Saturday, November 4, 2017

Another Rotting Liberal

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As more evidence is worthy of the canker that Hollywood is, in the Parisian failure known as Johnny Depp, he appeared at the premier of Murder on the Orient Express, and was either medicated, drunk, stoned or all of thee above.

What bothers me most in this is I am poor, like numbers of people and I can not afford a ticket to a movie. I know what it is like to take chances and fail. I know what existing on the edge is without safety nets. That is why when a failed millionaire like Johnny Depp can not behave himself for a few days, as he apparently was drunk to hell at a night club the night before, it really is beyond being a cancer to himself.

A movie is something not for the rich alone, but there are numbers of people who depend on a movie set from the caterers, the make up people, the grips, the sound recording, the lighting, to the chauffeurs. When Johnny Depp shows up piss ass drunk, it harms the studio, so the do not have the funds to make more movies so working people can earn a living.

Not to mention big stars who were in this movie. Co-stars Dame Judi Dench, Penelope Cruz and Kenneth Branagh, all put things on the line. Dench has vision problems, Cruz is at the end of her pretty career and Branagh has not reached the heights since Henry V.

I have seen this so many times before though in self absorbed cankers not caring about others in the industry. Victoria Principal is an example in leaving the set of Dallas to do her own thing, while other actors who never have worked again, saw a show start  to spiral down. The current disaster is Ben Affleck and his propping up Shycock Weinstein, after being a drunk, ruining the Batman franchise, he is now fracturing the release of another super hero movie, because he is a self absorbed liberal ass.

Is it now something to be accepted that "Well at least Johnny Depp has not raped some child like Kevin Spacey", so we all accept this liberal dictator ranting about the Christian Right Wing way of life, as it is Hollywood accepted for Depp to show up drunk on the red carpet and needing to be held up to walk.

Frankly, I want to see the studio behind Murder on the Orient Express, sue Johnny Depp for breach of contract, for his salary, and the cost of this movie, as a lesson to these other pompous poltroons that the world is not their glutton goblet or little boy ass to rape, that the industry will not put up with this as there are hundreds of people's lives at stake in this......and numbers of children who looked up to Depp after the Pirate movies and now they see this toxic form before them, letting them down in life again.

There are people with real problems in life. People with real hurts who do not have the luxury of pouting, getting stoned and acting like a 3 year old in public, because we have to clean up the messes we do not make or we lose our foothold in a place to live.

Johnny Depp is the image of Hollywood. He is why Hollywood is failing as they do not employ writers, they hate women, like faggots as stars and think a movie set is for f*cking instead of work.

When one sees the professionalism of Judy Dench, she must be furious as she keeps it together for the business, but of course Johnny Depp is so much more important as he is a liberal Americans who lives in Paris France, so like all these other liberals who knew Kevin Spacey was raping little boys, they are simply above it all.

