Saturday, November 4, 2017

Stephen Paddock's Delivery Van

To open this, are two photos of Mandalay Bay and the concert venue. the First by Australian media leads one to believe that Mandalay Bay is directly across from the concert venue. The second shows the reality that it is almost a 45 degree angle.

The Mockingbird press has been running a false narrative of this from the start in rigging photos, as the Australian publication has moved Mandalay Bay several hundred yards.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Authorities put brakes on Vegas shooting information flow...

All of us are being subjected to false narratives in the Las Vegas Massacre and the situation is not progressing well in the facts as authorities are now suppressing information flow, after a 4th time line change in the official record and hemorrhaging testimony of eyewitnesses there who are absolutely certain that there were two or more shooters firing upon that crowd.

In the above photos, it is absolutely proven that the media is attempting to change the line of fire of Stephen Paddock, because if one understand the reality of  the country music concert, Stephen Paddock should have been stationed at the Pyramid as the above photo indicates as the Luxor hotel and casino is the one directly across from the concert.

The examination of Stephen Paddock being in the wrong place is one which is as his van which was parked in the wrong place for a murderer making an attack on 20,000 people.

Ask yourself some forensic psychological questions.

If your intent is suicide in your room, would you pack your vehicle with explosives?

If your intent was to pack your vehicle with explosives, would one not at least have a method to detonate those explosives?

If your intent was to detonate those explosives by firing at them, would it not have been prudent to place them in locations as we are told that Paddock did extensive planning, instead of leaving them in the van?

In examination of the vehicle, it points to a reality that Stephen Paddock intended to survive, and not detonate those explosives on that Sunday night, but distribute them to others, as this vehicle appears to be a transportation device for delivering and transferring explosives.

Reports indicate that the materials found in Paddock’s car included 1,600 rounds of ammunition, fertilizer that could be used to make explosives and 50 pounds of the explosive substance Tannerite. He had 23 weapons in the hotel room and had reportedly bought 33 guns in the past year. This guy was the perfect operative to be used in undercover stings. He had everything they needed to carry out major terrorist acts.

I desire each of you to think about Stephen Paddock and Mandalay Bay in a different way, not remembering what you have been told, as most of it has been proven incorrect, but what if what really took place was something more along these lines:

Stephen Paddock was laundering money, running firearms, and setting up possible kill zones for the associates, perhaps South American Narco terrorists, in association with Muslims, perhaps Iranians and Hezbollah, for arming cells in America.
What if Paddock was intelligence community associated in being a mole.
What if Paddock was paid to research venues for terror attacks and had no idea Mandalay Bay was going active. What if Paddock thought he was on the 32nd floor, doing a dry run of operations and nothing was supposed to take place.
What if Paddock later that night, or the next day was to meet terrorists, and sell them a firearms cache, along with the explosive in the van, for a sting, which would nab these terror cells.

What if the food service cart, the doors being jammed, and the drilling, were all to protect Paddock in a pay off which was coming, so he was not surprised.

What if he was surprised by the events and the meeting went early, went hot, and Paddock was executed as the fall guy, as the IC would be left with a story to cover up like Oklahoma City or the Boston Blow Job.
Do not forget what no one reported and was only featured here in the NYC propane tank bombing, that Eric Holder knew that bomber was armed with an assault rifle, knew he was heading for a crowded airport and Holder did absolutely nothing to stop him.

Revisit the work of Dwight Eisenhower's out of control CIA in contemplating setting off bombs in Miami to blame Fidel Castro and communists. A situation which went absolutely viral under John and Bobby Kennedy, who were murdering people across the globe as a forerunner to Obama's Droning the world to death.

During Operation Mongoose in 1960, the CIA also considered staging terror events in Miami and blaming it on pro-Castro Cubans.
“We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated). We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of a Cuban agent and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government.”

Everyone jumps to conclusions. If someone has bomb making material, then of course they are bombers. What if they are vendors though? We can deduce that Paddock had no intention of blowing anything up that night, so why did he have the material? It was not a teddy bear to cuddle and comfort, so that leads to a conclusion he was selling the material to someone else at a later date.
That concludes that Paddock was not going to commit suicide in the room and he was not going to commit suicide in the van by blowing himself up, as Paddock was going somewhere.

Agent Identifies McVeigh as Man Who Rented Truck - latimes

DENVER — "That man. Over there. In the blue shirt." With those eight words, the owner of a Kansas truck-rental agency identified Timothy J. McVeigh on Friday as the ...

The problem in this is Paddock did not go somewhere and this is vital. Again place yourself there.

You are Paddock, you have cameras in the hall. You have been discovered. You know the security guard is not armed and yet you do not execute him. You do not after firing at him as the narrative points to chase Jesus Campos down and silence him.
Instead it is said Paddock leaves Campos, fires outside, and the  comes back and fires some more into the hall.

That makes absolutely no sense. It points to a reality that Paddock was already dead after perhaps attempting to alert authorities, and whoever was in that room with Paddock was the assassin.  There is a disturbing question in this of were the guns in another room and moved in. Were casings spread around the room to implicate Paddock.
As glass falling down onto public areas kills people and alerts people, how is it that no glass fell, and it apparently was in the room, as an occupant below stated that he heard Authorities walking around on that glass later that night, but he did not hear the shooting.

There is enough evidence that there were other shooters in other locations. This leads to perhaps the 32nd floor was not the firing location, but was a constructed "School Book Depository" as was set up for Lee Harvey Oswald.

What we seem to have are two overlaying events. Paddock was engage in commerce with the IC aware of his activity. As he seemed to have no support, that leads to a reality that a later meeting was to take place, and that Paddock was to leave to deliver explosives and guns.
Those behind the attack, executed Paddock on knowing he was connected to the authorities and there was not any way the police state could let it be known they botched another sting operation.

Someone is invested a great deal to make everyone look at the 32nd floor and nowhere else. Yet Mandalay Bay is become an enigma as the signatures there are on conflict and point to another set of events.

If one examines the evidence, it points to Stephen Paddock was there to sell guns, and someone else was here to fire off those guns and blame Stephen Paddock, as this would force those he was employed by to cover up what really was taking place there.

Terrorists do not change the location of hotels in Australian newspapers. That is the IC community implanting a narrative.

Then there is this reality:

Stephen Paddock, Las Vegas shooter, called hotel security ...

On night before Stephen Paddock carried out worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, he twice called security at Las Vegas hotel where he was staying

When a shooter is planning to carry out a mass shooting the next night, no one calls the security and makes an issue of things, drawing attention to themselves.

Furthermore, Stephen Paddock was gambling on the night before the shooting. Jeff Rense reported on his radio program that Paddock was on video gambling 15 minutes before the shooting at the casino. I can not confirm the last part, but in forensic psychology, as in the 9 11 terrorists, they did not go flying planes on their last night, but were living it up Islam with hookers. Psychotics do not succor what they are about to destroy.

Stephen Paddock was gambling the night before shooting: LVPD ...

Watch Stephen Paddock was gambling the night before shooting: LVPD Video Online, on

Lastly, there is the report of a dark skinned woman telling everyone at the concert they were all going to die. This same woman was later reported screaming from a vehicle taunting the victims. This is the psychology of a murderous psychotic. Stephen Paddock does not fit the profile.

Cops nab gran after woman screamed warning at crowd BEFORE attack

Las Vegas attack eyewitness says woman told her 'you're all going to die today' 45 minutes before mass shooting. ... gun maniac Stephen Paddock sprayed ... Bay Casino ...

Everything about Stephen Paddock points to he was a seller not a slaughterer. The reports of his going to a gun range, would do absolutely no good in the massacre, as gun ranges are not 32 stories above their targets. Going to a gun range would be though effective in demonstrating a product to those one was selling them too.

Conclusions are Stephen Paddock was delivering things. What should be the focus is in who was he delivering his products to.

Nuff Said
