Sunday, October 29, 2017

Let me stick my Kevin Spacey cock into your Boy Butt

Come on little boy, I have something for you to play with...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A credible accusation has appeared, based upon other accounts of Kevin Spacey inviting children to his apartments when he was acting, and the girls and adults leave, with only the boys remaining in the story of Anthony Rapp

The 14 year old child, Anthony Rapp

As one can see by the above photo, Anthony Rapp had nothing manly about him. This is a fresh faced child of thee most absolute innocence. There can be not any mistaking Kevin Spacey picking this child up, carrying him to a bed while they were alone and laying on top of this child and propositioning sex.

In an interview with BuzzFeed News, Rapp is publicly alleging for the first time that in 1986, Spacey befriended Rapp while they both performed on Broadway shows, invited Rapp over to his apartment for a party, and, at the end of the night, picked Rapp up, placed him on his bed, and climbed on top of him, making a sexual advance. According to public records, Spacey was 26. Rapp was 14.

There is a vast difference in Ashley Judd being in a hotel room willingly as an adult with Harvey Weinstein, agreeing to massages, letting herself be led into a bedroom to pick out his clothes and then telling Weinstein that sex would happen if she won an Oscar of her from one of his movies.

This is a child, an innocent child of 14 who should have been protected and instead was isolated in the same situation which Corey Feldman stated that Corey Haim and he faced with powerful men in Hollywood.

This NAMBLA or pedophile promotion of molesting children is what this blog has warned of and this is the problem of Hollywood and this world, as adults make choices into placing themselves into jeopardy, children do not have the sense.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions must call for a formal investigation into Kevin Spacey and the charged Corey Feldman has leveled.

Our children have not been protected. They have been exploited and continue to be assaulted, abused and turned into pedophile projects by these sodomites. A nation which does not protect it's own children, is not a nation but a thing of God's wrath and fury.

America must have a legal investigation into these charges.

"The older I get, and the more I know, I feel very fortunate that something worse didn't happen," he said. "And at the same time, the older I get, the more I can't believe it. I could never imagine [that] anyone else I know would do something like that to a 14-year-old boy."
- Anthony Rapp
