Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Veto this Resolution Mr. President


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is fitting that the United States Congress which can not liberate Americans from Obamacare rationed death, can not provide tax breaks nor jobs for 95 Americans not working, that there is no time for these things, but there is time to pass record spending sprees and to order President Trump:

  • What to say violating his 1st Amendment Rights
  • Target select groups in America
  • Target Americans for having allegiance to America

The legislation which overwhelmingly passed the Senate on Monday and was passed by a voice vote in the House Tuesday evening now heads to President Trump's desk.
The joint resolution asks the Trump administration to speak out against hate groups that "espouse racism, extremism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and White supremacy." It also calls on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate any acts of violence or domestic terrorism committed by white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups.
The House version was introduced by Rep. Tom Garrett, R-Va., who represents Charlottesville, and had the support of Virginia's entire delegation, which consists of seven Republicans and four Democrats.
"Tonight, the House of Representatives spoke in one unified voice to unequivocally condemn the shameful and hate-filled acts of violence carried out by the KKK, white nationalists, white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. I hope this bipartisan action will help heal the wounds left in the aftermath of this tragedy and send a clear message to those that seek to divide our country that there is no place for hate and violence," Rep. Gerald Conolly, D-Va., said in a statement Tuesday.

Of course this is one more bait and switch by this Benedict Arnold Congress, to get Donald Trump to shatter the Nationalist base completely, and he will as Mr. President is content to be groomed to lead the Hillary Clinton wing of the democrat party as the Republicans become a 3rd tier Whig.

What Congress just passed is Constitutionally illegal as the Alien and Sedition Acts. It is too bad America does not have President representing Americans.

Nuff Said.
