Friday, September 8, 2017

the devil's lint ball

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I can not speak for the deadbeats who are constantly stealing from this blog in the poverty I endure, but I do from existential experience understand my condition in the praying of deliver us from evil and do not care to contemplate how bad things would be if that was not the prayer.

Sometimes it is a big series of events which culminate in running over a cat, sometimes it is as yesterday in a cat puking up a hair ball on my bed, my sitting in it, squishing it into the covers, so they have to be taken to town in a big machine to wash, my throwing in a chore coat.......and old one from the thrift store for 5 dollars as I notice dust was coming out of it when I was swatting flies.

These events do not seem connected, but they are, for I washed the blanket and the coat, and dried them on the line as a drier costs money, and last night I put the coat on, zipped it up, started getting some water jugs and noticed when I bent down the zipper had popped open.
Deliver me from evil as another cost, as I struggled to pull of the coat, and then could not get the zipper down and apart, having to move to a pliers to persuade it and my cussing I did not need any more of these surprises which are endless these past months.

Then the Holy Ghost said to me, "Look at that zipper housing and sure enough, there was a lint ball in the bottom of the zipper where it seats. I pulled out my Trapper knife and out popped a blue ball of lint, from that blanket which I had washed.

It is one of those mathematical impossibilities in a lint ball getting stuck in my zipper, just enough, so that I can get it started, and yet just enough so that it pops open and just enough so that I can not get it apart, and yet that is exactly what took place. If I had that kind of good fortune every time I planted a potato I would find a gold coil or strike oil.

I know the sources of this was satan and all of you malevolent evil thinking deadbeats in attempting to stop me from being the conduit of the Lord's messages, but I will not stop. This though is the typical thing which has permeated my peace in this endless parade of Mr. President embracing the world. Like Job all I can do is continue on, but that is one elaborate and clever plan, but there is not any appreciation to satan for it as it gains no place even in that. Instead the Glory is to the Holy Ghost delivering me from evil. I just require God to deliver us from the evil before some capitalist poisoned our cat making her sick which started all of this, and not getting a lint ball stuck in my zipper.

Oh one more thing in this, I actually saved the lint ball to take picture of it, and when I returned, it had disappeared. Nothing supernatural in that now is there eh.
