Thursday, October 5, 2017

Stephen Paddock's Motel Room Guest

The Guest in Stephen Paddock's Suite

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Stephen Paddock's hotel ROOMS are too pat. They are too professional. I will not bite on the false flag fringe in no dead bodies, as you can not have 20,000 witnesses and no bodies. Too much Mockingbird, too many minders, too many false narratives like Chris Dorner.  There is too much amiss.

I received this from a friend whose name I will not mention.

 I haven’t personally heard that M60 since 1967 – until Monday after noon in the first videos – 7.62 mm

That is code to many people, but the M 60 was the portable machine gun, firing a 30 caliber military round, 7.62, as suppression fire to the enemy. Those unfortunates who were given that job in platoon, had the highest mortality rate in Vietnam, as heavy fire draws heavy fire.

That is what left it's sonic signature in the first salvo's in Las Vegas. Yet in all of the weapons recovered from two Paddock suites, there was not one M 60, nor one 308 American casing recovered.
There was not one pile of casings as is required in shooting from a fixed position, firing out a window. Oddly there were only 223 or 5.56 casings strewn in interesting lines of 12 feet which is impossible in ejection and window positions.

It is impossible for a Paddock so methodical in setting up the kill zone and firing base, that he would strew firearms on the floor in hodgepodge scatter.
He is an old man, a fat old man.  Those firearms should have been stood against the wall for retrieval or laid on top of tables, beds, chairs, as one does not lay down guns on the floor.

It is that receipt, in which the police state that Stephen Paddock was only in the suite 3 days, but he is present days before as Infowars reports. It is that receipt listing TWO GUESTS on room service.

Every hint of this crime scene is pointing to this klusterfuk for what it is. The FBI is begging for information from anyone who had contact with Paddock leading up to this incident as Paddock does not fit the profile. Paddock seems more a creation.
Paddock seems not like a man who slaughters country and western fans, but Paddock seems like a man who became involved with a group of deep state operatives who fed his ego, and in exchange for some high drama of money laundering for a cut, had enlisted Stephen Paddock to strawman a number of firearms for profit.
Consider that scenario in someone was setting up Stephen Paddock, in the guns he purchased for others, appeared in his hotel room, planted to produce the grandest slaughter in American history, for driving gun control again, as what Obama gave with profits to the European gun industry, it is now time to cause the upheaval in taking those firearms by the police state regulation.

Gun bumps for a cheap conversion for full auto? Amazing that this issue is a Diane Feinstein all knowing rant, when no one has any idea of this gimmick, which like all things gimmick, has no purpose in a real situation.

It seems as if someone, some group, was setting up Paddock. Most convenient in bombs, car bombs, piles of ammo and piles of firearms. Why bring a pile to the crime scene, scatter them around like dirty towels, and leave a pile at home? Why is 30 enough, and not 40? Why is not 5 enough and not 30?

Someone was leaving a signature for attention. A person who had absolutely no religious or political convictions, just happens to have propaganda from both Antifa and ISIS.

The appearance of the crime scene looks like Stephen Paddock was engaged to that room, on his ego. Paddock appears to belive he was there for another reason. The location of the body looks like someone did a Vince Foster on him, laid out the entire crime scene of spreading casings around, then opened up with an M 60, had a drop cloth to gather the spent casings, left audio evidence, presented a woman to the crowd telling everyone they were going to die, opened up with two weapons as evidence, and then staged a crime scene which would generate the same effect as the School Book Depository in Dallas Texas.

If Stephen Paddock was dead, and remember the police appeared surprised he was dead, and wondered at the suicide, as it is a reality they never heard nor recorded any shot to the head from a 357 magnum, pointing to Paddock was self inflicted before the police appeared or was neutralized by the other guests, and yes it would be guests, as the second salvo was two weapons being fired, coupled with the woman on the street and her accomplice, that there were at least 4 operatives and as the woman in the crowd was sent to produce a thought, as the woman who appeared before RFK was shot by his own security, this entire Theresa May narrative was also coordinated.
If this is as it appears, it was the same kind of "too cute" operation, not intended to just produce the event, but to once again rattle the public's mind to not believe in the system.

Perhaps instead of looking at Stephen Paddock, one should be considering how it was that Theresa May and the British press are sticking their noses into subverting US politics, because it was Theresa May heading British intelligence was spying on Donald Trump and sending that information to the Obama coup plotters, and it was Theresa May's MI6 which in Christoper Steele created the Pissgate file in coordinating all of these attacks on Donald Trump and the American governing process.

When JFK was taken out, it was a complex mission by those involved, making certain that everyone was dirty, except the people who did it so that no one was looking at the group who wanted JFK gone over his refusal to allow a certain state to have nuclear weapons.

Someone invested a great deal of effort to create a complicated scenario of intelligence and military precision, and then made certain the evidence was bogus enough to get the Americans fighting amongst themselves again.

Who was in Stephen Paddock's hotel rooms for over a week? In a world where a man who was an accountant and a gambler, within a year becomes a military arms dealer, picks up a Filipino hostess who is a world traveler, become a chemist, a bomb builder and a military tactical expert in creating kill zones, and a gunsmith capable of complex conversions, what else did Paddock accomplish, the Russian hacking or perhaps he invented Al Gore's internet?

It almost looks in today's events, that someone in the shadowlands decided to retaliate on Prime Minister May, in more than her obtuse intrusion on this national mourning with her diatribe about gun control.

........and this reality in an occupant below Stephen Paddock's room  could barely hear the gunshots, but could hear SWAT crunching on glass in walking around in Paddock's room.

It is probably time for a song.

Marianne Faithfull - Broken English 1979 - YouTube

Marianne Faithfull - Broken English 1979 Could have come ... It's not my security. It's just an old war, ... Say it in broken English, Say it in broken ...
