Wednesday, October 25, 2017

SPASIBO: The Clinton KGB Nuclear Connection of Uranium One

 Spasibo, Comrade Clinton, for making Russia 
the nuclear energy power of the world

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is really such a surprise that Hillary Clinton in her presidential runs would accept Russian KGB funds, when Bill Clinton and Al Gore were accepting Chicom PLA intelligence bribes in their 1998 AD in the year of our Lord, presidential campaign, which looted Hawaiian Teachers Union funds and opened Wall Street up to Peking bribes to the US stock markets?

- Lame Cherry

Many of you are going to hear the words Uranium One, in connection to Hillary Clinton and Russian influence in the coming week. If you had read the archives, this blog was writing on this a decade ago, and Uranium One was tied up in murder of LaVoy Finicum.
What the Lame Cherry is attempting to educate you on in the Clinton Uranium Scandal which Eric Holder for the Obama regime covered up, is provide you with an understanding of the full scope of this, so you have a basis to comprehend what Sara Carter of Circa is writing about, to give this all meaning.

The current bribery scandal of the Clintons which the Obama regime covered up in Russian intelligence influence in America, began in 1992, during the Clinton's rise to the White House, where a treaty between America and Russia was signed to convert weapon's grade nuclear bombs to nuclear fuel, which would be then shipped to America, and power the United States nuclear electric industry cheaply.

Russian Times November 14th, 2013

Russia is set to deliver the last 160 tons of low-enriched uranium to the US as part of the “Megatons-to-Megawatts” program. The fuel obtained from disarmed Russian nuclear warheads has been used to generate about half of total US nuclear power.
Ten cylinders with low-enriched uranium (LEU) will be shipped from St. Petersburg to Baltimore, a Rosatom spokesperson told RIA Novosti.

The shipment marks the end of the 1993 United States-Russia Highly Enriched Uranium Purchase Agreement, which was a spin-off of the landmark bilateral Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START).

Under the 1993 agreement, Russia downgraded some 500 tons of highly enriched uranium (HEU) and sold it to the US. The HEU-LEU contract, also known as the “Megatons-to-Megawatts” deal, encouraged Russia to dispose of its nuclear warheads as part of non-proliferation treaties, and enabled the United States to save on its nuclear fuel production for power plants.

As the entire Russian enriched weapon's grade material was expended in 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, a new contract was signed with the Russians, where America would purchase at full market value, nuclear fuel from Russia.
As no one is informing you of this, that is what Uranium One was all about. It was about "Stan" Uranium shipped to Chinese communists out of Asia in the original Uranium One deal which Bill Clinton brokered, and the secondary part overseen by Reset Button Hillary and Flexible Obama, was to sell the Canadian company Uranium One to Russian control, whereby America would mine Malheur Refuge uranium, along with Canadian interests, ship the ore to Russia, and Russia would refine it, and sell it back to the United States at huge profits. YOU MUST GET THIS in Obama Clinton gave control to mining rights to Uranium One. That translates in America gave away this huge treasure for almost nothing, and in that America would then be purchasing very expensive processed Uranium from Russia.
The Obama Clinton deal had Americans buying their own Uranium at a huge cost overrun.

Sara Carter and no one else is informing you of that.

Russian Times November 14th, 2013

Instead, a new agreement has been signed between the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) and Russia’s Techsnabexport (TENEX), under which the US will purchase commercially produced Russian uranium fuel for American power producers. According to USEC spokesman Jeremy Derryberry, the new contract is “based on market prices.”

It is this base from which all of the Russian inclusion into American industry and politics originated, in the START Treaty to make cheap American electricity from expensive Russian nuclear bombs, and basically shortchanging Russian good will on the cheap for conglomerate profits.

It this group which appeared in America building upon the moving of Russian nuclear material into America.

Techsnabexport - Wikipedia

Techsnabexport (Tenex, also transcribed as Tekhsnabexport, Russian: ОАО «Техснабэкспорт») is a Russian nuclear fuel and nuclear fuel cycle ...

Vadim Mikerin
General Director TENAM USA

From this transporting of Russian  nuclear fuel, originated the bribery scandal which involves Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, Robert Mueller, James Comey and Eric Holder.
Again, this is one of the many strange realities of this was Mueller's FBI involved in this investigation and it was this entire cast which covered up the Clinton connection, the crimes, so that the selling of Uranium One to Russia was greenlighted by Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Sara Carter Circa October 
 Toensing said, “My client was providing information for a couple years before this really got voted on by CFIUS, and here’s the rub. High-ranking law enforcement officials in the Obama Administration knew that there was corruption in this company and that information about the corruption in this Russian entity never made it to CFIUS, evidently, because CFIUS authorized the purchase in 2010.”

 The situation becomes even more involved as the prosecutor who handled the bribery case of 1.6 million dollars for a 33 million dollar noncompetitive contract to transport this nuclear fuel, is the current Deputy Attorney General in Rob Rosenstein, who is  the one who wrote the paper to fire FBI Director James Comey which has brought this incestuous leftist criminal dram to the front again in Russian meddling in US  elections.

From the US Attorney: District of Maryland

From at least 1996 to about 2013, the Condreys and others allegedly caused TLI to pay at least $1,692,995 in kickback payments to Mikerin in exchange for receiving over $33 million in noncompetitive contracts from TENEX.
 ....the kickback payments to Mikerin were disguised as consulting fees or other fictitious expenses. The defendants also entered into sham contracts with offshore shell entities knowing that the payments to these entities were in fact being made to Mikerin.

At the heart of this which Sara Carter is reporting, is an employee of this Russian group and American based company reported to the FBI, that he was hired by the Russians, and then informed that half his salary was for bribing people to move the agenda forward.
This individual upon exposing this to the FBI is what set off the original investigation and convictions, but this individual was placed under a gag order at Justice, so he could not talk.
There are now three Congressional committees investigating this, and demanding to speak to this whistleblower, who is waiting Justice to sign off to allow him to tell his story.
His story is basically he was in meetings where the discussion was to bribe Hillary and Bill Clinton to get what the Russians want.

TENAM is the US subsidiary of Moscow-based JSC Techsnabexport (TENEX), a company responsible for international sale and transportation of nuclear material produced by the Russian state-owned nuclear monopoly Rosatom and fully belongs to it.
The US investigators claim that in 2006, Mikerin conspired with Daren Condrey and Carol Condrey, principals of Transport Logistics International (TLI), based in Fulton, Maryland, to defraud TENEX by granting the TLI contracts to deliver uranium fuel from Russia to the US on a non-competitive basis.
Along with Vadim Mikerin and Condreys, who are in custody pending this criminal case, the US authorities have also arrested Boris Rubizhevsky, the president of NEXGEN Security (NEXGEN), a New Jersey corporation. From 2011 through 2012, Rubizhevsky served as a consultant to TENAM and to Mikerin and is believed to be the middleman between the TLI and Mikerin.

“Kickbacks deprive honest competitors of the opportunity to compete for business, and they cheat a company of its right to faithful decisions by its employee,” said US Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein who announced the criminal complaints against the defendants.

So the very people in Justice and FBI, who knew for a fact based on this whisteblower's testimony that the Clinton's were targets of Russian bribes and influence, that the Russians paid Bill Clinton half a million dollars for a speaking engagement, for the Uranium One sale to Russia, and that the owner of Uranium One for the Clinton services was making numerous contributions in the millions to the Clinton Foundation, and none of these people still at FBI and Justice charged the Clintons.

The case being built against Mikerin in 2010 was under the supervision of Maryland U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, then an Obama appointee who now serves as President Trump’s deputy attorney general. According to court documents, the case was also handled by then Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who is currently the deputy FBI director under Trump. 

The collusion in this was complete in the Russian who was arrested, could not just be arrested, but the Russian consulate had to be notified first, that they intended to flip Mikerin to turn evidence on other Russians. As Mikerin was prosecuted, it means that he refused to cooperate in going after the Russians.

Because an arrest of a Russian citizen in the US could only be conducted by notifying the Russian consulate in the US, the agents intended to do the recruitment without arresting Mikerin to avoid public disclosure of their contacts. 

One must understand in the three people who were charged, that they were charged not really about crimes, but were charged for not turning on Moscow, and for not allowing some transportation company in on the bid for that Russian nuclear fuel. It is that group who wanted the profits or their cut, and were cut out, and no one is stating who those people were and why they wanted their hands on Russian nuclear fuel.

Russian National And Three Others Charged In Kickback Scheme ...

Russian National And Three Others Charged In Kickback Scheme To ... for the District of Maryland Rod J ... of TENEX. TENEX is a subsidiary of ROSATOM, ...

To return into the examination of this, in who Bill and Hillary Clinton were involved with, it goes to the speaking fee paid by Renaissance Capital, which sounds American, but is Moscow oriented and pays money to very important Americans who vote for Obama, and that includes Bill Clinton.
What is important to note in this is that Renaissance is the financial bribery house of the KGB and FSB of Russia, as it employs a number of Russian intelligence agents whose job was finance.
That is what is involved in this in this is the Russian intelligence networks operating in the West.

I desire to point out in this that the Russians did nothing wrong. It is in their national interests to bribe people to get what they want as there is not any law in Russia over this. It is the Americans who are the ones with the laws, and since Nancy Pelosi passed the anti bribery law in the United States, Americans have been barred from bribing foreigners in contracts, so that American presence around the globe has shrunk and why Americans have such a horrid standard of living now.

Founders Code July 18, 2017

THE CLINTON FAMILY BUSINESS There may be no Clinton Foundation office in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but it is not for lack of trying. Bill Clinton received half a million dollars in 2010 for a speech he gave in Moscow, paid by a Russian firm, Renaissance Capital, that has ties to Russian intelligence. The Clinton Foundation took money from Russian officials and oligarchs, including Victor Kekselberg, a Putin confidant. The Foundation also received millions of dollars from Uranium One, which was sold to the Russian government in 2010, giving Russia control of 20% of the uranium deposits in the U.S. —  the sale required approval from Hillary Clinton’s State Department. What’s more, at least some of these donations weren’t disclosed. “Ian Telfer, the head of the Russian government’s uranium company, Uranium One, made four foreign donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Once one comprehends the scope of what Uranium One was and how it is interwoven with the Bundys, and that interweaves with the Stephen Paddock, in this intelligence underworld, then the entire pieces begin assembling, but one more is about to appear.

The Russians have developed beyond what America has, a process of using  fast fusion, a clean burning process for nuclear material, and that also includes the mother load of depleted uranium from nuclear power plants.
Envision this now that Russia has a process to create fuel in a process of generating electricity, in which it will take back all of it's spent uranium which America purchased, and it can sell it to make electricity in nations which have Russian power plants.
Think of the leverage Russia will have over oil depleted Muslim nations, in it will amplify the nuclear energy supply by 50 times and become the OPEC of peaceful nuclear generated energy.

Russian Next Generation Nuclear Fuel

Russian Times September 17, 2014
The first ten kilograms of the mixed-oxide fuel (MOX) - a mixture of plutonium and uranium dioxides (UO2 and PuO2), have been industrially produced by Russia’s nuclear monopoly, Rosatom, at the Mining & Chemical Combine (GKhK) in the Krasnoyarsk region.
A world first, tablets of the fuel of the future have been put on serial production and are destined for Russia’s next generation BN-800 breeder reactor (880 megawatts), currently undergoing tests at the Beloyarskaya nuclear power plant.
The production line, now undergoing start-up and adjustment, was assembled in a mine 200 meters underground and will become fully operational by the end of 2014.

The Russians under President Vladimir Putin did not wait for oil resources to deplete, but embarked up on a 22nd century plan of converting toxic radioactive waste into an energy resource worth a fortune. Russia invested the 17 billion which America underpaid for Russian nuclear material and created a fast fission process which will power the world until Thorium energy appears.
This is why Russia moved with Canada to secure most of the uranium resources in the world, as this will become the new OPEC.

Fast fission reactors solve the problem of depleted uranium nuclear fuel on the planet. They can ‘burn’ not only ‘classic’ uranium-235, (scarce and already coming to an end), but also uranium-238, which is abundant, and expands the world’s nuclear fuel capacity by an estimated 50 times.
Fuel for breeder reactors could even be made from nuclear waste, which from an ecological point of view is a priceless advantage.

 Spasibo, Comrade Bill, your radioactive handshake tingles

It was American greed and American betrayal which brought this about. This was Russian national interest, exactly as it was American national interest in the oil Muslim world. It was not a crime of America then and it is not a crime for Russia to have engaged in any of this, no matter how much John McCain whines about this, as Russia has this right.

It is America's problem that it is filled at the top with idiots and traitors, who would complete the Kremlin Prophecy that Americans would sell the Marxists the rope to hang the Americans.

Flopping Aces July 19, 2017
Thanks to the Panama Papers, we know that the Podesta Group (founded by John Podesta’s brother, Tony) lobbied for Russia’s largest bank, Sberbank. “Sberbank is the Kremlin, they don’t do anything major without Putin’s go-ahead, and they don’t tell him ‘no’ either,”

The busy Podesta Group also represented Uranium One, a uranium company acquired by the Russian government which received approval from Hillary Clinton’s State Department to mine for uranium in the U.S. and gave Russia twenty percent control of US uranium.

Russian national interest is their business. Business used to be American business, until traitors filled America from Cohn Street to the Police State. The Russians have been engaged in capitalism and purchasing everything from Berlin Banks to Kushner apartments. The 1% have sold out their nations and the Russians and Chinese have invested well, as the Americans and Europeans used to invest, until they were overtaken by the cartel financial houses intent on Euro American Genocide.

The Uranium One issue is an issue of globalism, in the selling of American natural resources, banking, finance, land and people. It is why we can not afford homes, why our wood and coal is departing to China, as 95 million Americans do not have jobs, but 95 million foreigners do have American jobs, as Mr. President brags about all of this fake stock market heights.

America used to win at this game and beat the world, now the traitors are beating America, and the police state protects the traitors, as the police state rises to greater position and as a diversion turns this against Donald Trump and fake news Russian hacking.

It is time for the refrain that Mr. President has been AWOL from in "LOCK HER UP" returns as these are realities of treason, not for Russian bribes alone, but for betraying America for thirty pieces of silver. This begins with Hillary Clinton, moves onto Birther Hussein, Eric Holder, Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe, James Comey and ends with Loretta Lynch.

You now understand the structure of this in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as no one else is providing the complete picture in this as Hillary Clinton lies again in telling the world there is once again nothing here, a decade later. Just like Benghazi.


When those involved in treason against America, have crimes which will hang them, it is necessary to construct scandal to divert attention and get the President before the Justice Department is forced to prosecute them.
I told you before, this is not Russians. This is London and those deep state American interests colluding with them, to pit America against Russia, which is engaged in the healthy competition of nations as Theodore Roosevelt stated was vital to human advancement in industrialized nations.

Nuff Said

