Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Women Look Good Even Puking In Toilets

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been wondering about the backfeed I have been picking up from some people who contact me and from people posting on Facebook walls, running a narrative that the Las Vegas shooting did not happen. They were ranting about no dead bodies, etc...

Paige Gasper, Las Vegas shooting victim, sues Mandalay Bay ...

Obituaries; Just the Headlines; ... Attorneys for Paige Gasper, ... Ms. Gasper was shot in the right arm by one of Paddock's bullets and "rendered physically ...

I have posted the story of a Rense guest who was the Uncle of one of the victims who was shot and witnessed others shot. This was a real event and when people like John Rappaport do use the term False Flag, it leaves the impression that this was a not real event with crisis actors, when that simply is not the case. People were murdered in Las Vegas, just as people were murdered on 9 11, and a jet actually did crash into the Pentagon.

From Jeff Rense

I have been wondering where this false narrative was coming from and was even more puzzled  as Jeff Rense was talking about something cryptically last night with a guest who is on scene, and today he posted a comment about it being James Fetzer of Wisconsin who was on the Rense network who was the source of most of this "there were no shots and it was playback from the microphones" in comments which have reached me which did not make a great deal of sense.

I have not bothered to inquire into this, because I do not want to be popular in anyone thinking I have any information on this subject, other than  what everyone else has in reading internet stories. In stating that, I was moved to begin inquiring last night, call it Dick Algire Remote Viewing or whatever contact is with the matrix of thought which records events, and I do believe I have a close enough handle on this. I will say that my deductions in Sherlock Holmes were by Inspiration accurate in what was posted here. I may not have correctly titled the correct operators in this sometimes, but the narrative was close even when those involved were not doing what was said.

I will state again as I stated from the start. You simply can not bluff a crowd of 22,000 people, with fake blood and acoustic replay. I can check on that, but if there  was acoustic hijacking of sound systems, then that would be a diversion to protect the perpetrators in an operation, and not proof of a false flag. Sometimes two events do merge in both sides are partly correct.

What I believe is, this was more terrorist petting. Like Saudi Arabia has been petting terrorists to try and survive. America pets terrorists for Muslim oil money and because the dope lords dump a great deal of money into the cartels who influence American leaders. As on 9 11, things went wrong as on the Navy SEALS in their mass execution. There are agents in the US  regime who feed information to America's enemies and those enemies tie a can to the tail of American intelligence and security as in the JFK assassination, so they end up scrambling, putting out conspiracy theories and shutting the narrative down to protect the system which protects them.

I have told all of you before that these false flags are not massive acting events. They are events which transpire and there is an intelligence group of misinformation in many nations which  then overlays a real event with evidence which is designed to not add up, as in the photo of Stephen Paddock.
As odd as that photo was, without inquiry and by the rants of his brother, I had deemed it a better than 60% probability that Paddock was alive yet and reported as such. The scene was arranged, but inquiry states he is quite dead.

I must now weigh what is posted on this in inquiry as the donations are not coming in, because many people do not have the money, they are pissed at Mr. President, they are pissed at this blog for telling you our emperor is naked, and just because the love of many has waxed cold in disappointment. That is not an excuse for any of you deadbeats. It is simply the reality that you get to benefit from me being exposed as you hide behind your keyboards acting tough. I weigh the inquiry now of posting information which puts me at risk as it is not worth the risk to me to inform those who are allowing others to carry the burden. I know who have donated in being faithful and if anything appeared in their locations I would post a warning about that if God informed me and I have done that this past few months, but I will not get any more visits just because some keyboard commando wants to look smart on Facebook.

I believe there is a cover up in Las Vegas. Of course MGM is going to protect itself as Vegas is bankrupt and it is going to have lawsuits along with the concert vendors out the wazoo, as people are recovering and starting to get pissed off at the information being shut down.
If MGM had brain they would have hired 100 human resource suck ups to make those families believe MGM cared and I doubt there would have been any lawsuits, on the money that it appears according to Ellen the lezbo which Jesus Campos was paid to disappear.

We will not discover the real Truth in any confessions. What will take place is another bad event as bad things happen in this world and then there will be just murmurs of Las Vegas, like LaVoy Finicum, like 9 11, like Pearl Habor, like the Lusitania, like Remember the Maine.

Shut down the narrative, bombard with a propaganda line, create conspiracies, the public is overloaded and it simply tunes out. It is a process which repeats.

It is though as Jeff Rense groused about years ago, in there are just not enough guests to fill up all the space in all this radio programs now. It is why Jim Marrs is missed as he was on all over the place as filler and as a sound voice to guide the public through the bogus material.

Las Vegas did take place. I am still inquiring into the matrix, but this is like modeling clay in it is in so much discord in it feels like a lump. I will have to figure out what to do with it as I need filler too on this blog, as Ivanka Kushner's nipples only fill up so much space.
