Sunday, October 29, 2017

Was Jesus Campos an FBI mole in surveillance of the CIA's Stephen Paddock?

Ellen as a fellow MGM conspirator covering up the Las Vegas murders
how far did you have to Weinstein for your 30 pieces of silver.....


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We now know for certain there is an absolute cover up of the events in Las Vegas, confirmed by the audio of Jesus  Campos, released by MGM, as it appears someone at MGM is furious their property was used as a base for a federal sting operation,  as the only reason MGM would release something this damning.

“Hey, there are shots fired in 32-135,” Campos says, according to the audio released by MGM Resorts International.

As you probably missed it, I will repeat what Campos said, "Hey, there are shots fired IN 32 - 135"

Do I need to post that three times so you comprehend that? Put yourself in Campos place, according to what is the official response. Campos or YOU, are in a cubby, hiding in the hallway. YOU HAVE JUST BEEN SHOT, your leg burns, you have blood pouring down your leg, so when you lift your pant leg, you see blood (You can not lift your pant leg as it is too tight, but never mind that fact.), but Campos exact, CALM report is, SHOTS FIRED IN THE ROOM.

Now excuse the forensic examination here as we have been told Paddock SHOT THROUGH THE DOOR at Campos. We have been told these were the first shots fired, but first we were told that Campos was shot after Paddock started firing outside, but now the official Campos MGM recording is that shots are fired IN THE ROOM, meaning OUTSIDE, and not at Campos.

So that means that MGM is lying. It means Campos is lying. It means the FBI is lying. It means the police are lying. It means that Campos was NOT shot in the first volley, so the question is, "When was Campos shot in the arse?"
This Janitor Schruck reports shots fired too, but no one is hit as Campos is hiding. So from the first report to Schruck appearing, the shots were all fired outside, so how is it that Campos is shot in the arse from behind?

If the shots were in the hall, Campos would have reported them in the hall. If they were at him, he would have been screaming he was shot and needed help as an officer was down. If they were blowing holes through the door, then he would have reported gunfire through the door.

What the key focus in this is not what Paddock was doing or anyone else at this moment, for it is what Jesus Campos was up to, because we now know absolutes:

  • Campos was not fired at.
  • Paddock was not shooting out of the room.
  • Campos was not wounded.

Now we have the problem of when was Campos wounded?

This now returns to hypothetical in MGM has Campos on ice so no one can question him, as he is secured in a hotel room at MGM..

We know that Campos was shot before SWAT arrived.

We know that Campos fled the hospital against doctor's orders.

We know immediately that a false narrative was produced about Campos being a hero.

We know  that Campos cancelled all interviews.

We know that Campos fled the United States for Mexico, while being wounded and returned days later.

We know  that Campos was put in MGM's lesbian Ellen program to produce an absolutely false narrative.

Once again we return to the unknowns.

We do not know who shot Jesus Campos.

We do not know when Jesus Campos was shot.

We do not know what Jesus Campos was doing as all we have reports of he was checking "something" on the 31st floor, went up the stairs, found the door barred, did not report that, took the elevator up to the 32nd floor,  stated he heard drilling, stated he was shot, but reported that SHOTS WERE FIRED IN THE ROOM.

In examining this, we only have Campos' word and the recording disproves what he has stated. There is an interesting David John Oates reversal on Jesus Campos which was featured on the Rense program, and it did not make sense, as Campos says about the blocked door, "it came alive".

What if in speculation as the official story is absolutely bogus, we start questioning what Campos was doing on the 31st floor. What is that door ajar on the 32nd floor was cover for him to be on that floor?
What if being a Mexican, Campos  was involved with latin gangs and he was the MGM look out for a meeting that Paddock was about to have with latin gangs, with the guns Paddock had on hand with explosives from the Mideast, say Iran and Hezbollah, as they are operational in South America and in collusion with the Narco gangs south of the border.

What if something went wrong with the deal, as the Muslims and Mexicans figured out Paddock was reporting to the CIA on this in tracking weapons and money flowing out of the Mideast. What if Campos was on the 32nd floor when things went wrong and the Muslims executed Paddock.
Paddock's body was moved and laid out. The spent casings were placed for visual effect. There are bloody finger prints on the gun Paddock was supposed to have shot himself with, when they could not be there as the hand would have covered the grip, so no blood should be there.

What if Campos was ordered to help move the body. What if Campos was shot by the Muslim in the room as cover, after Campos helped move the guns into the room and prepare the scene with windows knocked out for the 10:05 firecracker salvo to signal the shooting.
What if it was then that Campos was shot or for that matter a shrapnel was shoved into his leg.

There is a reason he never reported he was shot or shots were in the hallway.

Now add to this some expensive hardware from military intelligence was in Paddock's room in a cell phone. The type the CIA would have access too. Remember in this that someone removed Stephen Paddock's hard drive. It was not Paddock as he did not have time. It had to be someone else and if it was not the CIA, then it had to be the Iranian shooter or it had to be Jesus Campos.

This is how a second person that Paddock kept speaking to could have gotten out of the room. Paddock was given cover and Paddock had things to do, as he could not stay in the hospital for danger or mission, and then jetted down to Mexico as it appears he was carrying something there.
Was it the money or the hard drive to the latin Mafia?

Now for the encore in this, in when people get caught lying to police, they end up in jail immediately. Yet someone put stories into the paper that Campos was a hero. That did not come from Las Vegas PD. The FBI was vouching for the Filipino woman when the only way this could have happened was, the FBI had been watching Paddock. Is that what is going on here, in the real story is Paddock was working for the CIA and Campos was the eyes gathering information on Paddock for the FBI?
Review the facts. Campos lied  to the FBI and got away with it. MGM is protecting Campos in an Ellen lesbian narrative which is false. As Campos is not in jail, that means he has protectors and as casinos do not suffer gang stooges, that points to Campos has federal protection as a mole for the FBI.

This is the narrative which begins to make sense. Campos is a mule, a look out for the latin mafia in Las Vegas, working undercover for the FBI. There was a sting being generated and a counter operation to neutralize attacks in America, where the Muslims and Mexicans outsmarted law enforcement again, and two major agencies got caught holding the bag as the public would be furious if an extension of Fast and Furious was operating again and Americans got killed as the deep state looked on.

Whatever is taking place in Las Vegas, by police state actions, they were not prepared for this, have been enacting a cover up on the fly, it fell apart, so they stopped talking and now are busy constructing another narrative on Stephen Paddock to steamroll the public and shut this down like the JFK assassination.

We  know for certain that what we were told about Jesus Campos was an absolute lie. There was a great deal going on at the 32nd floor and with this kind of false narratives appearing, it points to there was deep state involvement in a sting that went bad.

You tell a lie and Robert Mueller indicts you. Jesus Campos tells a lie and MGM puts him up in suite.

Something is wrong in Las Vegas and there should be an investigation into this, but what is Jeff Sessions have to investigate, but the people who covered up Hillary Clinton's crimes.

Nuff Said
