Friday, November 3, 2017

Then the Calliope crashed to the Ground

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I received this question from Paul. I have been reading his comments and things he mentioned on stories, such as Paddock's residences do not exactly match up. There is so much overloading the system now, and the matrix by design that it is initiated to shut down the mind. People are processing information now that someone in 1900 AD in the year of our Lord, would have had a psychological meltdown if they had to deal with this much information each day.

 LC: What is your take on Dutch banker Ronald Bernard and his revelations? I believe him but do not understand how he remains alive..for that matter, how do you remain alive given the powers and capabilities of the powers that be?

This is honestly the first I had heard of Ron Bernard. He is still on the platform as it is like a person I was listening to a bit on Coast to Coast AM last night. The cartel does like having an audience.

It is like Craig Hutlet, he is allowed to inform the public as what good is ruling the bleaters if they are too dense to figure they are in the pen.

The only thing I would mention on Hutlet is that BRICS is controlled by the same financial structure which controls the West. Remember it was Bush fam who built China, who is really Russian oil and diamonds but Exxon and Jew diamonds, and Obama built Brazil, Buffett is in India with the British. Conflict on both sides is how this journey is.

When they considered taking me out, I prayed. As for warnings, I am dense. As for the police state showing up on the doorstep, sent to intimidate the mad prophetess in the brier patch, I am too poor to shut up. I can either starve or take the chance in the gauntlet. I take the chance. There are worse things than death.
If they decide to neutralize anyone, only God could save you, so there is not any sense being concerned about it, as they are professionals and one would be dead before they hit the ground.
There appear to be greater dealings going on than popular girls as they have most of you reading this scared shitless already, so those in control know nothing will happen as the police state is massive and would crush any actions. So as my Vulcan friends would say, "It is illogical to expend energy on a conclusion".

Two things.

Great focus on keeping things hidden in the matrix. Great masking taking place. Some is above my ability. I did an inquiry on Vegas, but forget to publish which is probably intelligent not to. I just feel like an old pump in my leathers are worn out for over use.

Other thing may be of interest. Anti Christ, a composite.

When I was a child, our landlord was Crazy Vivian. Her marriage was one where she would examine her husband's wallet each night as he slept. He knew this because he put his wallet a certain way as he told my dad.
I worked myself to almost death trying to help my dad purchase this bankrupt place. Vivian took the payments and donated them to Herbert W. Armstrong as he was adept in getting people to donate money to his religion. He got it all before Vivian died without any family.
I need a Crazy Vivian to donate to me or at least a dozen widows as off their clocks as I am so things come full circle.

All I am getting now is snow and that is less welcome than a bullet.

Let's sing instead as this is what TL has on playing now.

Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - Who Loves You (1975) - YouTube

Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - Who Loves You Label: Warner Bros. Records 1975 Bass: Don Ciccone Drums: Gerry Polci Engineer ...
