Monday, October 9, 2017

In Support of Harvey Weinstein

See Harvey, even your wife wants me..........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry will not remain silent when it comes to the firing of sexual perv Harvey Weinstein, as Jimmy Kimmel talks about pussy grabbin', because Harvey Weinstein got a raw deal in employing silly women who thought he passed over ugly fat girls with ability and suma cum launde diploma's for them, because they were the top candidates for the job.

When anyone is willing to sell their soul for a job, including Ashley Judd talking herself into a "business meeting" in a man's hotel room, and staying there when he perved on her, let us be clear in all of these women knew damned certain what the expectation was and that is why they came when Harvey Weinstein called.......and all settled for parts or cash, instead of criminal prosecution as schlepping their way to the top was what was important to them.


 Hey Harvey, rub Jared's pussy like you do mine....

A Harvey Wallbanger
One on each nut and one hooverin' in the middle


Goddamn it Hillary,  I paid you off 
now quit pestering me to bang that ugly daughter of yours


Harvey once let a dog lick jelly off his balls
When I came with the jam, he said
"I already did my collie quota this year!"

The only thing that Harvey Weinstein did wrong, is he paid the women off AFTER he came onto them. With hosebeasts who thought they got the job over qualified women they shoved out of the way, a Jew has to pay them off first or else they realize why they really were hired.
