Thursday, October 5, 2017

K Mail

Did you forward it to the account that Mosaad monitors 
or the one my family monitors for the Chicoms?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A Politico revelation has sealed the fate of Jared and Ivanka Kushner in they are not only guilty of mishandling secure White House information, but also are guilty of misappropriation of government property.

What is being lost in this is just as James Comey was guilty of stealing government property in the documents he leaked and Robert Mueller has covered up in an immunity deal, Jared Kushner set up an exact account as Hillary Clinton did, and was sending government emails to this account. In legal terms, this is not any different than taking a government car and putting it in your garage.

White House officials have begun examining emails associated with a third and previously unreported email account on Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s private domain, according to three people familiar with the matter.
Hundreds of emails have been sent since January from White House addresses to accounts on the Kushner family domain, these people said. Many of those emails went not to Kushner’s or Ivanka Trump’s personal addresses but to an account they both had access to and shared with their personal household staff for family scheduling.
The emails — which include nonpublic travel documents, internal schedules and some official White House materials —were in many cases sent from Ivanka Trump, her assistant Bridges Lamar and others who work with the couple in the White House. The emails to the third account were largely sent from White House accounts but occasionally came from other private accounts, one of these people said.
The existence of additional accounts on the family domain beyond the two personal accounts used by Kushner and Ivanka Trump and reported earlier raises new questions about the extent of personal email use by the couple during their time as White House aides. Their use of private email accounts for White House business also raises concerns about the security of potentially sensitive government documents, which have been forwarded to private accounts.

This is expanded in scope in Ivanka the Trumpenfuror was sending White House scheduling,  as in their non public schedules as much as the Presidents. This is extremely dangerous as this type of information is intelligence which can be exploited by Chicoms to terrorists. A Chicom knowing a location was to be used, could send  in an agent to bug the entire place to listen in or a terrorist could use this kind of information for a kidnapping.

There is absolutely not any excuse in any of this, especially after the upheaval of Hillary Clinton which drove the entire  2016 election cycle. Yet, Jared Kushner set up an off site server for moving emails  into and out of the White House. This is not about Jared and Ivanka not yet being in the White House. This is about them deliberately setting up a server, which was specifically dealing with White House information, in their exploiting their contact with the President for Ivanka's pet projects.
This kind of information is something to be traded on in Wall Street or in Kushner family circles as has been exposed in the Chinese fiasco, where Jared Kushner steered the President toward China, and the Kushner kindred were busy in China selling US visas on the warming relations.

Jared Kushner has a notorious gap in his revelations, in his contacts as to be revealed in background checks, in his security clearance, which was updated 3 times. Now we have a NO OUTSIDE EMAILS, and the Kushner's kept an outside server. Then it was STOP DOING THIS, and the Kushner's kept mailing and now it is discovered that a 3rd account was filtering all the information in their contact with White House property.
Kushner has indictable offenses in this, and it appears that as Robert Mueller is not doing 6 AM panty raids, checking Ivanka for guns, that Jared Kushner gained immunity and is a cooperating witness against the President.

Jared and Ivanka Kushner have been a disaster in this White House from Tomahawk attacks, to destroying the Trump base, to Gary Cohn rapine to this latest criminal series of offenses. If one recalls the Lame Cherry advice in all the children receiving White House security clearances, but Ivanka using Elizabeth Dole as a conduit for White House interaction, where Mrs. Dole would be the staff post and Ivanka would be protected from all of this.

Seriously, no one can be this stupid. Hillary Clinton was this criminally arrogant, but the Kushner's both were acting like they were Mosaad agents of the Ashkenaz meant to subvert and criminalize the Trump Administration to stop it from it's nationalist mandate and keep it in the globalist sphere.
That is speculation, but whatever the reason, the damage has been accomplished, as if the Kushner's were operatives of the deep state coup.

What is the reality now is the Kushner's are being leveraged and blackmailed, from all parts.  From threats at Breitbart in the deviancy of the Kushners and the current email scandals, all point to a reality that Jared and Ivanka Kushner will be forced from the White House.Whether it is cover of a cataclysmic event, Jared handed a "win" in some diplomatic venue and declaring victory or some face saving position as Ambassador to Straponstan, the  Junta is moving to get rid of these putz's and as they no longer have any value beyond blackmailing the President in Mueller prosecutions, they  are simply in the way.
John  Kelly has put these  children in a playroom and no longer allows them to eat every other person's candy. The  Kushner  Brand is finished and now it is waiting for their exit.

It is regrettable that these two schemers will not be around.  The President needed family to talk things over with. The problem is these two have betrayed President Trump for their own leftist agenda. 20% of Ivanka and zero percent of Jared would have benefited the President.  What took place though was 80% Kushner with  Pence conglomerates and Juntagon pulling the strings from behind has created this disaster. America did not have time to waste and now the time has been squandered.

Everyone has lost in this. The Presidency must be protected at all situations, and this Presidency has not been protected in the least. In reality of this, Jared and Ivanka Kushner should be indicted on this, and the President should pardon Ivanka, allowing the prosecution of Jared Kushner, so that the prosecution of Hillary Clinton will go forward past obstructionist Jeff Sessions.

I doubt indictments will appear, just the leveraging the Kushners out, as any move for prosecution would  reveal whatever deal Jared Kushner worked out with Robert Mueller,  and then all of the "cooperation" Jared Kushner was engaged in, in assisting Robert Mueller against the President and his campaign would come out.

K Mail is just another disaster of Jared Kushner. It is the point in all of these scandals, what are the dozen other things which are not yet discovered  that Jared and Ivanka Kushner have engaged in as the mirror images of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Nuff Said

