Saturday, November 4, 2017


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 All of us have awaited the salacious details of the Hugh Hefner sex life of George Walker Bush in the bush at the White House, but who would have dreamed it would have come a collaboration with his father and mother, HW and Babs Bush, in their examination of the prowess of Donald Trump.

One can understand after the humiliation of their son  and brother, Jeb Bush, being dry humped by Donald Trump in public for months, what it must do to real liberal males like W and HW, who have a way with the women, to have Jeb, married to that midget from Mexico who looks like the family's old house servant who used to nurse Jeb, and put an incorrect erection of thought on the Bush men, that simply must be spoken out against in setting the sexual record straight.

We have witnessed George W. putting the moves on that Quadroon shemale Michelle Obama in showing the world that W has tapped that Laura out and is moving on to harem status with real manly woman.

Mmm mmm mmmm got me sum

And then there is the rapist HW Bush, who has mystery about him in accusations of a pedophile past and now has a raping future emblazoned across the media in attacking young women in his reach.

George H.W. Bush responds after actress accuses him of sexual ...

Former president George H.W. Bush has responded after an actress ... Actress accuses Bush Sr. of sexual ... of their own experience with sexual harassment ...

Third woman accuses George H.W. Bush of groping her in photo ...

A third woman has accused former President George H.W. Bush of groping her during a photo-op in Houston three ... george h.w. bush sexual harassment sex crimes

In noting all of this Bush cock, ruling the vagina of women, who submit to such powerful cock, except Jeb. We now have confirmation of just how the Bush43  White House really ran and it was not by what Jesus would do, but what George Walker Bush's cock did.

We find out in W's one exclamation that he was so powerful that no man around him could get an erection in their marriages once they left the manly president of George W.

Granted Dick Cheney was about DOA as his heart was shot, and Don Rumsfeld was older than Noah Ark's wood, but it just goes to show that the only sex going on in the Bush White House and it was that Laura Bush wearing holes in the Lincoln bed .

'Cheney, Rumsfeld didn’t make one fucking decision’

-George W. Bush

The legacy of George W. Bush is he was making all the sexual decisions. Granted W is a bit more crude in his statements, but he is a powerful man and men like that take what they want from women. It was always surmised that Librarian costume of Laura Bush was just a cover as she got George's dewey decimal into her card catalogue and there were never any overdue books.

It was hoped in this first sexual repose of George W. Bush, that he might have revealed if Muchelle was his first dark sweets or if he and Condi Rice were intimate on foreign policy.

Now some might say that W talking about fucking, revealed on a forensic psychology his vulnerability as a man that he really was as disjointed as Richard Perle noted the Bush administration was and in retrospect Bush43 is in need of validation of being competent, considering that all of America rejected and repudiated the Bush Iraq love of War and Muslims as absolute failures in the 2016 election.
But that would rob George W. Hefner is sexual place in legacy of Georgeboy, the man in the White House who made all the sexual decisions and all erections went limp in frightful intimidation, due to the manliness of the Bush men, George W and George HW.


 I like em all bending at the waist

Nuff Said
