Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Trump Super Depression

Don't worry Mike, I changed it to,
"Bake American Cakes Again"
not Make America Great Again

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog defined Barack Hussein Obama as presiding over the most deliberate implosion of the US economy since Franklin Delano Roosevelt exploited the Great Depression for socialism, and Obama was engaged in the same despotry for the Obama Super Depression. Eight months now, the Obama Super Depression has become the Trump Super Depression, as there are not any excuses in this.

Mike Pence and Reince Priebus were to handle the Trump legislative agenda, and that agenda has been shifted to the delay tactic by Ryan and McConnell, to bring about a September flurry of more betrayal of Americans in Trump Amnesty and Rewards for the Rich, as Obamacare is another rationed death scheme holding Americans hostage.
This is Donald Trump's agenda and he owns it.

Mr. Trump also owns completely the record numbers of unemployed Americans, now in record unemployment due to Mr. Trump importing record numbers of "legal visa slave laborers" under the cover of "illegals not pouring across the border".

So when the horrendously bad jobs creation numbers Mr. Trump now brags about, when he was castigating Barack Obama over better numbers, this is the Trump Super Depression as he had 8 months to accomplish something and did absolutely nothing.

The number of Americans over age 16 who are not in the labor force – for whatever reason – remained stubbornly high in August, at 94,785,000.  That is partly attributed to the rising number of retirements among Baby Boomers.
As recently as December 2016, a record 95,102,000 Americans were not in the labor force, and the number has hovered near that record high so far in 2017.

The great refrain from Donald Trump is "I want tarriffs!!!", but then pointing to his staff in stating they do not.

President Trump can levy tariffs without Congress - Jan. 23, 2017

Jan 23, 2017 · President Trump can use tariffs against other countries without approval from Congress.

Again another lie by Donald Trump in he wants something and claims he can not accomplish it, when he has the power, and yet the only nations Mr. Trump penalizes are American allies in South Korea and Japan, who manufacture superior products, while Mr. Trump pours in dangerous inferior Chinese products.

Like Obama, Mr. Trump hails jobs created one month, and by the next month the numbers in reality are reduced by tens of thousands of jobs. What jobs have been created are all going to Asians and Latins on green cards, and not Americans. That is the reality in Donald Trump has no economy. Mr. Trump has a Soros shell game.

Employment growth has averaged 176,000 a month so far this year, lower than the average monthly gain of 187,000 in 2016.
BLS has revised downward the number of jobs added in June (from +231,000 to +210,000) and in July (+209,000 to +189,000). With these revisions, employment gains in June and July combined were 41,000 less than previously reported.

The numbers of these foreigners continues to swell under neo amnesty numbers. Mr. Trump states he ends DACA, and yet leaves it open for another year, giving Congress time to pass a greater Amnesty. Yes robotics are the wave of the next decade and Americans do not have the jobs, and Mr.  Trump is for his Ivanka State is pouring into America legals, who Americans are going to have to feed and care for for the next 50 years, and they will not be working while the robots will.

U.S. to Boost Number of Refugees it Will Admit in 2017 - NBC News

U.S. to Boost Number of Refugees it Will Admit in 2017. ... this is America at its best," the State ... While the number of Syrians coming to the U.S. is on ...

As Mr. Trump fidels, America burns to ashes. It is a fact now that in wages, America is in the 21st category of standard of living and wages. That is second world and moving to third world.
In addition, America has entered a bear market as everything is degrading in price, except consumer prices in food. It requires another 40 dollars to fill a Trump shopping cart from an Obama shopping cart. Inflation is spiking in America as each item is five dollars now. Fruits and vegetables are going through the roof. Mr. Trump parades his MAGA hats around, but his leadership is as fake as a WWE match, as where he could be making changes for good, he simply is cementing in Obama policies. Those are the facts of the occupant of the Oval Office. Excuses do not feed children nor keep Americans safe.

It is an amazing thing that Mr. President can always find billions to waste in deployments to Korea in more saber rattling or rewarding criminal politicians and realtors in puting homes in hurricane flooded areas, but fid one dime for Americans to stop Obamacare penalties or to lower real American's taxes, and suddenly there is not money for Americans.
21 trillion dollars in Obama and Trump debt, and Mr. President has absolutely no compunction to get America out of wasteful wars, wasteful NATO bases, wasteful protection of industrial powers from Germany to Japan.

The fact is the downward slump of the US economy is come. There is not money for the Trump spending. There is not money for Trump wars. There is not enough money dumps to prop up Wall Street, bond markets and the 100 trillion dollars in debt of housing loans in toxic debt housing Mr. Trump's slave work force which is growing.

From Stocks to Bonds, the Bear-Market Signals Are Multiplying

It requires 18 months for a tax break to take place, no matter what fraud Mr. Trump and Congress attempt to foist on Americans. Immediate action was necessary in January 2017 and Mr. Trump fiddled. The US consumer in record Obama and Trump taxes, along with Obamacare withdrew 3 trillion dollars from the US economy, being squandered by this Nazi state that Mr. Trump has signed America up for in Paris Accords which he did not withdraw America from and worse yet at the G 20, Mr. Trump signed America up for globalist "end poverty" mandates which America will have to pay for.

This is Trump's Super Depression and it will continue to deepen to March of 2019 even if a law was signed today. This is not economics, it is rapine. It is Obama Soros nation rape and now it is Trump Soros nation rape, and those being raped are Americans.

Donald  Trump can prove he is the Donald Trump of 2016 by fulfilling his word and not breaking his promises as he did all through 2017 AD in the year of our Lord. I will be the biggest cheerleader for the President once he governs for America and not the globalists.

Here am I not holding my breath, nor will this blog engage in being a pied piper in leading fools over the edge to the Obama Abyss now deepened by Donald Trump. The facts are the facts and this is the President's responsibility and there are not any excuses.

This is Donald Trump's Super Depression, and each of you is being robbed blind by taxes, penalties and inflation.

Nuff Said

