Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Of Nuclear Wars and Stephen Paddock Profits

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

David John Oates of Reverse Speech was featured on the Rense Program again and I have divided his fine work (with Naomi of Canada) into two parts.

The first part focuses on Eric Paddock. Everything the brother of Stephen Paddock eludes to is  there was a conspiracy of others involved. The family has made money in this involvement, set for life. He mentions Allah and "a man" in a restaurant.
It seems to indicate that Eric Paddock was at some of these meetings with government agents, is saying that Muslim terrorists were part of this, and that they chose the location in Las Vegas to act upon.
Eric Paddock knows a great deal of what took place, and as the FBI has not indicted him, it concludes the FBI was involved in this, and is protecting the Paddock family. In addition if it was not the Muslims who chose Las Vegas, the choice might have been the FBI choosing Stephen Paddock to be a front in this sting operation which once again went wrong.

The second part focuses on nuclear war in North Korea according to President Trump and Mad Dong Mattis. Mattis is highly sexually agitated and aroused over nuclear strikes in North Korea.
Donald Trump states he sees a nuclear war.
If one extends this out, it appears that President Trump has agreed for "security" reasons, to allow the Chicoms to invade North Korea, securing the 6 trillion dollars in rare earth elements in the mountains, while the United States nukes North Korea. I could see in this the Pentagon creating a radioactive zone DMZ for a 1000 years, as the buffer between United States and Chinese forces.

Lastly, Jesus Campos had a strange reversal on the door which was sealed by Paddock which does not make sense, but Ellen in the interview indicates that MGM paid Campos a great deal of money to shut him up and make him disappear.

Eric Paddock

Reuters texted me - wealth plan we got it.

Some of us were not good kids - I bring in the snake

He made her retirement possible - But Allah forced her sin

Stephen broke up - They chose this is the one

What I should not have said - So see the manna, Earl (Manna from God, Earl is royalty)

Stephen stayed in hotels - You will for my bigot

The Fusion Restaurant - With the man

Going to call him crazy - The serf you met (Paddock serving the situation)

Ellen talking to Jesus Campos

Jesus you arre here - None the less you get money (Ellen is saying MGM bribed Jesus Campos)

Jesus Campos

Metal bracket holding in place - And it will wake up

Joe Biden

Harvey Weinstein to abuse a woman or child - It sucks

Hillary Clinton

Julian Assange tool of Russian intelligence - Our money, legacy

Middle east - I will be the muscle

Not going to do that as President - It's real serious

(Unknown forward) - Demon

Talk about that in a book - Demonic it's all about worth it

Caused people to worry - A sad hero

Russian theft of emails - Hillary the slimy

We don't know if Trump could win - They won, they won

Readers have read the book - We lost, we lost, we lost

Mad Dong Mattis

Remember someone is watching - Angry fuck

Not paid to have a mid life crisis - Fuck nuke on it

Watch dozens of platoons - Might nuke em

First offensive went horribly wrong - Damn you

We know too well the costs of not being ready - I will stone you I'm so excited (Can't wait to nuke North Korea.)

Ensure America's military is ready - My nail opened her skin (North Korea is "her" and nail is weapon as to crucify, the military.)

The most - Nude character for sex

US Army stand ready - Our neighbor forgets

Carry out the order - The Cross it Division

John McCain

Russian and Chinese interfering America electoral process - It is serious (Serious because the deep state is being thwarted.)

Donald Trump

Thank you - Wake up, wake up America (from campaign)

Great heritage foundation on tax cuts - I had the will

Christman present - It does cost money

American economy - Little shit gel forget (?)

This is the message to UN - Nuke see a war

Regulations but limited. We need jobs  - Set it up

You know it's happening again - They're wrong in the past

Nancy Pelosi
Not throwing good money - I guess you're mad, are you a scab?
