Monday, October 9, 2017

Did the Urban Cowboys Kill More in Vegas than Stephen Paddock?

How many bleaters could have been saved in Las Vegas 
if the rich had not abandoned the sheep to the wolves
to save themselves.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Amid all they hype of bravery in Las Vegas, concerning the event being blamed on Stephen Paddock, you will hear of people shielding others with their bodies and police taking fire, but you will notice in the released reports, none are revealing how many people were crushed by cowboy boots from the urban cowboys running for their lives in trampling people to death like a herd of cattle.

In noting one report in this, there was a group of women under a table, who were hiding behind a body of a man. In true feminism, none of these country fans tried to help this man, who they were using as a human shield. No one tried to compress the wound or stuff in a tampon to stop the bleeding. Failure to help save a life is a crime, and in this reality, there were people who died in Las Vegas not from Stephen Paddock or whoever all was gunning at people at this country music concert for profit, but people died because country fans apparently crushed people to death and refused to give basic medical treatment as they used wounded people as human shields.

Lost in this is a CNN report, an interview with the country crooners, and if you bother to have watched the videos of the start of this shootfest, you will hear music, that M 60 type gun fire, and then the sound stops, and the stage goes black.

Read the following quote and see if you notice anything.

For a few seconds, no one seemed to react. His guitar strapped around his neck, Aldean sang the next line of the song -- about a woman helping him through bad days -- as dozens of gunshots, maybe as many as 50, peppered the crowd.

It wasn't until the third line -- "Some days I'd rather be a no show" -- that Aldean realized something frightening was happening. He stopped singing and darted to the back of the stage. The singer, his wife, his band and crew eventually fled to safety.

I helped you out in this quote, but will point out something no one has exposed. This Aldean was on stage, heard shots, stopped playing his guitar as the entire band did, but there was not any action of "PLEASE LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, THE CONCERT IS OVER, PLEASE MAKE AN ORDERLY EXIT".

Instead by the above, the one person who could have commanded that audience, his staff, promoters, other band members who had mics, could have told people to orderly take cover and exit the area, DARTED, and I will repeat DARTED TO THE BACK OF THE STAGE.
If you bothered to read the next line, you will note that this Aldean not only DARTED TO THE BACK OF THE STAGE, but he apparently left his wife there, is band and crew to take a hail of gunfire, as he DARTED BACK STAGE. But then once they all gathered, their better natures took control in they did not help anyone who was injured either, but the FLED TO SAFETY TOO as people lay dying.

Apparently there is some kind of Nashville Music mandate in these millionaires contracts that when anything happens, they are to flee the area and save themselves first. Even leaving the wife and kids to take the bullets.
I simply do not think the Country and Western stars of a generation ago in Gene Autry or Loretta Lynn would have run like cowards without a thought for their fans.

"The shells were hitting the deck of the stage when I was on it," he said.
Before Aldean's set, singer Jake Owen had performed. He was still on the stage when the gunfire began. As concern morphed into chaos, he said, people began darting for cover. He could see the "fear in everyone's eyes." Owen escaped to his nearby tour bus as the bullets came down.
"When the shooting started, it was ringing off the top of the stage. You could hear it hitting trailers, people scattering and it was chaos," Owen said.
"Next thing you know, it was just unloading," the country singer said, "like no doubt an automatic-sounding rifle or some sort of machine gun or something. And at that point is when you could tell the chaos and the fear in everyone's eyes and their demeanor was changed and everyone just started scrambling for any sort of cover."
As a second round of shots erupted, concertgoers near the stage flattened on the grass, some using their bodies as shields to protect friends and loved ones. A few occasionally popped up like prairie dogs to see what was going on. Others yelled at them to "Get down!"

As a sidenote, it is a nice touch  that subhumanized these Trump concert votes as vermin, prairie dogs to be shot for the rodent varmints they are. See there are many revelations in these stories if one pays attention to the racism and bigotry, and simply rich people shearing the sheep and leaving them to the wolves after they have been sheared.
Well at least CNN didn't call them Niggers in the woodpile or Hymie in the rag bag as it is acceptable to call white folks, white folks......vermin.

But then his ain't Audie Murphy or Sgt. York storming enemy positions, or Florence Nightingale treating the wounded in risking her life. No sir, no Congressional Medal winners there in the country crowd of urban cowboys, just them huddled in the grass like sheep hoping it is someone else who will get ate the by wolf if they just hide in plane sight.

Amid the trampled grass littered with plastic beer cups and water bottles, concertgoers in cowboy hats huddled together, looking for a place to hide. Others peered out from behind stanchions as mayhem spilled onto the Strip and into nearby hotels.

So what do we know in all of this fake news. No one is releasing how many people were shot or how many more people were trampled to death by country music fans. No one is mentioning that it appears country fans used human shields to save themselves as they bled out and died to save themselves, and no one, has exposed that the country music industry has a clause to abandon audiences in not protecting them as the rich stars dart for their lives......leaving the women and children take the bullets.

One more reason I would not be caught dead listening to country music.

Heroes? The definition is different compared to cartoon reality.

'F*** you Jason Aldean. Stay out of Vegas': Country music star 'lied to get out of performing for Las Vegas survivors' and appeared on SNL instead, claims furious UFC boss who tried to book him

  • UFC President Dana White says he asked Jason Aldean to perform at Saturday night's UFC 216 in Las Vegas
  • Claims Aldean said he was too rattled to perform and might never perform again

Nuff Said
