From left, Staff Sgt. Bryan C. Black, Staff Sgt. Jeremiah W. Johnson, Sgt. La David Johnson and Staff Sgt. Dustin M. Wright
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As we are once again told more about the situation of La David Johnson, once again common sense and reality reveals the improbabilities.
Blood for Uranium: France's Mali intervention has little to ...
Adam Elliott-Cooper looks at the geo-strategic and economic interests shaping the current French intervention in Mali.Mali, Land of Gold and Uranium: UN Prepares to Send in ECOWAS ...
Mali is Africa's third largest producer of gold, after South Africa and Ghana. In addition to other minerals, Mali has great deposits of Uranium.France does not need Mali's uranium despite all conspiracy ...
There is a meme circulating on web claiming that France's intervention in Mali can be traced to a desire to capture the country's uranium resources. That i
No but Islamic nuclear terrorists do need uranium and that is what the United States is dicking around in Niger and France is in Mali. It is about control of west Islamic Africa for the cartel powers.
The fake news is projecting a scenario of open ground ambush.
This is Tongo Tongo.
The propaganda wants you to think there is not any way La David Johnson ran off and hid in the bush as there was not a jungle. The propaganda wants you to think that Muslims are idiots who attack convoys without any cover or retreat.
What you are not being told is this was Mali Islamic Empire on the old tribal order. It crosses borders as in Mali controls Niger, and that is why the Americans are there.
We are now informed that this was a shake and bake, a get an ISIS leader on location, and then there is this situation after the Green Berets were hit.
When asked why the team didn't ask for help for an hour into the attack, Gen. Dunford said he thought the special forces may have believed they had things under control.'My judgment would be that that unit thought they could handle the situation without additional support,' Dunford said.
A unit that has taken 50% casualties, which calls for a drone immediately receives one, and French air support an hour later on request, does not call in support for drone recon to save themselves, to direct fire.........again 50% casualties and this mysterious unnamed survivor now reports that La David Johnson was picking up myriads of weapons and fighting like a mad dog.
The survivor told ABC that he saw Sgt. Johnson 'grabbing every weapon available to him to fight' and that he was 'a beast'.
The beast who no one thought to look for as the unit fled, only to drive into another ambush. The story makes absolutely no sense, as why is the beast not reloading his own weapon, and where are all of these other weapons appearing from? The Green Berets all went fetal and only the Beast fought on?
Not likely. The narrative in this is not matching any more than the Stephen Paddock in Las Vegas.
The more of the double stories, the no calling in the cavalry. so the unit gets shot to hell, appears to have been involved in something on this patrol, which those in command did not want someone knowing about.
Green Berets being suckered by the locals in being delayed, so even the enlisted think something is wrong. Green Berets who get fired on, stop the convoy so it is ambushed, violating all rules. Green Berets losing a Sgt. Green Berets not calling in support. Green Berets driving into another ambush.
What six situations in highly trained combat forces do not make any sense?