Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Trump Tax is Hillary Tax, EXACT SAME POLICY

 Just lie through your teeth baby for Donald Trump with a smile
as we screw America over in one big tax on the poor
to genocide those  culls

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I know from listening to Rush Limbaugh when I unload feed, is that Limbaugh is being paid to tell Trump voters that they are loyal and Trump can do nothing to stop their support. That is the abolute exact opposite as Alabama proved in Mr. President being rejected in Luther Strange for the real American Patriot Roy Moore.......who Mr. President said he had not spoken to until after Strange was rejected by the People of Alabama.

The reason for this matters, in that fraud Lindsey in the gay ear Graham was pushing Obamacare repeal, and we now know again this was another fraud, just like all the things Donald Trump is involved in. Voters have had it with Trump lying to them.

The reason this matters, is Mr. President was in Indiana, Mike Pence Indiana, trying to sell this Trump Tax, and in listening to that was bogus. All it was, was paid Pence yahooters whooping every time Trump hit a Steven Miller talking point, that was supposed to appeal to those hicks from the Midwest, but the response proves people have stopped listening.

I listened though because people expect some kind of review here that will explain things, so here goes from Trump's  own lips on Sean Homo Hannity.

The plan would eliminate seven tax brackets for individuals and replace them with just three. The top tax bracket for individuals would be lowered to 35 percent from 39.6 percent, which Krueger said "takes just about every Congressional Democrat out of the game." The lowest tax rate would rise to 12 percent from 10 percent, "still a net-tax cut, but optics are pretty bad."

OK, we are being told that this is a tax reduction of 3 brackets...........and then it goes to 4 for the really rich.
I was told that the tax rated drops from 39% to 35% for these same uber rich. I will just tell you something this blog informed you of this past summer in predicting that what would take place is Goldman Sachs Wall Street was going to get the tax cuts and each of you was going to get screwed over, and guess what Gary Cohn came up with? Poor people go from 10% under Obama to 12% under Donald Trump, while the rich go from almost 40% to 35%. That is the Lame Cherry proven right again, in I told you that leftist economic rapist Gary Cohn was going to screw you over and Donald Trump just pulled your knickers down.

Trump pushes sweeping tax reform...
DEVIL IN DETAILS: Proposal calls for surcharge on 'wealthiest' Americans?
Bottom rate rises from 10% to 12%...
Eliminates state and local deductions...
NORQUIST: Plan Will Turbo-charge Economy...
Freedom Caucus Supports...

Mr. Trump invested a great deal of time selling this to small business and family farmers in the "real estate" or death tax is removed. That is BULLSHIT. OK let me explain something in this, in small  farmers learned long ago to put their kid's names  on the land. They did  this to protect the farm from when the geezer got thrown into the old folks home and the land would be sold to pay for 3000 dollar a month care. It is the same on the death tax, in you just put the kids name on the land in RIGHT OF SURVIVAL and when someone dies the land just changes hands.
That is what takes place in small business, so when Mr. Trump is telling poor people that he is getting rid of the death tax, what he is reall doing is protecting those NFL billionaires who can now just hand over football teams and all they have, including Warren Buffett, who will now not need to hide assets and make those fake charities and foundations for his fucktard kid to "manage" at one million dollars a year when Warren goes tits up, because Donald Trump just protected the Trump Companies, so little Ivanka will inherit it all, and pay no federal taxes when pops goes room temperature.

You must understand, that I am for this getting rid of taxes, even for the rich, but what I detest is Donald Trump telling Gary Cohn's lies and thinking every poor person is too stupid to not know the Trump's get the deal and we get the shaft.

And who was spreading her legs for sodomite Grover Nordquist just last week in Ivanka, and who comes out saying what a great deal this tax rape of the poor is?

NORQUIST: Plan Will Turbo-charge Economy...

The real sucker deal in this is for people in states like Kansas, Minnesota etc... that have their own state income tax. That tax  is deductible. No more will it be under Donald Trump, so you just watch the poor people rate blow through the roof as for most poor people that is a 3000 to 8000 dollar deduction each year which just vanished.
It is the same with this Pass Through Tax, which is the selling point to sucker small business they are getting a deduction. What will happen is the top bracket will just raise the price on goods to make up for that tax hike of corporate individuals, and that price will pass through in higher prices to small business in inflation and be desposited before you in higher prices, which small poor people will end up paying AGAIN. 

The proposed reduction in the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent would cost about $1.6 trillion. The pass-through tax would go to 25 percent, lowering the tax burden for small business owners who are subject to higher individual tax rates.

So my review of Trump Tax is, exactly what the Lame Cherry predicted. Poor people get taxed, rich people  get the breaks, and Trump Brand is the only entity which wins again. I loathe being lied to, and I deem Stephen Miller and Gary Cohn thee most reprehensible ilk, along with that Hope Hicks who was busy deleting all of Trump's Tweets again for Luther Strange, as this was their message of lies Trump delivered in Indiana, and Trump was the lying parrot repeating the message.

Personally, I am trying to save to buy a place. I have watched the Obama taxes mushroom from HW. Bush's  tax cuts, in eating me alive. I now am going to be further devoured by Mr. President.

So in review of 2017 AD in all I hoped for in crumbs was:

Get rid of the Obamacare mandate......what I got was Obamacare forever criminalizing me.

Get rid of my high taxes.............what I got was higher taxes put upon poor me.

Get one ounce of response of respect from this bunch for putting them into the White House..........what I got is all of the above in being pissed on and their telling me it is raining.

That is the review of Trump Tax. I no longer care and will no longer listen to Donald Trump. I hope for a national election recall in all of these traitors, but barring that, I will support every American who runs to throw these crooked politicians out, as I mentioned in the post on the silliness of Angela Melini being upset about Donald Trump, in that all Trump is implementing is exactly what Hillary Clinton would have kept in place and I can tell you something, that Hillary Clinton would have submitted about this same tax package........the difference is she never would have raised taxes on the poor from 10 to 12 percent outright. She would have had Larry Summers hide it better.

In conclusion, Trump Tax is Hillary Tax, same policy, from the same New York Valued left.


So in Trump Tax if you are the rich cheer, but if you are poor fear, because the tax man passes over the rich and comes with the reaper for the poor.

- Lame Cherry


Nuff Said
