Tax that dead guy over there
as Ivanka wants a carbon emission tax on him.
I honestly am puzzled as I keep hearing the Rush Limbaugh line from Koch brothers that poor people or most people do not pay income taxes. Ann Coulter has been on a rampage posting about this in people not paying taxes. This keyboard poker posted a Drudge story by REX NUTTING, has this same line of most people do not pay income tax:
Today, most Americans aren’t clamoring for lower taxes, probably because most of us don’t pay very much in federal income taxes. Our tax burden has rarely been lower. The latest data show that the 60% of families in the middle of the income distribution — those between about $32,000 and about $140,000 — pay an average of just 2.5% of their income in federal income taxes.
Nearly half of Americans owe no federal income tax at all,
OK, I checked the IRS tax rate site AGAIN, like I do when I fill out income tax forms, and I found that ANYONE WHO HAS 1000 DOLLARS EARNED PAYS INCOME TAX.
This is what is just befuddles the mind, as no one can live on 1000 dollars a year. No one, for example earning 30,000 dollars a year, can amass 29,000 dollars in deductions. It literally is impossible. So how in the hell are these people always quoted in these stories not paying any income tax?
For my Mom, she does not file being retired, but she is under the IRS cap of 14,000 dollars which Obama raised. AND FOR THE POINT, DONALD TRUMP HAS LOWERED THAT NOW TO 12,000 DOLLARS.
Another point is Mr. Trumps 50,000 dollars a year NO PAYING INCOME TAX is now 24,000 dollars a year for couples. No one can live on that kind of poverty rate after Obama taxes and Trump inflation.
So it begs the question in, in who the hell is not paying income taxes? Are these asstards always bitching using Big Koch numbers on poverty? As in the 95 million unemployed and the 95 million elderly, are the ones who are supposed to be "paying taxes" when they do not have jobs and are under the poverty level of 14,000 dollars a year or the whopping Donald Trump ivory tower, silver spoon income of 12,000 dollars a year?
Here is the tax rate table, and you can click the link, which shows the tax rates.
I really get perturbed over this bullshit propaganda, because my taxes went up something like 3000 percent under Obama due to this blog, and I have never been gouged so damned deep in my life. So where this Rex Nutting is talking from about our tax burden being lighter and no one paying taxes, I simply do not know what planet he lives on, and perhaps the IRS needs to go through his books, as because in the above table on 1000 dollars the rate is $101 dollars per 1000 dollars, or 10% tax on what Americans earn.
At 30,000 dollars a year it goes to $4,050 dollars which is 15% rate. Yes people in poverty are paying at least 15% rate in income taxes in 2015 AD in the year of our Lord, so just exactly how are all of these people getting away with not paying any taxes, as I have yet to meet any working people who do no wince at the mention of doing their taxes.
Where the hell does Rex Nutting get 2.5% of taxed income when the IRS is by law levying 10 to 15 percent on people in poverty?
So the Lame Cherry will keep harping on this, as all of us under Mr. President have to pay our taxes as that is the law, but when I keep reading a lie that people do not pay taxes in America, when if you earn 1000 dollar you owe the IRS 10% and now hear Mr. President telling me being rich is earning 12,000 dollars a year as he breaks another promise, in 2016 it was 50,000 dollars a year you did not have to pay income taxes, I will stand up for the poor and correct the lies and point out no one can live on 12,000 dollars a year and the "no one pays income taxes" must figure in the dead, the jobless and the retired in poverty.
It is time these damned lies stop and it is time that real tax cuts take place as under John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.
Just think of it as a Goy Tax....
Nuff Said