Thursday, September 7, 2017

Pages Opening the Lame Cherry never clicks on

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I post this as the continuing series of strange things which happen in bringing this blog to those who donate and the deadbeats, in the above evidence which does not make any sense on it's own or afterwards.

So I load my browser today on my start up page. I open a new tab and type in as I need to find a quote for tomorrow's post, and there is always something interesting in this laptop as a few times a day the cursor goes flying around the window as I type and sometimes things happen.

The above screen grab is what happened, in I am not on Twitter, I did not have any links to Twitter, did not have any windows to Twitter in the Firefox window, and have never been on this person's Twitter page, and yet this obsolete page in a Thunyan Algharim opened up, which is an impossibility and yet once again in the world of Lame Cherry strange things happening with my internet connection and pages, up pops a page I have never been on.

It of course makes no sense as none of this ever does. I have no idea if an FBI Stingray wifi grab got my signal feed crossed up with someone, or if someone in some intelligence community who is spying on me is looking at webpages and this is one of their surfing styles. I just place it here as a permanent record of another strange event in something I have absolutely no connect to, have never been associated with, and somehow instead of I get some Muslim page.......and the odd part is, archive never did load, there was not any back page to go to, including the start up Firefox new window, only this twitter page.

The impossible happening again today.
