Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hillary Clinton Has Not Testicles

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is official in why women of leftist gendermandering should never run for President, be wed to a President, be in the White House nor appear in white, because from Ivanka Kushner, to Chelsea Clinton to Gramma Hillary Clinton, these women simply will not go away.

Due to her husbands crimes and her own missteps, Ivanka Kushner should have had the grace to go back and continue her vocations for which she was qualified for in losing other people's money and having her businesses close down.

The same is the reality with Chelsea Hubble. Seriously, this gaping mouthed troll on Twitter proved her mind is not capable of anything past Arkansas. She really tried to be educated, but Mummy Hamrod had to rush in and appear on stage and tell everyone that losing was not her fault, and that her legacy was one where she would have won if only she had at least one testicle.

"This is beyond anything I had imagined," Clinton told Pod Save America, a podcast run by alums of President Barack Obama, in perhaps her most candid reflection to date about her loss 10 months ago. "It was a lack of imagination about what could happen."
Having taken the time to relive the unimaginable defeat to Donald Trump on countless occasions in her head, Clinton is back to share her conclusions with the world. A jam-packed media tour – which commenced on "CBS Sunday Morning" and continued Tuesday on NPR – will continue into the fall, complemented by a 15-city book tour that winds through mid-December and includes stops in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, two of the three states that cost her the presidency.
It's a full-fledged blitz with the feeling of another campaign; one to mend her reputation and leave onlookers with a consciousness of what might've been.
"She was the first woman to come so close to potentially being president," says Karen Finney, a communications aide on the Clinton campaign. "I think there's a lot we can learn from her perspective. As we know, we're still unpacking what happened."

The unpacking of what happened, seems a full suitcase of excuses. There is a growing list of reasons Hillary Clinton lost and it seems to be:

  • The Russians
  • The Internet
  • The Media
  • The Men
  • The Donald Trump
  • The Bernie Sanders
  • The Americans

The way it reads or screeches it is something like Russians, Internet, Media, Men, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and all of America hates women. Hillary Clinton makes claim to being a woman and as there is not any forensic evidence to convict otherwise, we take it that Hamrod is a woman of sorts. Sort of like a penguin is a fish if you do not look to close.

There is a reality in unpacking this is the reason Hamrod is so obsessed is she cheated, had it all criminally staged for her to steal this election as she stole it from Bernie Sanders, and when the tally came in she lost, and this is what Hillary Clinton can not comprehend, as it is the first time she cheated and lost.
I would point out she lost out in trying to shatter Richard Nixon's Constitutional Rights, but then she must have counted it a win, as she took the boobie prize of Bill Clinton.

Why we need this catharsis when in English the term cheaters never win is a maxim of sage advice taught to all children before the death of John Wayne, and as Hillary Clinton is certainly old enough to have watched black and white television, as she never learned that lesson.

To blame that maxim on not having testicles and require a 15 city confessional tour, after the deaths of thousands of more trees for another Clinton catharsis with all that climate change,  endangering all of us, but alas, what are a few more thousand dead trees and a few more thousands of dead humans, when Hillary Clinton is informing all of us again, that she does not have testicles.

I am quite grateful for this confirmation again, as I  don't think I could nor could 15 US cities continue on, if we did not know that revelation for certain.
