Friday, October 6, 2017

Brier Patch Girls

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We were talking with the old neighbors. In my part of the brier patch, to be an "old" neighbor you had to be here before I was born, so a new neighbor is someone who has just been here 25 years. If someone has been here 5 years, they do not even count as a name, they are just "those people" on whoever place they inhabit.
Like Gene and Judy sold their place to some people a few years ago. I do not know the name, or have not bothered to remember it, but as they are 80 years old, and moved to town, they are still the neighbors we talk to. The new one are  the ones ones with "that old guy with the beard and the that van", as they wave at us, so they are almost neighbors. They have not come to name status, but do have a status better than "those people".

Our old neighbors, were telling us about their granddaughters today. We stood in a store and talked as the owner walked around us for an hour, as that is what neighbors do. Anyway this was about the girls. I will call them girl one and girl two as they are not our neighbors.

Girl one is 9. She has a time of it in school, as she phoned up Gram and said, "They are trying to kill us". Nothing more, just that so Gram had to ask about the story. Apparently the school is making 9 year old run a mile. Why I have no idea they are torturing little kids, but I seem to recall when I was there, it came out that New York City children were shit for brains, so our Government teacher decided we needed to read books to make up for it. It made no sense, but I suppose if kids are out of shape in the city, so are the kids in the brier patch.
One boy keeps pestering girl one, hits her, calls her names, you know he has the 9 year old hots for her. So he comes up and says, "You are fat so you will never get that mile run done".
Girl one thought on that for a bit and says, "You know you hit me, call me names, and follow me around. I am going to do that run and I am going to make it, because I know you like watching fat girls run".
She asked her Mom if that was right and she got the affirmative, and when asked what the boy did, she said, "He just shut up and turned and walked away".

Girl two is 15 and went to a dance. Another boy was doing the same as the above, and girl two just had it and said, "I am about ready to hit you". He came back with, "You don't have the guts to do it!".
Her friend was recording it, and Girl two took a half swing at him with her left hand and he ducked back, and when he was at the end of his duck, she clobbered him with the right.
The friend immediately texted the recording to Girl two's Mom who when she picked her up asked if she enjoyed herself. Girl two said, "It was the best dance I have ever been to!!!".

So that is what I learned today, in there are lots of little faggy Jared Kushner's around, but there are lots of meaty girls out there who are willing to put the rolling pin to those faggots and make men out of them.

That is the reason one speaks to their old neighbors, as it is an hour long conversation into the world of the way it really is.

Nuff Said

