Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Kushner, strangely enough JVanka

The only balls Jared has are Top Flyte


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There was an interesting secret about Ivanka and Jared Kushner which came out in an email spoof not that long ago, which CNN and every other insider has covered up. The detail went something like:

Marlow also shared a personal smear against Trump and Kushner's private life, CNN reported. The news organization did not print the smear, saying it was "unfounded and unsubstantiated."

The reality is the Kushner's were featured in Cosmo which did a detailed expose' upon them, and what emerged in actual sourced material is how absolutely gouche and creepy they are as a couple.

It is not just being tacky, in handing out Trump business fliers in Ivanka's wedding announcement, it is how cheap and disrespectful they are to Jews.
For example, as wedding gifts they gave flip flops with a note what a great "pair" they were, along with a Hebrew book, which had absolutely no purpose, as most Jews in America can not even read Hebrew.

Their marriage is  bizarre, in their romance consists of going out and each of them walking by buildings they own. This is no joke. This is a date according to Jared Kushner, in he takes his wife out to see a building and Ivanka gets to show Jared her properties too. They did this weekly.

This quote though of womanly Ivanka is another strange one.

"There's something that feels very feminine to me about being able to do that for my husband. Just the ability to come home and be able to offer him that once a week and to be able to cook a dinner for us as a family." Ivanka told the Wall Street Journal

Normal people would ask, what is it 6 days of leftover lobster then, or are these rich people ordering take out, or more to the point, who is raising those kids, and is this the person that is cooking the other 20 meals a week, when Ivanka is not feeling womanly?
I mean seriously, this is the kind of wife, mother and woman that Ivanka Kushner is. A dog would starve on the kind of care this woman provides, and she thinks she is being a wonderful Jewess in "offering" to her family a meal prepared by her Ivanka highness.

In the weird factor, is the gushing point that Jared designed her engagement ring, which then allowed her to seize complete control over the wedding.....and we know the tacky Trump golf course fliers were her idea.
It then goes further in she refers to this gushy engagement ring as hardware, and as her excuse why she did not wear her wedding ring on The View.

"He put so much time and effort into designing the most perfect ring for me!" she told

As a newlywed, Ivanka went on The View without wearing her wedding ring. She explained, "I was engaged for three months and then I've been married around eight days, so it's sitting on my bedside table. I forget about the hardware." Ivanka doesn't seem to wear her engagement ring much at all.

To return to the romantic marriage of Ivanka and Jared. He refers to their marriage as a business and Ivanka is the CEO.

"I would say she is definitely the CEO of our household, whereas I'm more on the board of directors," he told Vogue. "We both pick up slack for each other where it's needed, but she doesn't want to outsource mothering, so she's very involved."
So to celebrate Business Women's Day, Jared bought Ivanka a coffee.

They also in 2015 tried to start a bizarre trend, where when they went some place, all the other couples were supposed to follow them.

They tried to be the "Follow Me" couple once. 

This is pervy Jared's photography. If you study it closely, Ivanka's head is over a nature's vagina, and like Eve and that apple with satan, she is leading Jared to join in on this mother nature threesome.
They symbolism is all there. The Kushner's staged this photo for exactly what it looks like and Ivanka posted it from her husband's account.

So as Marlow over at Bretibart hinted at how perverted the Kushner's are, we can review that the Kushner marriage is a business deal, whose matrimonial alter is a cash register, in Ivanka comes first and last, she is the CEO and one day a week she is a woman where she apparently "cooks" by opening up TV dinners.... oh and the romance is not moonlit walks, sitting beside fires sipping wine, but looking at their one true lust in buildings they own and are gouging money out of other people  for.

Donald Trump sr. told them to not get into business together as it could be bad. It appears even he never dreamed he had to warn the Kushner's not to have a business wedlock.

 Donald Trump said he didn't think Jared and Ivanka should do business together. "I don't think it is a good idea," Trump told Crain's. "When it works, it can be great, but when it doesn't, I think it would be really ugly." Ivanka really didn't like the article.

I can not believe that pathetic women are cutting off pieces of their faces to look like Ivanka who got that way lopping off her face too. These two are some of the last people anyone should ever model themselves after.

 They had a couple name when they went public: J-Vanka. The New York press took gleefully chronicled their relationship, which started at the height of the supercouple: There was Bennifer, Brangelina, and J-Vanka.
In the spring of 2007, questions of are-they-or-aren't-they first surfaced (J-Vanka insisted for a while that they were "buddies"
