Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Obamanazism Trumpnazism

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has been writing for some time about the Socio Conglomerate State which the Obama regime created. It was not until I was reading a throw away book by Edward Klein about Obama, called The Amateur (a term Bill Clinton called Obama by) that I found a passage on page 64, which actually gave Obama verbiage to the doctrine of changing the United States of FDR socialism to Obama community organized National Socialism.

This is the quote:

During his dinner with historians, Obama indicated that he had a preference for a corporatist political system in which the economy would be collectively managed by big employers, big unions and government officials through a froma mechanism at the national level. Also known as state capitalism, it is a system in which the government picks winners and promotes economic growth.

This is also known as Adolf Hitler's National Socialism or Nazism, as it is a scheme where the ruling class of 1% lives in luxury and the 99% exist in a static state. Heir Hitler padded this by concentrated force labor camps so the 99% could maintain an illusion of supremacy.

Now before you get all Steven Colbert self righteous in this, this is the same model which is European economics today, as they initiated the entire Hitler model, but in Europe, the United States made the welfare payments for defense so the Europeans did not have to work hard, and the European imported the Negroid Muslim for menial labor.

As Obama poured slave labor Jesuit and Muslim rape cock into America to match Europe, the same exact model of a few corporations ruled America, fed by Obama confiscating record taxes from the People, as Obama debt spending inflated everyone to a third world economic level in the 99% of Americans.

This point has to be made as no one is getting this in Barack Obama was a 3rd world version of Adolf Hitler. Obama lacked the German morals, industry and drive, so Obama's nazism floundered, but this same nazism is exactly what Donald Trump has embraced being run by the Kushners and Gary Cohn, along with Mike Pence. This is thee most disgusting rule in humanity in this collectivism which manages people as fleshbots, so these preening intellectuals can look out over their flocks and muse how caring they are and how they know better than these stupid people upon the lawn.
This is Ivanka Kushner when she plants stories about she sets aside her wants, for the wants of the people. It is all a lie and a deception, because she thinks each of you is stupid as a post and she can con you just like Obama did.

The Lame Cherry was using different terminology which was the correct terms for the nazism, but this undercurrent has been known by all of the elite. It is a point in why have not  the informers on the right been ranting about this nazism, the destruction of small business and the herding of the bleaters? The reason is, their CIA Mockingbird sponsors are not going to allow that message to get out, because all of these millionaires like Limbaugh and Hannity, are protecting their portfolios gleaned from robbing each of you in this inflation and regime directed spending.

This is what is destroying America, in the rights of the many, are being supplanted by a regime, conglomerate and police state running America like the Emperor's Park. The two systems of freedom and coercion can not exist in the same sphere, the one of the People is Constitutional, the other is rogue and not Constitutional.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
