Sunday, October 29, 2017

The World Series Slant Eyes

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am going to address something here ok about the World Series. Houston is going to win, because it flooded out, just like New Orleans got to steal a Super Bowl when they had water problems.

That is what was behind the dramatic come back of Houston over the Dodgers in Game 2. It is all bullshit for ratings in staged drama.

It is that same drama of this Latino Yuli Gurriel offending the world in making a SLANT EYES gesture to the Dodger's pitcher, as the pitcher gave Gurriel a good pitch to hit, in thinking Gurriel was Japanese.

For this the Major League, did not ban the player for life or the series,as that is what is important in the  revenue. What is important is this intimidation moment and suspending him next year when it does not matter.

It is now insensitive to be a man, to the point of a Latin can not mock another player for being bias in giving Asians good pitches to hit. That is the story in this, just like blacks in the NFL let down and let white Quarterbacks get sacked. We do not want to address that though as why clutter this with real crimes.

So was it something which needed sensitivity training in David Carradine going slant eyes a Kung Fu?

Is it something which made Orientals run for the rice paper to hide behind when Jimmy Cahn in El Dorado, acted a script written by a liberal writer in Hollywood to portray a Chinaman?

How about the great Vito Scotti who portrayed thee most hilarious character on Gilligan's Island of the coke bottle glasses Japanese submarine commander? Is that something that stopped the Japanese from rising from the atomic ashes?

What this Latin was telling the world, that just like Hank Aarron to get him the hell out of the way and get white guy Babe Ruth's home run record, the pitchers were giving him home run balls to hit. Hell Aarron could not even run around the bases he was such a crippled old man. That was no record and it was pure racism, and that is what the Latin was telling everyone that some pitchers are racists and bigots and give better pitches to certain players.

I do not watch sports at all now, but I remember years ago watching that Texas legend whose name I forget who was pitching for the Rangers. The game was against the Minnesota Twins, and I remember the Twins batter looking at the Ump and just shaking his head, and the colour commentators actually showed where the strike zone was for this legend that night. The pitches called as strikes for Nolan Ryan that night were as tall as the batter, down to his feet in the dirt and twice as wide as the batter. That is what bias, bigotry and cheating looks like, just like Air Jordan in the NBA traveling with the basketball on every play.

But this foreigner is now being blamed for being insensitive for making slant eyes. Honestly when I saw the photo I thought it was some gang sign or something in a real hand gesture, not what is being raged about.

This Latin Catholic should have just offended White People, like Donald Trump and then he would be hero today as that is all acceptable.


Let us not notice Asians, as the rich Jewish press might notice and rich white liberals might take offense that it is noticed they are exploiting Asians for their own gain as that 2 billion market of Asia has to be appealed to.

Nuff Said

