Friday, September 29, 2017

V is for Kushner

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Esquire Magazine

If one speaks to New York City residents, there is one word which comes up with the name of Jared Kushner and that is "putz".
Putz is vulgar slang for a penis, meant to deride as a fool or an idiot. Jared Kushner is a putz in the same way Donald Trump defines the word cock, a virile manly presence.

In forensic psychology there are many reasons the psychosis of Donald Trump keeps Jared Kushner around. Jael Ivanka is his princess, his precious, beautiful vulnerable side, so Mr. Trump must keep Jared around, elevate him to almost equal status with himself, and lie to himself how accomplished and genius Jared Kushner is, as everyone else in New York terms this slum lord a putz.

The fact is Donald Trump as a business man would have eaten and crapped out Jared Kushner in business, just for sport, as Kushner is not a business man. He is a trader of a slum lord name, who got sweetheart deals to profit off of.
The most glaring revelation and condemnation of Jared Kushner is not his incessant hunt for money to prop up the worst business deal in New York City history with Jewish mafia funds or Chicom money laundered funds, which have now set the United States at nuclear war stance over Korea, as  Kushner told Trump to trust China, but it is the infamous 666 Tower in New York.

There is an old adage at Wall Street. Buy low. Sell High.

Jared Kushner violated all of that, because as the real estate market in New York was collapsing, Kushner spent around a billion dollars, which he did not have on the 666 site. This disaster is at the heart of everything Kushner has exposed President Donald Trump to, as Kushner and his kindred keep trying to trade on the Trump name illegally to sucker some new investment whether it be Russian, Jewish, Chinese or the devil itself. Kushner likes "owning" property, but it is other people risking the capital and discovering Jared Kushner is a putz.

If one could describe who Jared Kushner is at his soul, it would be vindictive. Like his father, the legendary scheming vindictive crook, Charles who Chris Christie put into prison for doing everything from hiring prostitutes to destroy his sister's marriages and witness tampering, and Chris Christie has paid the price in this vendetta, it is equal to the catty nature of Ivanka Trump. They are both like specimens, who hide behind composed smiles, while plotting to undercut and destroy those who get in their way.

Compared with Charles, whose temper is legendary, Jared has a notably calm demeanor. "He's calm, he's smooth and sharp, and he knows how to court people," says Doug Harmon, a veteran New York broker. Yet there is also an undercurrent of hostility that belies his polite veneer. Jared was described to me as "a little bit bullheaded" and "a little bit of a bully" by one person; another said that when he gets mad, "the loss of composure is the shock because he's always so completely controlled."

It does require a little bit of effort, at least more than Steve Bannon gave in yelling at Jared Kushner to get Kushner's real side to surface as Kushner will not take on directly a superior male face to face. Instead Kushner saves his venom for weaker males like Reince Priebus, who Kushner told to "Fuck off" when Priebus as Chief of Staff was inquiring what Jared and his cronies were meeting about in the West Wing.

After WPP's board ignored his advice and approved the deal, Jared attended a meeting at the company and told a senior executive at WPP, "You're the stupidest person I've ever met in this business."

The crux of what triggers Jared Kushner is his crooked old man, and his weakness in trying to make the disaster of 666 a success. 666 is a dry hole and Kushner would throw the United States into it, just to say he was right about 666.
The reality of 666 is it is a business office space, pure and simple. It is not a Trump Tower in the elegance that Ivana Trump decorated that New York masterpiece with as Donald Trump framed the exterior for class. Jared Kushner though with his bullying father, Charles, keep browbeating the other main investor at 666 into demanding the property be converted to apartments.
The other owner in Mr. Roth is correct. New York City is overflowing with expensive apartments with rats. The only way to recoup a billion dollars is to bring in business which inflates property values, so an owner can unload it, the way the former owner unloaded it on the sucker bet of Jared Kushner.

Roth, who is seventy-four, and who recently joined Donald Trump's economic advisory team, did not respond to a request for comment, but he has told people in private that he despises what he sees as Jared's arrogance. According to several sources, meetings between Vornado and the Kushner Companies regularly become shouting fests, though one source says that most of the screaming is done by Charles Kushner.


The Charles that the fruit of Jared did not fall far from.

Jared Kusher's vindictive street is summed up in the following, as much of what a liar he is, in not being man enough to take credit for putting the screws to someone. Donald Trump in not being invited to Charlie Sheen's wedding, sent Sheen a faux pair of cuff links, which Sheen kept in thinking they were real.
Sheen had money troubles and tried to pawn them, and that is when Sheen knew he had been had. Donald  Trump is a patient man in enjoying getting back at people who screw him over, but he does it with a Roger Stone style. Jared Kushner is just a pathetic and foul, small natured male, who will never take on a real man face to face, but will instead be like a woman in getting another woman to rake her nails over him
The best illustration is again associated with 666 and main creditor, who Jared first tried to use their friendship in not repaying the entire loan. When that did not work as that was real investor's money, Kushner whined that he "had worked his ass off", as if Jared breaking a sweat in making a bad deal was supposed to be reason to bilk a hundred million dollars from investors.
The creditor hung up on Kushner when he began to whine.

Kushner Companies risked an imminent default on the loans that had financed the firm's purchase of 666 Fifth Avenue. Jared's lenders were at his throat, and he stood to lose hundreds of millions of dollars, if not the entire building.
According to a source familiar with the call, Jared appealed to his friendship with Mack—"I am a really good person," he insisted—and asked him to accept a substantial write-down of the loan.
Mack held firm. He had been unhappy with some aspects of how the Kushners managed the building, and, as he reminded Jared, he had a fiduciary responsibility to his investors.
Jared did not take the news well. According to the source, he began shouting into the phone, "I've been working my ass off!"
Mack was unimpressed. "I don't know who the hell you think you're talking to," he said, and hung up the phone.

Jared Kushner was not finished with the Mack story, as Kushner in vendetta never forgets nor forgives, but like a Shylock keeps hacking away as one pound of flesh is never enough.
Kushner in the following, sent 3 investigative reporters to smear Mr. Mack, and none of them could find any proof of Kushner's charges that Mack was bad with investments.
It did not matter, as Kushner wanted revenge  and went to the extent of delisting Mack's business in Kushner media, simply because Jared Kushner is a putz, he is a prick.

Elizabeth Spiers, a former editor of the Observer, wrote on her website about what she called "the Big Dick Mack Story," that he realized the extent of Jared's lingering animosity.Spiers wrote that during her tenure as editor, in 2011 and 2012, Kushner had pushed for a hit piece on Mack. "If the tip he'd given me had checked out, it would have been a good story," she wrote. "So I agreed to put a reporter on the story." She gave the assignment to Dan Geiger, the Observer's real estate beat reporter. Kushner called Geiger and furiously complained that Mack was a "bad fiduciary" who'd moved money around to enrich himself at the expense of his investors.

This is the person Donald Trump has far too close, who has Donald Trump's ear, and has been behind with Ivanka the worst disasters in the early Trump Presidency, bringing a conversation that Trump will be impeached.
The latest story from the Kushners is after the 2016 Emailgate scandal in Hillary Clinton, Jared Kushner immediately set up a private email and Ivanka was using it too, which gave Hillary Clinton another issue of the Trump Hypocrisy.

If one examines Jared Kushner, he appears in numerous instances a deep state Jewish mole, like Jonathan Pollard, who was sent in to leave a trail of crimes to lead to Donald Trump. It was beyond betrayal of family when Jared Kushner leaked Donald Trump jr's name to the press, along with emails Kushner did not have right to as it was Trump property, to smear Don jr. to take the heat off Kushner and drive the story again right back to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has a blind spot when it comes to Jared Kushner, while those who have been too close to the Kushner's recognize immediately that this is a slum lord outfit that no one with any sense would invest in or associate with, as too many criminals, mobsters and FBI agents are lurking around the people Jared Kushner associates with.

As this started, V is for Kushner, and it makes sense in every time I post about these slum lords this computer starts acting strange in running slow.

For the sake of America and the 2016 AD in the year of our Lord election, Mr President needs to distance himself from his son in law and daughter, as the damage of Watergate has already been accomplished.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
