Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Epitaph of Hillary Clinton 2020

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Edward Klein described the situation in his book Amateur concerning Barack Hussein Obama, which was an epitaph on the Obama regime, another epitaph was recorded and that was for Hillary Clinton. It was in 2011 AD in the year of our Lord, that Bill Clinton was marshaling his political skills in order to have Hillary Clinton challenge Obama for the nomination and for Mrs. Clinton to become President in 2012.

Bill Clinton a master of political finger to the wind based his assessment on two factors:

He thought he would not make it to 2016 in he would be dead.

He was still fuming that Obama outed him as a racist and wanted to lynch that bright boy.

In hindsight, many things are now apparent. In 2016, Bill Clinton was the healthy one, and Hillary Clinton was the walking corpse.
In 2016, Hillary had her best opportunity to at the least cripple Barack Hussein Obama, where Mrs. Clinton would have either had Mitt Romney defeat Obama, and she would then mop the flour with the Mormon in 2020, no worse for wear, and if Obama won, Hillary would hold the higher ground in having exposed Obama as the problem as Bill Clinton stated on policy, and that would have negated a Donald Trump run, because Mr. Trump would have championed Hillary Clinton for cutting off the balls of the cocky Obama who humiliated Donald Trump in public.

Bill Clinton was the political prophet and he was right. Into this as the Clinton's argued, it was Chelsea Clinton who joined her adoptive father, and was demanding that Hillary Clinton should run.

The problem in this is Hillary Clinton never had Bill's vision or desperation. She wanted to play it safe. She wanted to look Obama loyal. She wanted to wait as she was young enough. She wanted to make it all neat and tidy in setting up a straw candidate like Bernie Sanders, arrange the entire political field for her stealing the election, instead of allowing the turmoil and the wave hide her faults and propel her into the White House.

The political hour is still ticking for Hillary Clinton, but her problem is as it always has been, she is necessary shrew behind the scenes who made Bill the rapist seem friendlier, but she can never be the shrew on the political stage as no one likes the woman.
Where Bill Clinton rightly swerved from Hillary's leftism to join Newt Gingrich, Hillary Clinton instead attempted in all of her races to leap further left, which alienated and spread fear among those Clinton centrists who were still the New Democrats.

Hillary Clinton's malevolent hand is still joined with Obama radicalism as the race riots in Virginia proved. Her same vomit cringing Governor Terry MacCauliff was the crook creating that platform to ensnare Donald Trump in, but a Clinton MacCauliff ticket is the same vomit and puke of Clinton and the odd Tim Kaine of 2016. Hillary Clinton seems to have a knack for choosing repulsive partners, who make one cringe in wondering if they are child molesters.

Nothing in politics is forever, but in the politics of 2017, voters were still more loyal to Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton, and when Donald Trump became the Bill Clinton in joining conservative Charles Schumer, the entire dynamic changed in democratic politics. Chuck Schumer became the most powerful man in politics and the President gained 10 steps on Hillary Clinton, and those are steps that Hillary Clinton can not lose.

Hillary Clinton needs democrats in charge of the Congress to impeach Donald Trump in hearings. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi need Donald Trump on a string, where from a minority position they continue the Obama policies, fix them and in 2018 cement their power with Trump doing their bidding to survive.
To put it plainly Chuck Schumer and every democrats wants to rule from Congress, they do not want Hillary Clinton in the White House ruling them as Obama did.

Mrs. Clinton has burned the very bridges she needs to win. She needs firearms owners and a modicum of religious pew sitters, and they will never trust her. Even with Mr. Trump being Trumpamnesty there simply will not be enough of a vote fraud base for Mrs. Clinton, without her controlling the e vote fraud as Obama's benefactors accomplished twice for that fraud.

Hillary Clinton is not Richard Nixon in having an election stolen from him in 1960 and outmaneuvering Hubert Humphrey in 1968. Hillary Clinton has a political obituary which reads as follows:

1992 - Her stand by her man woman comment almost destroyed Bill Clinton.

1996 - Voters rejected Hillarycare and the entire Clinton leftism.

2000 - Voters again rejected Hillary Clinton's legacy in putting George W. Bush into the White House

2004 - The vote again rejected the Clinton legacy in John Kerry.

2008 - Obama stole the election by flipping 10 million GOP votes, after voters had already rejected Hillary Clinton again in the primaries.

2012 - Again it was Obama vote flipping, but the voters rejected the Obama Clinton radicalism.

2016 - Even with vote fraud, Hillary Clinton could not steal the election from Donald Trump.

In every election  for the past 25 years, an entire generation, voters have rejected everything Hillary Clinton is. Richard  Nixon had the sense to remove himself from elections from the Presidential election cycle. Hillary Clinton from being co President, sticking her nose into America's face as the fraud Senator of New York or the disaster as Secretary of State, has never allowed Americans to forget her or gain a fond memory of her.
2017 is the same reality in Hillary Clinton seems to turn out a new book every few months blaming Americans for not adoring her.
In short, as Bill Clinton states time and again, she has the experience, Americans trust that experience, but what Bill Clinton does not say is Hillary Clinton is that dripping faucet which never gives you any peace, and voters will choose stopping that drip no matter how good of metal is in that pipe.

Hillary Clinton can best be summed up in she is not Bill Clinton, but in stating that, Hillary Clinton is luxury car you are always uncomfortable driving. Hillary Clinton is china in the cupboard you never have a use for. There is nothing familiar with Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton was the stinking hound dog, but you kept him around because he would at least pretend he liked you. Hillary Clinton is the dog who lays on your porch chair and looks at you like you should be on the step.

That is something Chelsea Clinton, and all the whimpering Hillary Clinton lezbos have never figured out. They look with disdain on Americans not like them, like they sneer at White males, but it never occurs to the to gain a familiarity with those voting Americans.
Obama had lies. Bill Clinton had excuses, but with Hillary Clinton all there was, was the reality that people did not want to believe her lies nor accept her excuses.

The thing is Hillary Clinton did everything right. She was John Kennedy stage managed. She was FDR grease every palm. When her time came though, the tide of her human event had already passed.
She was in effect Stephanie Herseth Sandlin a nowhere politician from a cow chip state.

Herseth was the daughter of a governor, pretty, young, big tits and promises of sex, but it took two tries to get herself elected. She was wiped out by a better looking farm gal in Kristi Noem, and then sat on her ass in gaining lucre, because she aged, and South Dakota politics had passed her by in incumbent Republicans.

Hillary Clinton is that same animal. She fell into the New York Senate seat created for her, but has been locked in by political circumstances or her timidity.
The year 2000 saw her timid to Al Gore. 2004 she was a plotting senator. 2008 she was out maneuvered by crook Obama. 2012 she was not brave enough to follow her husband's advice, and 2016 she thought by being the list candidate in loyal to the Obama that the left base had rejected as Bill Clinton noted, left her in defeat again.

2020 is the same Hillary Clinton plot. She has been running from the day she was rejected in November. She is running the Obama race hatred campaign in Virginia, choosing the same political pariahs as her running mates.
Hillary Clinton will be 73 years old in 2020. The image of her collapsing, branded by her hacking cough  is burned upon the American psyche of her being a sick old woman. 2020 is her last chance as 77 years old in 2024 will have buried her best asset in Bill Clinton by then.

What is 2020 though? A sitting President where Hillary Clinton has to bank on democrats in Congress impeaching Trump so she can get at Mike Pence, who she will plead for Americans to create more instability to throw Pence out of office, for more Clinton instability. Hillary Clinton it this has to run a mine field of Obama Bush coup plotters who remind every voter of Hillary Clinton's crimes and why she is not in prison, and she stupidly reminds voters in trying to be a victim that she thought Donald Trump was going to lock her up.........a condition Americans would relish on the right and the left.

If Hillary Clinton was Bill Clinton she could run the table, but she is not Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton is no longer Bill Clinton. He has the mind yet, but the old man is incapable of carrying Hillary Clinton as he has through their entire political careers.

In the Hillary Clinton epitaph, Hillary Clinton has too many bad things necessary to happen to everyone in America, every democrat in Congress, to Donald Trump and to Mike Pence, all for her good, and in that balance Hillary Clinton only needs one bad thing to happen to her for her to be defeated again, and that has already happened in that bad thing is, she is Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is past her 3 score and 10. Her fathered died of a stroke which Mrs. Clinton has auditioned for in her blood clots and her mother succumbed to heart failure.  They did not have to battle Mrs. Clinton's debilitating conditions this early.

65 million voters on the right will not vote for Hillary Clinton. The majority of democrats voted for Bernie Sanders and now Mrs. Clinton is attacking him and alienating those 35 million voters who are reminded that Bernie Sanders probably would have defeated Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton is a sore which will not heal upon the American public and she keeps ripping that festering scab off. 2012 AD in the year of the Lord was Hillary Clinton's best opportunity to be President. She instead chose a placebo on her terminal condition.

That is the epitaph of Hillary Hamrod Clinton.
