Saturday, October 7, 2017

The Bogus Jet Fuel Story associated with Stephen Paddock

As the above photo proves, Stephen Paddock with the published 223 caliber rifle he was shooting, was according to the propaganda press, trying to shoot a country mile to blow up jet fuel tanks, which is fake news,  as that small caliber bullet would have not been capable of the task, and as this Lame Cherry white paper proves, could not have worked under any conditions.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The extent of the federal cover up, because there is not any way that Las Vegas has the resource to generate the nuttery which is appearing in news  propaganda, can be  noted in the grand revelation that Stephen Paddock was trying to blow up the Countryfest by shooting at jet fuel tanks at the airport.

Stephen Paddock Death Pictures: Wanted Fuel Tank Explosions

Stephen Paddock Death Pictures were revealed earlier this week. Stephen Paddock appears dead in his Las Vegas hotel room in a series of confirmed photos

Too many of you are Dire Hard bleaters in hearing fuel and bullets, thinking it is Hogan's Heroes in things blow up. The fact is though that there are different volatile characters of different chemical agents.

Some petroleum based products out  of a barrel of crude oil are quite flammable. Lighter fluid is one which you would understand as much as gasoline. Most of you reading this will not be aware though that gasoline on occassions can in fact put out fire, as liquid gasoline does not burn. Gasoline must be a vapor to burn, and that is what ignites are the vapors.

On the lower end of flammable materials would be fuel oil which most east coast homes burn in the winter, kerosene which is what burns in lamps, and is what jet fuel is.
See if you have a quart of gasoline, a quart of water and a quart of jet fuel on a table. The gasoline and water will evaporate, but the jet fuel will not, as it is not volatile or will convert to a vapor easily.

Jet fuel is a higher grade of diesel fuel and require injectors or a pump, to atomize it, just like like all engine fuels to make them burn easier to produce horse power. It is this which you see in jet plane fires, in the fuel pumps atomized fuel into the engines, and this is what first ignites, as on 9 11 in the Twin Towers. This is a primer, and once you have a jet moving 500 miles per hour, it becomes naturally atomized and a fire ball in mixing with air. At no time though will it detonate or explode. What you are seeing is a fireball in fuel burning.

That is what is the reality check about the lies about Stephen Paddock shooting from the moon at jet fuel tanks to blow them up. It simply is impossible as one could shoot all day at metal tanks, pierce holes in them with bullets, and all that would take place is fuel would run out of the holes. It requires a boiling and a mixing of air, with flame, which is what an wick is in a barn lamp to get it to burn. In a diesel engine, it is atomized fuel, with no spark, but instead like your pressure canners on a stove, a cylinder environment where the fuel is under pressure to get it to burn. That is not Las Vegas, even in a 100 plus degree 2017 AD in the year of our Lord summer.

Stephen Paddock is being deliberately smeared by the conglomerate Mockingbird media. When these events are engaged in, in media, it means a larger agenda is taking place like Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas. It is beyond stupid for a story to appear that Paddock was trying to blow up a music concert with jet fuel tanks, as the organic chemistry reveals none of this could ever take place, as the story might as well as read, "Paddock Shoots Water And Tries To Blow Up Concert Goers".
Granted with all of the Snowflakes in the population they would believe that too, but it is to the point that this story was an absolute lie, and it makes one wonder just who and why this propaganda was generated as I witnessed half of some stories dedicated to this fake news.

If you invest the time to examine these stories about Stephan Paddock, 75% of them are so bogus that upon examination they simply do not stand up to forensic scientific examination.

Yellow Journalism is not behind this to make profit off of. This is a deliberate conditioning of the population with the most ludicrous, which does gauge how absolutely mindtard the population is.

Those are the facts.

Nuff Said
