Tuesday, October 24, 2017

George H. W. Bush Rapes Woman From Wheelchair

President George H.W. Bush APOLOGIZES after actress claimed he 'sexually assaulted' her and insists his 'attempt at humor' was misinterpreted as rape!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While the world is distracted by the Harvey Weinstein lynching and George W. Bush joins with the image of Obama, lynching President Donald J. Trump, the peophiles are still at large in politics and industry, and the real rapists are attacking women.

Yes one of the worst is George H. W. Bush in he assaults women from his wheelchair, and worse yet he has the Secret Service blaming the young woman, as "she stood too close to the pervert" in trusting him.


The innocent young victim
  His security guard told me I shouldn't have stood next to him for the photo.'

And just like Hillary Clinton attacking victims that Bill Clinton raped, there stood Babs Bush watching it all and allowing it to happen.

She claimed the 'assault' happened during a photo-op with wife Barbara Bush standing by his side, and claims his wife saw the incident unfold

Nothing is worse than this Clinton Bush abuse of women. It is not any wonder that HW and Bill bonded and Babs calls Bill her son. They are both the same predators!

'We were instructed to call him Mr. President. It seems to me a President's power is in his or her capacity to enact positive change, actually help people, and serve as a symbol of our democracy,' the lengthy post went on.
'He relinquished that power when he used it against me and, judging from the comments of those around him, countless other women before me,'

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is time that HW Bush be investigated for assaulting this young woman and indicted, and spend the rest of his days in prison.
There is a vast difference in Harvey Weinstein in there are not any witnesses and he denies the assaults. In this HW Bush apologized in admitting he attacked this young girl and there is a witness in the Secret Service.

Hey want to tag team her Bubba........
