Friday, September 8, 2017

The Nigger Trade

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There has always been a Nigger market in America.

It all began when the English started mass deportations of Scots to Virginia Colony to get rid of those rebels, placing them into America as the first slaves. Those slaves are ones which you never hear of, but that is what America was founded upon in indentured servants and slavery of Caucasians.

The Nigger trade was one which arrived in America, because the Caucasian Irish and Scots were not suited to the blistering heat of the sugar cane plantations of the West Indies. The Negroid was properly chosen for the heat as the Brahma was chosen for heat and beef in Texas.

As the situation in the Nigger trade became more civilized, a different type of exploitation appeared in not selling of human flesh, but in forcing the human flesh to donate to church collection plates, or more to the point, guilting wealthy people to donate to saving the souls in charity of for these Niggers.

The Protestants from the New England coast of America arrived at wonderful schemes in Baptists managed the Negroids while the Methodists and Mormons vied for the Indian Terrorists of the American West. It became a  managed gold mine when it was discovered the United States Government would provide outlays of cash for these "charities" seeking to manage these swarthy pets.

Into this, the Chinese coolie appeared in building railroads. As no one cared to save the Rice Niggers, there purpose was slave labor to build railroads and house them in China towns where they employed their own industry.

The Afroid once freed though was simply not a large enough profit structure. American missionaries discovered that the darkies in Africa were far more profitable in they could claim to be saving them, pocket the money and no one would ever check up on the clergy.
The Philippines and Asia were prime markets as fat, sweaty clergy could join the Jesuits in both laying down with the pretty children in exchange for rice and eating the prize oxen.

The entire cash flow of the Nigger changed with the welfare state. That immense cash flow opened the door to all sorts of Jesuit black liberation, Latin liberation and that brought in full collection plates to the Catholics and the Protestants as a million swarthies at 1 dollar a pop, is 1million a week, compared to a million millionaires not going to pew sitting and donating nothing.

This is where things became even more interesting as George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama started dumping money on charities Jew, Catholic, Protestant to handle the Neo Slave Trade. They got paid, they got captive donations and they got big business providing low wage jobs for that money to flow into those collection plates.

See Niggers are the gift that just keeps on giving, and no one ever makes the point that Catholics are not loyal to America, but to the Vatican. Mormons are not loyal to DC, but to Salt Lake City. Jews are not loyal to America, but to Wall Street. Muslim are not loyal to America, but to Mecca, and Protestants are not loyal to America, as they are too superior to stoop to politics as their loyalty is to strawberry jello served in church basements.

Freedom of religion is not the Jefferson protected benign worship, as these Niggers have made it all a profit sharing overthrow of Republican Government for filthy lucre.

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon believes the Catholic Church has “an economic interest in unlimited immigration,” he said in an excerpt from an interview with Charlie Rose for 60 Minutes. Bannon told Rose that President Trump “struggled” with his decision to end DACA and criticized the Catholic Church and New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, saying the church has “been terrible” on the issue of immigration. “They need illegal aliens to fill the churches,” Bannon said. “As much as I respect Cardinal Dolan and the bishops on doctrine, this is not doctrine.” He added, “This is not about doctrine. This is about the sovereignty of a nation. And in that regard, they’re just another guy with an opinion.

So all of these clergy are not loyal to America, but to the same dollars from human traffick that the nation rapists are. It is all wrapped up in the most deliberately deceptive words of "charity" and "immigration" when this is nothing but stealing and invasion.

Those are the facts in this, and Mr. President is one of the worst offenders in enabling all of this in breaking his promise to the families whose loved ones have been murdered by Dreamers and DACA invaders. It is all the reality of the Nigger Market. Slavery never ended. It was just transferred to more profitable markets and it all ended up in collection plates, where the priests eat steak, the pastors have swimming pools, the rabbis have vacation retreats and the mullahs live like sheiks.

It is the Nigger Trade of the 21st century.

Nuff Said
