Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Rope a Dope or Don

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Before all of you get wound up about Donald Trump praising conservative Charlie Schumer and botox Pelosi, allow the Lame Cherry to bring you out of the abyss of your thoughts again......sorry for the delay as I was writing a short story for my amusement as none of this soap opera matters.

GOP livid after Trump cuts deal with Democrats

First, ye of little memory alpha, you will recall that Bill Clinton was forced in his first term of leftism to go Newt and pass the entire Contract On America, and by miracle there is Donald Trump forced by the same situation to abandon the right and govern with Chuck Schumer.
You miss the roulette though as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell were going to implement these exact same debt ceilings and same hog trough bail out for Houston.
See this is supposed to give the GOP cover for the bleaters who get the woolie on yet for frauds like Ben Sasse. These are the Obamacare and gun grabbers of the past 8 months standing in the way of Trump promises.
Second, if you are fooled about all of this, don't worry about the excuses on Mr. Trump being played for a fool in thinking  this was his idea.
Bill Clinton had his Dick Morris. Donald Trump now has his Junta Kelly.

Third, this now gives cover to the same plundering as before, it allows the GOPliters the ruse of going home and whining to bleaters about them trying to "tow the line" and the democrats go home and show off Trump's testicles hanging on the wall, and everyone believes it, as we get Rope a Don, and wonderous things happen in all of these Ivanka policies get the Trump signature on them.

Trump of 2016 is gone. You now have the Jeb Clinton of Obama's 3rd term. None of this is anything to be worked up over or disappointed. It is the system which has prevailed. Donald Trump was not leader enough to keep his promises.


As you can see by the grinning McConnell that he loves all of this. This has been Americans on the ropes, beat up and worn out for 8 months, and exhausted, they no longer care and will accept this as it no longer matters.

Just let it go as this is all stage theater. This was all planned out over a year ago in softening Trump up on  the 100 Days, and Trump agreed to this about the time he started confessing in Reverse Speech with David John Oates 'Forgive me America'.

Just conclude you are going to be screwed over like under Obama, Jeb, Hillary, and go to your tents and live your lives the best you can, do not make yourselves a person of interest in mouthing off. Pay your taxes and just enjoy the goodness God gives and wait for the Lord's return as there is nothing here for any Americans.
You voted correctly with God, and God bless you for that.

