail.com

Subject: BouncyBoys

Wanker do you like either of these boys???? I like the blonde one. I know how much you like trampolines. He reminds me of Katie Walsh with my designer strap on from Wendi Deng.

xoxoxo Vank


From: kushner.jared@mail.com
To: Deep_State_ Lawyer@LawyersRus.il

Subject: Leggo My Tamar

Hi Abbe,

Sorry for the delay, as I really got to looking at the Leggoscenes. Are you sure Robert Mueller will not bring this up in the Grand Jury as I get swollen in looking at them and need relief.

Yours forwardingly,

>>From: I_AM_NOT_HERBERT_MCMASTER@pentagon.org
>>To: kushner.jared@mail.com

 Subject: OnTheLittlePeople


I built this for you. Let me know if you like. I have some butter for you to rub on my bald spots. Is Judah nailing Tamar. Hot Jew sex story.



From: kushner.jared@mail.com
To: Deep_State_ Lawyer@LawyersRus.il

Hi Abbe,

Been two hours, sorry for delay. This leggoscene is what Michelle Obama sent over to me as a sort of idea she had for Ivanka.
Are you sure I should not delete these?

Your forwardingly,

>>From: YurMamaMichelle@hosebeast.net
>>To: kushner.jared.mail.com

Subject: Blacks on Blondes

run this by the woman if she want to din do that.


From: kushner.jared@mail.com
To: Deep_State_ Lawyer@LawyersRus.il

Subject: Barebuck

Hi Abbe,

Joe Scarborough keeps sending me this things, saying Mika wants me to be the motorscooter and she wants to shift my lever.

Yours forwardingly,

>>From: moaningjoe@hillarysserver.ai
>>To: kushner.jared.mail.com

Subject: Barebuck

Mika wanna syour motorscooter and shift your lever.


 Nuff Said
