Thursday, September 7, 2017

Kim Jong Un For President 2020

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry fears for the Democratic Party's demise, as it is about to fail again with racist politics of Charlottesville, by crooked Terry MacCauliff, to be the Vice President of Hillary Clinton 2020 in her third failed attempt to defeat a man.

In this, the Lame Cherry promotes for the Democratic nomination a true patriot of their movement, in Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Now granted he is not a rapist like Bill Clinton, is not a hater of things American like Hillary Clinton and is not a a shrew like Elizabeth Warren, but he is an Asian like Barack Obama was, but the thing is, Kim actually already is a leader who led Obama around like a Marse Kim would a slave.

So as America already violated the Constitution in Birther Obama, I say, let Kim Jong Un run for President of the Democratic Party to give it the jism of a Bernie Sanders who does not need a Viagra does of manhood as Rush Limbaugh's stash.

Look that the best thing in this. We don't have to have no McMaster nuclear war in Korea. We can have Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un settle this by ballot, a fair ballot with no Hillary Clinton vote fraud or fake news stories. It will be the final choice of Kim Jong Un's communism or Donald Trump's Ivankaism for the American People to decide.

This is the perfect solution really, and it would save Democrats from another failed candidate in Hillary Clinton. Kim seems quite taken with Dennis Rodman, so it should be a Kim Rodman ticket. Instead of a VP debate it can be Pence and Rodman shooting hoops and I say instead of Kim and Trump debates, it should be Kim's Dong against Trump's Minuteman, and whoever hits Guam wins round one.
Round 2 can be a Trump 105 Howitzer and Kim's 170 Koksan and whoever hits that Persephone on top of Congress wins that round.
Round 3 will be Trump's M 16 and Kim's AK 47. 1000 yard target at Wimbledon and who wins, hits the bullseye.


Here is what Kim would say,

Dear Americans,

I am Kim Jong Un. You have been disappointed in all of these fake communists like Obama and fake socialists like Clinton. You need a real man to lead you, and I am your man. I have proven that unlike Donald Trump, I will kill my family off when they cross me. I have proven I will kill my disloyal generals when they cross me, unlike Donald Trump. I have proven that the Kim's have beat Harry Truman, beat Bill Clinton, beat W Bush and beat Barack Obama. I am now before you in this election to stop nuclear war by beating Donald Trump at the ballot box.
Look my American voters, I have humiliated Donald Trump for his entire tenure, and I do not want to continue this as I love Americans, and I will beat Donald Trump and be dear leader of North Korea long after 2024, so why not just elect me President of America in 2020 and accept the inevitable.
So vote Kim Jong Un, Democratic nominee and free yourself from failed Democrats, and I will defeat Donald Trump, and give America the pure communist nation you have been vying for since Woodrow Wilson.

Your beloved leader, Kim Jong Un.

So that is the solution to all of this. Let us not blow up Korea, Japan and America. Let us vote and whoever wins gets the nukes and we get the peace. Look, Americans are finished in this Obama's 3rd term, so why not just make it all official with someone like Kim Jong Un. It is evident that he is the one politician who can protect America and will probably beat China and Russia too.

It will not get any more reality TV than this.
