Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Expunging a Felon Record

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Several weeks ago a caller to Gun Talk, mentioned that felony criminals can regain their rights in America, in having their records expunged by the Courts by petition. While this might seem disturbing at first blush, I will relate what this man stated.

He had been involved in some type of collection for beer, and being 17 another teenager produced a cap gun and for this crime, he was felony sentenced.
He served his time, and as  10 years had passed in his being a law abiding citizen, his lawyers petitioned the Courts for his records to be expunged, and the Court granted the request.

I did a search and many states have this Appeals Court remedy. Minnesota for example allows this, except in understandable circumstances of murder, rape and child molestation.

This is a sound remedy for a Citizen who has paid their debt to society, remained law abiding, and in proving the mistake was a one time issue, should have full voting and gun owning rights restored to them.

The point in this is numerous men have had their rights destroyed when a girlfriend or wife, calls the police on them. The stories are all the same, a separation occurs, the woman phones the man to come over, he goes over, things get heated again, the woman goes off on the man, the man defends himself, the police are called in retaliation, and arrests are made.
The lawyers tell the man, "Plea this out to make it go away", so they do thinking that the fine is acceptable to end the bad situation, but the fine is a felony, and they are registered on domestic abuse, and that is the BATFE questionnaire barring gun ownership forever.

Every person makes mistakes and things happen in life. People deserve second chances and as the legislators and high courts refuse to allow redress, this is an unknown measure which the citizen can initiate to restore their rights to them. It is something which is not publicized, but it is on the books and it is a remedy open to people.
It may not sound that important and the police state knee jerk reaction would be you did the crime you do the time, but the reality is, it states nowhere that a person who does 10 years, having paid their debt to society is supposed to be deprived their entire lives for a past mistake. No one reading this would like to be humiliated for the rest of their lives in not voting, owning a gun or making it known on employment forms that you were a convicted felon, for something which was one of those things that happen to unfortunate people.

This is once again the Lame Cherry attempting to make the world a better place. People should not have to wait for pardons from politicians, and the fact is they do not in numbers of cases. The Courts will give second chances for those who petition, but they need to know the chance is there.

Nuff Said
