Sunday, October 29, 2017

Robert Mueller is indicting on Free Speech and Paying Taxes

The Nazi's failed, but I will not!!!
I will indict on crimes where no crimes have gone before!!!
 Robrecht  Schwan Mueller

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Alex Jones is reporting in his Joined at the Trump (Dude does not sound well) that Paul Manafort and his assitant Rick Gates. Jones did not have the other name, but that would be a Russian as this is Russian hacking after all.

The case, not according to Jones, would be Manafort telling the Russians how Trump would deal with sanctions on Russia. Seriously, this is not colluding if this is charge, as presidential campaigns disseminate information to foreigners they meet with to cultivate the relations.

As far as the money laundering on Paul Manafort, that is bogus too in the latest reports. Money laundering is taking money from Russia, being a front man, putting it into a company or whatever, and Russia taking control of it in America. What Manafort was doing was taking money he earned or was paid, which again is not a crime as anyone can pay or give money to anyone (Note that part seems to be in short supply for tens of thousands of readers of this blog who can not comprehend how to donate.) and then Manafort can do whatever he wants with that money after taxes.

Manafort reported this money. The banks notified the feds in flagging this money in 2012, and it was all investigated and not prosecuted as there was nothing there.
Those files were forgotten and handed over to Mueller, and it was then they took on some neo dark Mueller Meaning.

Davis Manafort opened an office in Kiev, Ukraine and worked for Kremlin-allied president Viktor Yanukovych. At the same time, Davis and Manafort pursued investment deals in Eastern Europe, connecting with Russian oligarch and Putin ally Oleg Deripaska who is suspected of having ties to organized crime. When Davis left to join Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign 2008, Gates took over his part of the business. Gates’ name has turned up on documents connected to shell companies Davis Manafort set up in Cyprus to facilitate deals and accept payments.

I will repeat in this, setting up shell companies is not illegal. Using a shell company to move money around is not illegal as it was all reported and known. What this is all about is Manafort was helping the President of Ukraine when the globalists were staging an Obama Soros coup against him, and Yankovych is a Putin ally, so that is his crime in not trying to bring down Putin.
Yankovych would not yield to the cartel, so Ukraine was infested with the Nazi's that John McCain poses with.

Handwritten ledgers found in a former office of Mr. Yanukovych’s political party indicate that it made $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments to Mr. Manafort between 2007 and 2012. Other recently disclosed documents suggest that a payment earmarked in those ledgers for Mr. Manafort may instead have been paid through an offshore bank account and as a supposed payment for a computer.
Mr. Manafort has insisted that the ledgers were forged and that he never received any secret cash payments. “Paul’s payments for his work abroad have all come through traceable wire transfers to his U.S. accounts,” said Jason Maloni, a spokesman for Mr. Manafort.
So the Nazi's of Ukraine who John McCain, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama love, forged documents to frame Paul Manafort...............oh just like the Pissgate files are counterfeits from the same contacts MI6 Christopher Steele was in contact with, and feeding the same information back to, John McCain, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and image Obama.
Yes UKRAINEGATE is a part in this.

The left will spin this as Trump Collusion, as Mueller tries to save himself from all of Mueller's colluding crimes in uranium deals on tarmacs with Russia.

Robert Mueller's Role in Clinton Scheme to Sell 20 ... - Infowars

Robert Mueller's Role in Clinton Scheme to Sell 20 Percent of US Uranium to Russia Special Counselor Mueller a Clinton Foundation "criminal fixer" in Uranium ...

That is the latest from Alex Jones. I posted the logical choice would be Jared Kushner, but this mistake by crooked Robert Mueller is his Scooter Libby, as none of this is illegal, in telling Russians what Trump policy would be as that is called Free Speech and accepting money for working as a consultant is not a crime when it is reported and it is kept and used for home renewal, investing in a car dealership and putting 500,000 dollars into a hedge fund.
Seriously in this, Vladimir Putin has like 1 trillion dollars. This Yankovych probably looked tens of millions of dollars out of Ukraine as that is what is done. Bill and Hillary Clinton got around 60 million from Saddam Hussein in Mark Rich's oil for palaces scheme, so the Russians are going to risk everything for a few million dollars, when they have Jared Kushner's big Jewish diamond merchants laundering tens of millions of dollars?

 If Robert Mueller is a crime, then Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson are certain criminals in going after Bush43 and getting pay offs in book deals, like Hillary Clinton just got and like Barack Obama received for selling the book Bill Ayers wrote for the Birther. That is what payoffs look like from the deep state, not Manafort or his people doing what every campaign does.

You do remember Obama taking Palestinian money illegally in 2008 right?

Manafort never did any quid pro quo.

Gates was offered to roll on Manafort, but Gates would not lie, hence Rick Gates has been charged to blackmail and bankrupt him, to testify against Manafort, as Mueller and the coven have absolutely nothing and are again, trying to save Mueller's arsch, as Mueller is guilty of Russian collusion and cover up.

Nuff Said
