Saturday, October 7, 2017

Psychological Profile of Stephen Paddock

What to Expect on a Cruise: Cruise Ship Casinos

Are there high stakes tables in a cruise ship casino? Very few cruise ships offer truly high stakes gambling. On some ships, like select Royal Caribbean ships, if ...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I happened upon this cryptic reference from a New York Times interview of Sheriff Lombardo, which CNN jumped on involving the "suicide note" as fake news by the Theresa May British Press meddling in US politics again, as the note was not a suicide note at all, but a note that had numbers on it.

a notepad with numbers in it "significant to the gunman" 

There really requires additional reason in this with all of the fake news and false assessments which CNN is running. Stephen Paddock had a note pad, he had numbers on it. Logic concludes he was figuring the time in rate of fire, distance and probable casualties in factoring in shots necessary per kill ratio.

They were not the lottery numbers, so their meaning has little meaning.

Now to build upon the Lame Cherry fuel assessment, which is another sensational lie by the fake news.

The Bogus Jet Fuel Story associated with Stephen Paddock

I will have something insightful for Monday on the following as the Lame Cherry by God's Grace is always insightful, but if one reads the reports in the media in eye witness accounts, we discover this country crotcher singer Owen, stated that bullets were striking the top of the stage which is what alerted the country crooners something was amiss.

As the Lame Cherry assessed the distance was very extreme, for Paddock to be firing at these non explosive fuel tanks of kerosene.
Therefore the reality is in assuming trajectories to hit the crowd at a quarter mile or 440 yards, he reasoned if he shot at the top of the stage, by bullet drop, he would hit the crowd.

REMEMBER in this, that the stage at this distance was barely soda pop size from the Mandalay Hotel. Add in the factor of a full automatic "BUCKS" meaning the recoil makes the gun rise, that  a neophyte would not be able to control the weapon, and the muzzle would rise to spray bullets over the crowd and over the stage.

Probabilities, he was not shooting at those fuel tanks in the first place.

Two of the shooter's bullets struck one of the tanks but failed to actually explode it. The shots crossed over the concert site, so you can see there on the other side, you're right along the airport there at McCarran International hitting the tank which is about 700 yards from the sniper's nest. Seven hundred yards, that's a far shot. Could Paddock have been trying to blow up the tanks?

Now for your lesson in Newtonian Physics, as gravity and air cause drag on a bullet and make it lose velocity so it drops like an apple off a tree.

As we are being deceived that an M 60 in 308 was not being fired, which is what the acoustics point to, we will assess this on the 223 or 5.56 NATO and the 7.62 x 39 AK 47 round, to understand the ballistics or how the bullets would perform or not perform at 400 and 700 yard distances.

7.62 x 39 mm

 Range (yards)  

Drop (inches)   Velocity   Energy   Time (seconds)  
0 -1.4917 2349 1507 0.00
50 0.1804 2175 1292 0.07
100 0.0106 2008 1101 0.14
150 -2.3203 1849 934 0.22
200 -7.1998 1699 788 0.30
250 -15.0980 1559 664 0.39
300 -26.5812 1430 558 0.49
350 -42.3234 1314 471 0.60
400 -63.1059 1214 402 0.72
450 -89.7903 1131 349 0.85
500 -123.2630 1066 310 0.99
550 -164.3779 1014 281 1.13
600 -213.9368 971 257 1.28
650 -272.6970 935 239 1.44
700 -341.6332 903 223 1.60
750 -421.0045 874 209 1.77
800 -511.7353 847 196 1.95
850 -614.9050 823 185 2.13
900 -730.9633 799 174 2.31
950 -860.2016 778 165 2.50
1000 -1,004.2421 757 156 2.70

223 caliber


Velocity Energy Time
0 -1.4944 3239 1281 0
50 -0.2598 2992 1093 49
100 0.0017 2759 929 101
150 -0.8818 2537 786 157
200 -3.1190 2326 661 219
250 -6.9673 2125 551 287
300 -12.7464 1934 457 361
350 -20.8563 1755 376 442
400 -31.7981 1588 308 532
450 -46.1962 1437 252 631
500 -64.8176 1302 207 741
550 -88.5729 1189 173 862
600 -118.4729 1101 148 993
650 -155.5388 1033 130 1134
700 -200.7333 981 118 1283
750 -255.1502 937 107 1440
800 -319.2840 900 99 1604
850 -394.1343 867 92 1773
900 -480.5335 837 86 1950
950 -579.6734 809 80 2133
1000 -691.7547 783 75 2321

To explain the above data as most of you have the same comprehension that CNN 6 figure paid experts have in  ballistics, the Russian round in 7.62, drops almost 90 inches at a quarter mile, and at 342 inches at 700 yards, meaning to shoot at the stage, Paddock would have had to have raised the barrel to compensate for the bullet drop almost 8 feet for the stage and almost 30 feet to hit the fuel barrels.

For the 223 Paddock would have had to raise at a quarter mile his barrel 46 inches or four feet and at 700 yards it was 200 inches or around 17 feet.
I hid this hear as the speed readers and those who steal blog content will miss this fact, when one fires from an elevated position, the bullet RISES, just like you raise the rifle barrel. In assessing this from ballistic examination in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, Paddock was 32 stories high, he was firing at rough estimate 40 degrees, which would have elevated his shots, if he began firing into the crowd around the stage to over the stage.
Paddock never was aiming at the fuel barrels nor the stage. Muzzle rise and his elevation had him firing over the crowd.

Now onto the cruises which are interesting and point to something which the Lame Cherry indicated from the beginning of this, in it is reasoned that Stephen Paddock was laundering money for foreign entities.
Cruise ships usually have gambling and are a most convenient way for people to exchange large sums of cash.
What is red flag in this, is not the locations, as the entire Obama contraband hubs of money laundering are listed, but that this Filipino woman who it was reported that Paddock had met around 5 months ago, was on 9 cruises with him. She was just in Japan and other locations. All of this appears as money laundering like that 100,000 dollars wired to her account.

These people were never home, and as ship cruises do not run high stakes, this concludes that Paddock and the maul were on these cruises gaining foreign currency dumps which Paddock was bringing back to America.
This was not vacation, nor gambling, this was work and again this kind of  travel should have lit up the FBI and Homeland, but it did not, and that is something which must be investigated.

BURNETT: Tonight, investigators know where the Las Vegas shooter traveled. A law enforcement source telling us the shooter took at least 20 cruises which included some unusual stops. The United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and then Spain, Italy and Greece. The shooter's known girlfriend was only with him on nine of those 20 cruises.

The next CNN fake news which requires assessment and debunking is this "explosives" in Paddock's car which is now a van.
Paddock appears to have been planning a running exit. That would indicate that he meant to survive and there was not a suicide, which again points to in that odd crime scene, someone did a Vince Foster on Stephen Paddock.

The issue is the explosives or more accurate the NOISE MAKERS which Paddock had in his vehicle. Tannerite is the brand name for this charge, and it is sold in outdoor stores, as shooters place these charges out as targets and they detonate when hit. They are designed to make a big noise, without any of the concussion of dynamite which does hurt when it strikes a person.

CNN's fake news is talking about bringing down levels in this parking garage or craters with 50 pounds of this Tannerite, which again is bogus as that is not what Tannerite is manufacture for.
50 pounds would expand a vehicle pretty well. In a parking garage it would crack most of the windows in the other cars, would blow your ear drums out, and if you were close enough the concussion would probably knock the life out of you in an enclosed space, but it is not going to collapse garages or crate floors.

I will not post what a logical reason for the possession of this stuff as I am not about to give ideas to criminals as that is irresponsible, but I would say this was probably a optional get away idea that Paddock would have carried out.

RODERICK: I think he's probably could have pancaked that garage. In other words, brought down a couple of levels on top of that vehicle. That's half of what he had in the vehicle, 50 pounds is a lot of Tannerite. We used to use it for target practice when you're shooting long distance targets so that you could see that you actually impacted the target.

That, you saw the shrapnel flying out from that vehicle. He had another 1,600 rounds of ammunition to it and nobody's going to get anywhere around that car, and a lot of people are going to be injured from flying shrapnel and rounds --

BURNETT: And anybody in that garage and what about structurally above that garage?

RODERICK: Structurally the same thing. I mean, that's -- that would create a crater basically. If it was on the ground it would have create a crater. In the garage, I think it would have collapsed a couple of levels there.

Lastly, CNN moves onto the "tracers" which are glowing rounds, and of course are fake news wrong about them too.
Tracers were created in the military for combat in aircraft primarily to trace the route of the bullets to target.

Tracers burn barrels out, they fall off in not reaching target, and they are not that accurate.

All tracers would have provided was locating Paddock's position and blinded him with lots of little fire spots in his eyes against a dark sky. So while blinding terrorists is a great idea so they can not see what they are shooting at, the CNN fake news should probably not be corrected, but tracers would have had zero impact due to the distances being fired at from the Mandalay Hotel, as they do not burn forever to long distance which Paddock and his guest were firing at.

And we're learning that he may have considered using tracer bullets to increase his deadly accuracy so he could see. Let's show you a video that shows tracer bullets fired at night. So you can actually see what you're hitting.

The advantage of course to the shooter is it gives you a precise look at where shots are going. Increasing accuracy and almost certainly causing higher casualties. The disadvantage though is that the bullets would give away the shooter's vacation -- location,

The psychological profile of Stephen Paddock is not in the hotel room. His profile is what he was doing on cruise ships, and who he was probably buying these firearms for, and why he was not showing up on FBI watch lists as a person of interest.
Probably what should have been assessed in this mystery, is if this rather defense department accountant, with a fatherly connection to the FBI, was somehow involved like the Charlottesville informants  by some government agency, which is why his activities were not making him popular and gaining visits from the FBI as there is a probability that he was associated with a government agency, which would clear up a great deal of why no one at Homeland had this guy on a watch list.

The purpose of this narrative is to expose how you are being lied to by Mockingbird again. Unless some agency with a bone to grind to gain more leverage and power leaks out what is really taking place, the boogerman of Stephen Paddock will grow and grow to implode on itself as another event makes the populace forget.

Ask yourself in why there has not been one hint of money laundering in this reported, and that will be your clue to how large this is, and what it would all expose, and why all of this is being covered up and all of these bogus distractions are being implanted into your brains.
