Friday, October 6, 2017

The First Non Black Birther Obama President

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the image Obama attempts to write the legacy of the 44 Election Stealer, in the blood of Black Lives Matter and Antifa funded terrorism, as Obama Inc. sojourns in Chicago building a billion dollar library while Val-erie Jarrett black slums overflow Chicago along with the blood of Black Americans denied passage on the Obama Above Ground Railroad, it is time to revisit the Obama reality of the 8 years in office in the mania which elected him on fantasy and racist catharsis and made the fantasy a nightmare or racism unleashed upon all Americans.

In the book The Amateur, Edward Klein records a conversation with the President and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce,  Harry C. Alford, which is the epitaph of everything Obama.

"When Obama became President, we were all happy about the symbolism - America's first black president.
We really didn't care about his position or views on anything. We just wanted a black president no matter what.
We should have been more careful, as his views on small business, especically black business, are counter to ours".

What was Obama's world view on Blacks in business? It was the international Stanley Ann Dunham Ford Foundation, global plantation, where poor folk were run into debt, and what appeared was the Conglomerate control as managed by the regime. The Conglomerates employed all while the regime promoted the Unions, which in the Obama commerce, meant cheap Mexican labor replacing Blacks, while putting Blacks into prison by the millions.

President Alford continued:

"His views of business is that it should be a few major corporations which are  totally unionized and working with the government, which should also be massive and reaching into every level of American society
Thus his first Executive Order, was reinstatement of Project Labor Agreements in government construction jobs - all participatig firms must use union labor, or  at least, pay union wages, and abide by union rules. This activity, in effect, discriminates against blacks, hispanics and women per se, as trade unions deliberately under emply them".

It was President George W. Bush who eliminated PLA from the federal system, and it was Birther Hussein Obama who brought it back for the same Chicago cronyism which elevated him to a national character.

This can not be lost, because just as Union workers suffered the worst under Bill Clinton, in shipping jobs overseas, Blacks and other minorities suffered worse under Barack Hussein Obama policy of CENTRALIZED COMMERCE.

This is just part of the Obama legacy in skimming funds from corporations to fund BLM and Antifa, to the absolute retarding of Black business people across America. There is absolutely not any way for a Black or any small business to gain a government contract paying 50 dollar an hour union wages, coupled with the mandate of Obamacare ripping the economic guts out of a business. Yet this is what kind of change Obama believed in.  It was in effect the RE PLANTIZATION of African Americans with racist propaganda. Obama shut down Lincoln's emancipated Blacks in individual business and commerce, as he did Whites, Browns and Yellows, and herded them all back onto the Community Organized Plantation.

This is the Obama legacy which can not be ignored. No more than Congresswoman Maxine Waters ignored the ignoble mistreatment of Black Americans when Obama went on a bus tour to White America and ignored Black America, and when the Congressional Black Caucus complained, Obama appeared and chastised them viciously as House Niggers, in order them to, "Take off your bedroom slippers,  put on your marching shoes,  stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying."

Congresswoman Waters who actually rose up in the Black experience in America in civil rights, informed Birther Hussein Obama, "I've never owned a pair of bedroom slippers!"

Where such a ludicrous charge came from, whether it was Michelle Obama, from the crony privilege of Chicago's political favors is unknown, but something like this would never have originated from a Jesse Jackson  who could speak to Americans on terms they could understand without insulting them.

Everyone is now dealing with Obama change he believed in, from the invaders whose nations were disrupted by Obama wars, to the Americans trying to deal with being replaced by Obama Commerce. People should have been more careful in the leader they chose to produce the shining example to end racism, as Barack Hussein Obama, the product of Asian roots, was the most racist occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue since FDR sent the Jews packing back to Europe in World War II and rounded up German and Japanese Americans.

This is the Obama legacy and it needs to be learned and memorized, as a billion dollar library in Chicago built upon the blood experience of American Blacks is going to produce a propaganda which will glorify the subjegation of Blacks in America, under the Executive Order Rule of Barack Hussein Obama.

Nuff Said

